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Hovering Hand

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I like hands. I have two of my own and they come in very useful when pressing buttons on the GPS (well bits of screen) or gripping a pen or unscrewing a cache lid. They help me to grip my Leki poles which in turn help me to balance when out caching. They help me to tie my shoelaces. They help me to drive my car to get to some of the caches. They help me in changing the batteries on my GPS. They get stung, scratched, lacerated and in so doing remind me that my nervous system is still working.


I'm especially grateful to have my two because I know of people who don't have the full complement of ten digits.


I'm slightly (ok, make that a lot) less grateful to have a hovering hand over my caching map. When I first started caching, life was good. The hand would hover until I reached an icon, then it would fix on that icon and tell me what cache it related to. Click and the information would reveal itself and all being well, I'd load it onto my GPS (before I became a premium member and did PQs), repeat the exercise many times and off I'd go.


Every now and then, the hand wouldn't morph into information. It remained a hovering hand.


It is doing this right now, and it did it earlier this evening. In between times, it behaved itself. Currently, however, it is the mysterious misbehaving hovering right hand.


Right hands are also good for shaking to say "How do you do?"


My question is how to shake it to say "How do you don't?"



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I like hands. I have two of my own and they come in very useful when pressing buttons on the GPS (well bits of screen) or gripping a pen or unscrewing a cache lid. They help me to grip my Leki poles which in turn help me to balance when out caching. They help me to tie my shoelaces. They help me to drive my car to get to some of the caches. They help me in changing the batteries on my GPS. They get stung, scratched, lacerated and in so doing remind me that my nervous system is still working.


I'm especially grateful to have my two because I know of people who don't have the full complement of ten digits.


I'm slightly (ok, make that a lot) less grateful to have a hovering hand over my caching map. When I first started caching, life was good. The hand would hover until I reached an icon, then it would fix on that icon and tell me what cache it related to. Click and the information would reveal itself and all being well, I'd load it onto my GPS (before I became a premium member and did PQs), repeat the exercise many times and off I'd go.


Every now and then, the hand wouldn't morph into information. It remained a hovering hand.


It is doing this right now, and it did it earlier this evening. In between times, it behaved itself. Currently, however, it is the mysterious misbehaving hovering right hand.


Right hands are also good for shaking to say "How do you do?"


My question is how to shake it to say "How do you don't?"




It's just started happening on my map, too. Might be a bug in the website. My suggestion is, tell TPTB to use their hands and squash it.

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This happened to me recently, after trying different things I saw that my Geocaching Map Enhancement (GME) extension for Chrome was not at the latest revision level. I tried to update but for some reason it wouldn't work so then I first disabled and then deleted GME and downloaded the latest version. Now my hand behave itself properly. :D

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Had this problem on Friday. It is definitely not browser dependent and also another cacher - on the below-mentioned forum - pointed out it has nothing to do with Flash because the maps are purely Javascript based. By Sunday it was OK again.


There is a discussion on the Bug Reports -> Website forum.


The conclusion was that it might be due to load balancing - the GC.com website uses several web servers, and one of them might have gone awry.


That said I have always had trouble using my Android tablet and if I get an email notification of a new cache and I only have the tablet I find it easier to use coord.info/ + the GC code.

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