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Erased All User Data by mistake


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I just did a stupid thing. I didn't lock my Montana 650 screen and put the GPSr in my pocket and it "pocket dialed" its way to Reset All User Data!! I've lost all my created wps (a couple of years worth) which includes wps of solved geocache puzzles (which took hours and weeks of my time....). What file name is this data stored in and is there a way to recover it or edit it with notepad to get it to see all the user created wp's I have in the unit? In the \garmin\gpx folder I can see all my individual waypoints(date).gpx files going back a couple of years. A waypoint file is created any day that a user wp is created. I know that these individual wp files contain the info that I need because I can import them in to GSAK one at a time and can confirm that they hold the info I want to get back. I prefer not to have to import the 300+ files 1 by 1 into GSAK and then send them back to the GPS as a single .gpx file containing all the individual wps. Doing it by this method does not preserve the various icons that were assigned to the individual wps. I had become accustomed to always seeing my user created wps regardless of how many GSAK downloads (hundreds...) I did.

I have basecamp but have not been using it. ie all the user created wps are not currently saved there.


Thanks in advance.

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I had something similar happen when I did a master reset (on purpose though).


All that needs to be done to make your GPS "see" them again is to open them up with a text editor that can handle UTF-8 XML files, make a small change (press the space bar and then backspace) and then save them.


If you happen to have a windows version of the unix touch program, that would accomplish the same thing.

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