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Another fake cache find

Team Bayberry

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I got an email about a cache I'm watching. Seems this cacher called "clayaldn" logged it, saying "Nice cache".


The cache is a traveling cache called "Garden State HAPPY", and it happens to be in my possession (in my dining room, actually) waiting for me to hide it.


I notified the cache owner so his log can be deleted, but thought I'd also post this, so that others can go check their caches which he's logged.

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Looks like this person is from the same caching area as themag......Ummmmmm DrWho.


I hope when they do an IP check they can ban it.



As always, the above statements are just MHO.


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Originally posted by BrianSnat:

Is it possible that this person found it a while ago and is just getting round to logging it?



Brian you are the voice of reason. I shouldn't have jumped the gun and accused anyone.


I apologize.



As always, the above statements are just MHO.


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Please no jumping to conclusions, guys.


It really sucks the a guy like themagician can claim to be trying to help the community, when actually the whole Dr Who thing has got us on a witchhunt for more fake geocachers.

Yes, I do admit that clayaldn's logs look a bit strange on the surface, and I would love to know how they logged a traveling cache that is in someone's kitchen right now.

A look at their profile shows they have belonged to the site since January, 2002, and have their email address posted as well. The account predates magician's by almost a year, and has a comcast email address listed. We know magician/dr who uses aol to connect, and his us-stamps.com domain for email.


Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.

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Of course, on the other hand... all twelve finds have been posted since 4/15 and involve non-committal responses. "Nice Park." "Nice Cache" Nice Park and Cache." If it was Dr. Who, he took our "advice" about repeating info from other uses or saying he took things still left in the cache.


It just might be catch-up... but there's three themed caches involving turtles. If it were me playing catch-up, I think I'd write the themed caches down in blocks at one time.


But that's just me.


This Horse Writes

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Originally posted by BrianSnat:

Is it possible that this person found it a while ago and is just getting around to logging it?

Not likely. GSH was released @ an event. Mopar had it. It then went to MIL, then me, then Bayberry. Others who logged GSH were cachers @ two events. This cacher, as far as I know, was not @ these events.





Geocaching . . . hiking with a purpose

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