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Search for newbies idea.


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No idea if this is something that many want or not. But, I think it might be worth looking into.


What I am after is a new search parameter. One that would let someone search for newbies. Some sort of scale 'of say less than 10, less than 20, less than 30 finds', etc... in "a local area", or something like that, for "new geocachers".


Or if anyone else has a better idea.... What I am looking for is some way to find new people in the local area, so they my be personally invited to a local meeting.


I have so far been watching all of the "local" caches looking for new names that I don't know... to see if they are new and might need an invite to the local meeting.


I know the local meetings are posted. But, for a newbie, they may not know what they are looking at when they see the meeting post.


Any help from the management or anyone else would be greatly appreciated...




"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night.

Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."


That is a super idea, Zahrim. I wish there was someone doing that out here. I love to go caching late Sat. Sun nights as that's really the only time I can. But it's no fun to be out poking around with a flashlight by yourself. Something like that would allow people with like interests to hook up. One thing you could do is to plant a few, easy "newbie" micros with a welcome sheet and a way to contact you. You could also look at some local caches, find out who has just started logging them - and contact them that way. [icon_smile.gif]

Even if you can't have the search you want generated, I'd still make an effort to do it another way, or use one of the ways I've suggested. Heck, maybe I'll do something like that - include a "geocache accomplice wanted" note in my caches. icon_biggrin.gif


It really is terrible out here because nobody I know can (or wants) to go geoing in the weird time I have am able.


I tried just last Sunday night, but darn - I'm in a park with a flashlight, near a fence, near cars. Someone could come out with a bat and think you're up to no good. But if there's a couple of you they might choose to just ask "what are you doing" or just "watch" you. There's lots of wildlife on the trails here - and I don't think it's safe to be out "alone" on them... So anyway, I think you're idea is great. It's giving me some ideas - thanks!




If you hide it, they will come.

Grandmaster Cache



my friend at work introduced me to this, but he lives something like 30+ miles away from me. luckily after a little convinvcing my younger brother decided it was worth a go, and now we both love it. i tried a few caches alone and its pretty boring not having anyone to share the fun with. i wouldnt be surpirsed if a few new people would be a little intimidated to ask to tag along with more experienced people, so a sort of newbie engine would encourage that people meet up and share the fun.


Have you posted anything in the regional forums? I just read a "caching companion wanted" notice in the New England forum; I assume the other regions have them too.



Where am I going? I don't quite know.

What does it matter where people go?

Down to the wood where the blue-bells grow-

Anywhere, anywhere. I don't know.

-A.A. Milne


Originally posted by Zahrim:

What I am after is a new search parameter. One that would let someone search for newbies. Some sort of scale 'of say less than 10, less than 20, less than 30 finds', etc... in "a local area", or something like that, for "new geocachers".


What local area? The only required information when you set up an account is what COUNTRY you're in. A lot of people don't bother to enter home coordinates or a zip code.




i am new to geocaching and i think that would be a cool idea if the more experienced cachers found the newbies. maybe just by home coordinates or something like that but it would be cool to learn from someone whos been doin it


So this be a "locationless" cache, then.


X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.

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