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When to place cache - after approval?


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Am having fun getting my first cache prepared. Have read up on all of the pitfalls - I hope - and ready to make my submission.


My question is when to physically place the cache in its position - before or after acceptance?


Does the reviewer, after kindly words of advice, accept that all is well and the new cache is listed by him/her? In which case should the cache have been already physically placed so as not to disappoint 'First to Find' experts who are quick off the mark? Or is there a process whereby the reviewer says 'accepted' and then I can go place the cache and somehow activate its presence?


Thanks for advice.

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Your cache box needs to be in place, ready to be found, when you submit the cache for review.


If you've done everything right and there's nothing that needs changing/tweaking then the reviewer will push the 'Publish' button. Emails will immediately fly through the ether to alert those who like to get FTFs and other cachers will go into Action Stations Alert mode. Caches here in UK have sometimes been published within 5 minutes of being submitted and more than one cache owner has left it too late, strolled along to place his cache after finishing his tea, only to find a gaggle of frustrated cachers already hunting for it.


MrsB ;)

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If you want to make sure the location is okay before you invest the time/money in constructing custom camouflage that won't work elsewhere, then see "Step 3" in the knowledge books article Checking for Cache Saturation.
Why jump through steps 1 & 2 when the last portion of step 3 is the best way? :huh:

Especially if the hide is out on the woods.

You can do steps 1 & 2 without waiting for a reviewer to get back to you.


I would only bother with step 3 if I the container/camouflage design required a significant amount of time/money, and it would be difficult to hide the resulting container/camouflage anywhere else. (Of course, that describes most of my cache ideas, but that's beside the point.) If it's just a matter of going back to the site and moving/retrieving your cache, then you may not want to wait for the reviewer to get back to you.


And if merely going back to the site and moving/retrieving your cache is too big a burden, then I have to wonder whether routine maintenance will be too big a burden.

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It's right there in the Guidelines:




2. Geocache must be in place before you enable the listing. Your cache should be in place and ready to hunt at the time your cache page is enabled online. If the cache is not ready, either disable your cache page so that it won't be listed in the review queue or post a "Note to Reviewer" explaining special circumstances such as awaiting permission from a land manager.
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