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GeoTour Map Issue

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So we just finished our first GeoTour, and I know there are others in our area, but when I look at the GOETOURS Map there are only 7 in all of Canada!  I am in Edmonton Alberta Canada.  Does anyone else have issues with this map/feature?

Screenshot (1).png

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Map looks okay to me. I see 7 Canadian GeoTours on the map and in the list of all GeoTours below.


Quote, "I know there are others in our area", area being Edmonton. How do you know that?


I speculate  that if there have been other GeoTours in the past, they've expired.  A geotour must be renewed annually.


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I was looking at GC6HGZH  RVA Beachcombers, but after I posted this question they cancelled the geotour and made a post in the comments log.  Suprising there are only 7 in Canada, but if the fees are high then I guess in a short run time you would get the active cacheers in your area in a short time anyway.


 Thanks for the replies, I honestly thought my map was messed up and there were more.




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