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Watchlist notification bug


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When you submit an encrypted log entry to a cache, the email message sent to those who have the cache on their Watchlist is sent decrypted. I'm sure this must be a bug as it sort of defeats the purpose of encrypting the log entry in the first place.





I love frogs. They taste like chicken. Yum.


"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been passionate, rebellious, and immature." --Tom Robbins

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From the overwhelming response this has garnered, it doesn't appear that TPTB have noticed yet. Maybe we should be using Kenny-speak. icon_smile.gif





I love frogs. They taste like chicken. Yum.


"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been passionate, rebellious, and immature." --Tom Robbins

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Pfmmpppffmfpmmmpfmfmm fppmpp fmmmfpppffmfpmfmpm pmmfmffmmfmp pmpmppmpppfm mmpfmfppmpfmmffpppmfm fmpmfpmfffmm fmpppfpfmmffmmf fmfpfm fmfpppfmpmffpmf fmmppfppmmppfmpmfpmffpppmfm mfffmp mpmppfpppmpp. Fmmmppmppppmfmm mffppmpfmppfpfffmpmmmpppfmp mpppppppffmfmfmmfp fmpmfpmmmfmp mfffmp fmmmfpppffmfpmfmpm mmpmpp mpfmfffpfmppmpm.



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Mfffmp fmmmppmppppmfmm ppfmpmmpm fmpmfpmmmfmp FmpPfmFmpMmp mfpmmmfpmmpp pppppffmp mppfpmmppppp mmmmmfpmppppppffpppmfmppmpmmfmmppmpm fmpmfpmpp mmpfmfmfm. Fmpmfpmppffm'pffmpp fmffmmfmfmmmpmfpmfffm pfmpffmppfmpfmpffm pfpfmfmffmmfpmp fmpppf pffmppfmmpfmppfpppmpm fmpppf ppfmmpfpmmffppffmffmm mmpfmfmfm pffmpppfmppfpfffmpfmm. Mfffmp mmmpfmpfmmppmmmpfffmm fmpmfpmmmfmp fmpmfpmppmffpff mmffmffmmfmpppfppmmpppff fmmmpppfffpmmffmmfmpp ppmppfmpmmpppmf mfffmm mmpmmmfmmmppmpm ppfppp fmpmfpmmmfmp ppfmpf fmpmfpmpp pfmmfpppfpppmpp mmmpppmpm mmfmmmmmppmfmpp mmfppfppmpfmmmmpppmffmppfmm, fppmfpmffmmfmfp ppmmmmpmpmppfmm fmmmpppppfmmmpp mfmmfffpmmppppp fmpmfpmmmfmp fmpmfpmppffm mmmpffmpp mmmpmfpmf fpmmffpfffmpfmfmmmpmf ppmppfpppppfpfmppfpmfmffmppfmm. Mmf'mppfmmfmp pmfmmm fpmmffmpp.





I love frogs. They taste like chicken. Yum.


"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been passionate, rebellious, and immature." --Tom Robbins

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Fmpmfpmpp MmpMppFmmFmp fppmmmffm fmpppf pffmpppfmppfpfffmp mmm pfmpffppfmmppmfmppppm ppfpff mmm mmpfmfmfm mfffmm fmpppf mpp-ppmmmmmffpmf mmfppfpppfmpmmmmmffmp@mfmmppppfmmfmmmmmfmfpmffpppmfm.mmfppfppm.



The BEST way to report a problem or a bug is to e-mail contact@geocaching.com.


Social Secretary to the QOFE

tongue.gif The Frog is my friend big_smile.gif

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Originally posted by CO Admin:

Fmpmfpmpp MmpMppFmmFmp fppmmmffm fmpppf pffmpppfmppfpfffmp mmm pfmpffppfmmppmfmppppm ppfpff mmm mmpfmfmfm mfffmm fmpppf mpp-ppmmmmmffpmf mmfppfpppfmpmmmmmffmp@mfmmppppfmmfmmmmmfmfpmffpppmfm.mmfppfppm.


Fmmmppmpp - Pmpmppppppppffm fmmpfmmppmmmpmp fppppfpffpmpmppmpm!







I love frogs. They taste like chicken. Yum.


"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been passionate, rebellious, and immature." --Tom Robbins

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Actually, this isn't a bug - its working as designed. We're not opposed to changing this, but it'll require further discussion and consensus from the community.
I cannot understand why anyone would object to it being encrypted. Perhaps someone can enlighten me on why it should not be encrypted?



Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand. - Homer Simpson

ChiTown Cachers * Keenpeople.com Stats

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Stunod wrote:

Perhaps someone can enlighten me on why it should not be encrypted?

Mff mmfmmmppp'fmp fmpmfpmffppppmp ppfmpf mmm pffmppmmmfmmppfppp pppppffmp fmpppf mpppppmmfpffffmpfmfmp fmpmfpmpp mpp-ppmmmmmffpmf ppmmppfmmfmmmmmmfmmppfmm. Pfmmpppffmfpmmmpfmfmm fmmpfmppfmffpmfmpppfffmm ppfppp mmfmmmmmfmfpmpp pfmmmmmfmmppfmm fmmmfpppffmfpmfmpm pppppffmp mmpmpp mpppppmmfpffffmpfmfmpmppmpm mppmfffmpmfpmpppff.



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Let me see if I understand.


You put a cache on your watch list because--for one reason or another--you want email notification of the logs on this cache.


The emails are sent UN-encrypted.


It seems to me that TPTB have just saved you the trouble of decrypting the entry yourself.


How is this a problem/issue?




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

CYBret's Geocaching Page

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Originally posted by CYBret:

How is this a problem/issue?

You're kidding, right?


Let's say I posted a DNF for a cache and add it to my cache watch list, to see if someone else finds it after me. Someone does, and includes in their log an encrypted spoiler. When I get the notice, the spoiler is spelled out right in front of me.



Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand. - Homer Simpson

ChiTown Cachers * Keenpeople.com Stats


[This message was edited by Stunod on October 29, 2003 at 12:34 PM.]

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Originally posted by Stunod:


You're kidding, right?


Nope, just asking. I seldom use my watchlist for that purpose.


I guess it's not an issue to me. If I didn't want to know what people were posting I wouldn't add it to my watchlist. If I'm curious because it's a DNF, then I'm probably curious enough to decode the hint or anything else that might help me find it.



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Originally posted by Jomarac5:

CO Admin wrote:

The BEST way to report a problem or a bug is to e-mail contact@geocaching.com.


The description of this forum section:


_Discuss new features (or feature requests), _bugs_, etc. specific to the Geocaching.com site._




I did not say the ONLY way, I said the BEST way.


Social Secretary to the QOFE

tongue.gif The Frog is my friend big_smile.gif

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Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Encrypted logs will now be encrypted to people on the watchlist, and unencrypted for the cache owner.


I assumed most people watch caches after they find them, so spoilers are a non-issue. Good points were raised and I see no harm in encrypting them when they're sent out.


smile.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location™

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Thanks for changing that, Jeremy. icon_smile.gif





I love frogs. They taste like chicken. Yum.


"Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been passionate, rebellious, and immature." --Tom Robbins

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