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Finished the first batch of themed series and multi-caches!


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First off, I'm not doing this to make a bunch of money. I'm actually just making barely above break even point. The real reward is knowing that objects I put a lot of time and effort into are being enjoyed by people all over the county, not just in my surrounding towns. Some of you may remember the ninja turtles I made a month or so ago. Well, I have been hard at work since then. These can be used as a fun themed series, or strategically laid out to make a really fun multi-cache. You may notice there are a few in the first pic that I didn't get close ups of. That is because they haven't been finished yet. Hope you enjoy! :D









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do you clear coat them so paint doesnt easily chip off?


Yes. I go all out. First I chemically strip away the anodized coating that comes on the containers. I then sand them a bit to allow the base coat to have something to brag on to. To finalize the containers, I put on three layers of base coat, detail them by hand, and then put on three layers of clear. The pictures posted were not clear coated yet when I took them.

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Wow, nice job. Fun containers.

I wouldn't have a problem if you were making money. I don't know what the big thing against making money is. I can see they must take a lot of time so it would not be a great money maker, but a labor of love.

They are nice. Good idea for some series. It's good to see creative containers.

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Wow, nice job. Fun containers.

I wouldn't have a problem if you were making money. I don't know what the big thing against making money is. I can see they must take a lot of time so it would not be a great money maker, but a labor of love.

They are nice. Good idea for some series. It's good to see creative containers.


Well I'm relatively new to this forum. I've been posting on forums for over 12 years now and know how angry veteran members can get when a new guy comes in trying to sell something. But that was my intention when joining this board. The Coolest Cache Containers thread is actually what inspired me to do this. After cost of materials, I end up making less than $5.00 an hour lol. But again, it's more for the hobby than myself. I'm so sick of finding the same old film container wrapped stuck in a tree. I want there to be that fun/wow factor. Give people a reason to find all your hides other than increasing their find count. I have a set of the turtles hidden around my town, people love them. When they find the first one they laugh and smile because they never see containers like that around here. Once they find that first one, they almost always seek out the rest of them immediately.

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Nice! I wish I had some kind of artistic talent. I will order some if I can think of a creative way to use them. I might come check out your turtles on my next trip to Foxwoods in September...

I don't mind if you make some money for your time and effort. It will be good for geocaching to have some of these containers running around in the wild!

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