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Wednesday (6/12)


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Looks like Bodoni is the holder of The Spike this week, and it sounds like he's got a fun place picked out!


Looking forward to it...





N 45° 30.ish

W 122° 58.ish


Here's the plan. How about we meet at Hot Track, in Vancouver? Address, map, and directions are on the web site, but you don't want that, you want this N 45° 43.404 W 122° 40.11. These coords should put you in the parking lot, but I have not been on site to verify them. It seems the customary meeting time is 8pm, but if you haven't raced before, how about your get there 15-30 minutes early to fill out the forms and get racing instruction? I'll be there way early to assist in pointing people in the right direction.


Key points:


This is a family event. Minimum driving age is 14, under 18 must have a parent's signature. The facility has video games, a pool table, air hockey, TV, all that stuff.


There is a cost associated with this! Eight-minute rounds are $16, or $14 if you buy the $10 membership (which has other benefits). Wednesday is ladies night, so ladies race for half price. The regular rate is reduced to $13 between 4 and 6pm, if you want to warm up early. Most people will race two or maybe three rounds -- they're longer than they seem, so don't be deceived. It's great fun! More details are on the Hot Track site.


If you have a motorcycle helmet (no bicycle helmets) you should bring it. If you don't, you can wear their helmets but it'll cost you $1 for a helmet liner.


Key points for selected individuals:


fractal: They have pizza and wings. They claim that the pizza is "really good". She swears.


oregone: We can go to Billygan's Roadhouse afterwards.


soup: The race track is haunted.


LaurenCat: Billygan's Roadhouse has free peanuts. All you can eat. Throw the shells on the floor.


makaio: I'm still game for a weekend -- it'll just take a little more planning and consultation with the family activity coordinator.


Please reply with questions or mail me individually if you don't want everyone to know you're a novice icon_cool.gif


[This message was edited by Bodoni on June 06, 2002 at 02:49 PM.]


Here's the plan. How about we meet at Hot Track, in Vancouver? Address, map, and directions are on the web site, but you don't want that, you want this N 45° 43.404 W 122° 40.11. These coords should put you in the parking lot, but I have not been on site to verify them. It seems the customary meeting time is 8pm, but if you haven't raced before, how about your get there 15-30 minutes early to fill out the forms and get racing instruction? I'll be there way early to assist in pointing people in the right direction.


Key points:


This is a family event. Minimum driving age is 14, under 18 must have a parent's signature. The facility has video games, a pool table, air hockey, TV, all that stuff.


There is a cost associated with this! Eight-minute rounds are $16, or $14 if you buy the $10 membership (which has other benefits). Wednesday is ladies night, so ladies race for half price. The regular rate is reduced to $13 between 4 and 6pm, if you want to warm up early. Most people will race two or maybe three rounds -- they're longer than they seem, so don't be deceived. It's great fun! More details are on the Hot Track site.


If you have a motorcycle helmet (no bicycle helmets) you should bring it. If you don't, you can wear their helmets but it'll cost you $1 for a helmet liner.


Key points for selected individuals:


fractal: They have pizza and wings. They claim that the pizza is "really good". She swears.


oregone: We can go to Billygan's Roadhouse afterwards.


soup: The race track is haunted.


LaurenCat: Billygan's Roadhouse has free peanuts. All you can eat. Throw the shells on the floor.


makaio: I'm still game for a weekend -- it'll just take a little more planning and consultation with the family activity coordinator.


Please reply with questions or mail me individually if you don't want everyone to know you're a novice icon_cool.gif


[This message was edited by Bodoni on June 06, 2002 at 02:49 PM.]


I forgot one thing . . . I placed the spike in a cache in Bolivia and won't retrieve it until after the racing. You race against each other on this track, unlike the Malibu Grand Prix, so I don't want anyone using it as an offensive weapon!


Wednesdays are busy days for me - don't get home from church/work till after 10:30pm - so I couldn't come to this either . . . but have been to Hot Tracks before, and it is all that Bodoni describes. Very fun!


This is going to kick @$$!


And.. according to their website, they're opening a location in Hillsboro pretty soon!


And.. A note about the spike.. It is no longer restricted to a Wednesday night thing. I know we're leaving out a lot of folks by getting together in the middle of the week. So, whoever gets the spike next can plan something for any time and day.




I updated my original post to say that the regular rate is reduced to $13 between 4 and 6pm on Wednesday, not half price. Ladies are still half price on Wednesdays. Sorry. Good thing I take notes (and then don't read them).


quote From Fractal:

And.. A note about the spike.. It is no longer restricted to a Wednesday night thing. I know we're leaving out a lot of folks by getting together in the middle of the week. So, whoever gets the spike next can plan something for any time and day.


