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notification of new cache question

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Can someone please explain how someone can receive notification 12 hrs. ahead of my e-mail notification? Are cell phones given priority or are cells more efficient than the net e-mail ? And while a cache was placed 4 miles away, we received no notification at all? Not a complaint or rant, just an honest question needing an answer!

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Black holes! Sometimes they suck the message in completely, other times only warp time. Occasionaly they get loose from the internet and cause similar havoc in the real world.


Seriously, it just happens that way. Sometimes an ISP may be throttling GC due to the volume of messages. Sometimes spam filters grab real messages and won't let go.

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Can someone please explain how someone can receive notification 12 hrs. ahead of my e-mail notification? Are cell phones given priority or are cells more efficient than the net e-mail ? And while a cache was placed 4 miles away, we received no notification at all? Not a complaint or rant, just an honest question needing an answer!

thats happened to me too. open the email as soon as i got it and theres a ftf log 45 minutes BEFORE i even got the notify. i think they're playing favorites to cellphones!

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SMS messages don't have a guaranteed delivery time. Even phone-to-phone, I've had SMS messages delayed by minutes or even several hours. Sprint is especially bad with this - on several occasions, my wife would text me as I was leaving work asking me to pick up something for dinner, and I wouldn't receive it until I was home - without the item in hand.


Email isn't guaranteed either. While usually it's delivered within seconds, there are so many factors that can delay a message that you can't assume that just because an email went out at 8:03 AM, all recipients fot it by 8:05 AM.

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How could cell phones be given priority? Geocaching.com doesn't know anything beyond the address you entered for the notification to be sent to.


I'd say there is some issue closer to your end...

sure they can if *@verizonwireless.com, *@att.net, *@sprint.com are in a priority database those people are going to be ahead of others that aren't cellphones[think about it, people that aren't only paying their $30 but $9.95 as well so those people will get the upper hand on notifies]

given groundspeaks love of whitespace[catering to phones] it wouldn't surprise me.

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think about it, people that aren't only paying their $30 but $9.95 as well so those people will get the upper hand on notifies

That's a bad assumption. I get notifications to my phone, but I won't pay for the official app because my 62s is much better for geocaching than my phone could ever be.


I do, however, occasionally use one of the free apps.

Edited by Lil Devil
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