If the spike ever ends up in my hands, plan on a Saturday event located in the geocaching equivalent of Geneva Switzerland. I think oregone knows what I am talking about. icon_razz.gif


quote From Fractal:

And.. A note about the spike.. It is no longer restricted to a Wednesday night thing. I know we're leaving out a lot of folks by getting together in the middle of the week. So, whoever gets the spike next can plan something for any time and day.


If the spike ever ends up in my hands, plan on a Saturday event located in the geocaching equivalent of Geneva Switzerland. I think oregone knows what I am talking about. icon_razz.gif


Is there enough room for tungsten to drive around in circles outside? My sister can run after him for six blocks like she did yesterday.


all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Originally posted by oregone:

My sister can run after him for six blocks like she did yesterday.



Don't ya mean three blocks? Or mayby it was twelve? It seems your a little directionally challenged lately. icon_eek.gif


Thanks for the try my sister. If would have noticed you if I had not been so busy trying not to run over yuppies in beamers. Yes I realize I have my priorities backwards. icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by oregone:

My sister can run after him for six blocks like she did yesterday.



Don't ya mean three blocks? Or mayby it was twelve? It seems your a little directionally challenged lately. icon_eek.gif


Thanks for the try my sister. If would have noticed you if I had not been so busy trying not to run over yuppies in beamers. Yes I realize I have my priorities backwards. icon_wink.gif


This site has me buzzing!!! That Friday and Saturday I am spending at the Portland Raceway for the G.I. Joes 200. I am already stoked for that action... but now Bodoni has chosen the PERFECT meeting spot this wednesday! I cant FRIKKEN wait! Aint no ghosts gunna outrun me.!


Its as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you..


Originally posted by soup:

This site has me buzzing!!! That Friday and Saturday I am spending at the Portland Raceway for the G.I. Joes 200. I am already stoked for that action... but now Bodoni has chosen the PERFECT meeting spot this wednesday! I cant FRIKKEN wait! Aint no ghosts gunna outrun me.!


Its as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you..


This is a little off-topic, but i saw THIS on the readerboard at the Lincoln City Subway today:





all rights reserved, all wrongs reversed


Wear sneakers or something, not stiletto heels.

Wear jeans, even though it'll finally be hot.

Bring motorcycle helmet, if you have one.

You might want thin gloves, especially with rubber in the palms. I use bicycle gloves.


I have a feeling we'll be doing that again...several times icon_smile.gif

Thanks for getting us out there, Bodoni!


If I only could have caught up with MarkL32... His fastest lap was only .01 seconds faster than mine!! I'll get you yet!! icon_wink.gif


Great fun.. Looking forward to next week, wherever we may be...




[This message was edited by fractal on June 13, 2002 at 10:38 PM.]


I have a feeling we'll be doing that again...several times icon_smile.gif

Thanks for getting us out there, Bodoni!


If I only could have caught up with MarkL32... His fastest lap was only .01 seconds faster than mine!! I'll get you yet!! icon_wink.gif


Great fun.. Looking forward to next week, wherever we may be...




[This message was edited by fractal on June 13, 2002 at 10:38 PM.]


We'll have to do it on a rainy weekend too (can't do it on a sunny weekend).


For all of you who couldn't make it, the pit crews and other support teams for the races this weekend at PIR were given special discounts. The track was at capacity -- I've never seen it so packed! I hope to see some of you at the G.I.Joe's 200 . . .


Originally posted by Steak N Eggs:

What is the cost??????



For the G.I.Joe's 200, here's the ticket info. I imagine you're limited to general admission or icky seats by this time. I went last year in the rain and the general admission worked out just fine. Note the $10 difference between buying ahead of time vs. at the gate.


If you meant Hot Track, it's $16 per session (8 minutes), but there are a bunch of exceptions. $14 for members ($10 membership that comes with some other perks), half price ladies night on Wednesdays, specials on Mon and Tues, etc. Not cheap, but FUN!


Never did I have as much fun trying to avoid the feindish driving TJ. Stuck me into the wall he did. icon_razz.gif My revenge will be on a plate that is served cold.


"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright


Never did I have as much fun trying to avoid the feindish driving TJ. Stuck me into the wall he did. icon_razz.gif My revenge will be on a plate that is served cold.


"I put instant soup in a microwave and almost went back in time." -Stephen Wright

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