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The Wheelchair Accessible Attribute


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Just a quick question about this attribute. When placing a cache, I usually use the rating system to double-check my estimates of cache difficulty/terrain. In the case of terrain, a cache comes out at a one if it's on a flat, paved/road area with no obstacles/climbing etc. When I first published these caches I marked them as wheelchair accessible regardless of their position. On reflection I decided that these were perhaps not accessible after all because their height may prevent retrieval from a sitting position and I've since removed the attribute from one cache for which this is certainly the case. When publishing a new cache with a terrain rating of one I receive the reasonable suggestion from the reviewer that this should perhaps be marked with the wheelchair attribute but again height is an issue.


I have rated the cache on handicaching but until others do I'm not sure how this helps me.


How do others use/expect to find the wheelchair accessible attribute?

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I only use the wheelchair accesible attribute if the entire cache can be done from a wheelchair.

So not just the route, but also grabbing and logging the actual cache.


If I don't use the attribute, the terrain rating will be a minimum of 1.5 because of that.

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I only use the wheelchair accesible attribute if the entire cache can be done from a wheelchair.

So not just the route, but also grabbing and logging the actual cache.


If I don't use the attribute, the terrain rating will be a minimum of 1.5 because of that.




The cache can be got to in a wheelchair, but the hide is too low/too high for said cacher to reach it.

The terrain can be T1


The getting there isn't the problem, it's the retrieving that's the problem.

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I only use the wheelchair accesible attribute if the entire cache can be done from a wheelchair.

So not just the route, but also grabbing and logging the actual cache.


If I don't use the attribute, the terrain rating will be a minimum of 1.5 because of that.

I feel almost the same way.


I would suggest that if you cannot reach for the cache from the wheelchair than the terrain really isn't a 1 as you need some physical effort to reach up.

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Just a quick question about this attribute. When placing a cache, I usually use the rating system to double-check my estimates of cache difficulty/terrain. In the case of terrain, a cache comes out at a one if it's on a flat, paved/road area with no obstacles/climbing etc. When I first published these caches I marked them as wheelchair accessible regardless of their position. On reflection I decided that these were perhaps not accessible after all because their height may prevent retrieval from a sitting position and I've since removed the attribute from one cache for which this is certainly the case. When publishing a new cache with a terrain rating of one I receive the reasonable suggestion from the reviewer that this should perhaps be marked with the wheelchair attribute but again height is an issue.


I have rated the cache on handicaching but until others do I'm not sure how this helps me.


How do others use/expect to find the wheelchair accessible attribute?


My big problem with using the Wheelchair accessible attribute and when to use it not to use it is really hard to do.


Today, their are all types of new wheel chairs that can go over just about any terrain you want. My mother has an electric wheel chair that can easily climb curbs, go off road, go to beach (Although we have to change out the wheels, that takes only 30 seconds/wheel to do though). The seat of her wheel chair also raises her up by an additional 18" as well. This allows her to reach alot of things that most people can't reach when sitting down.




Should the wheeelchair attribute only be used for caches that can be reached by a wheel chair built in the 1950's? Or a wheelchair that has come of age in the 21st century?



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I know around here many people in wheelchairs don't have the fancy ones and typically end up with the joe average, no frills wheel chair. If I were rating it I would be rating it at the most basic wheel chair level since there are many people who still use those instead of for the more fancy chairs.

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I would suggest that if you cannot reach for the cache from the wheelchair than the terrain really isn't a 1 as you need some physical effort to reach up.


As noted in my previous post. How would you decide that? Are you basing this decesion on wheel chairs that were designed in the 1950's? Or one a chair from the 21st century?


Keep in mind that custom wheelchairs are fairly common. You have wheelchairs designed for racing, playing soccor, playing basketball, going off road, for climbing stairs, even wheel chairs that have liftable seats. Like I said in my previous post. My mom's wheel chair seat can boost her up an additional 18". That much lift allows her to reach quite a few things in normal size kitchen cabinets. etc...


Most people I come across in wheelchairs anymore now have pretty fancy ones. Ones that have come into the 21st century and are NOT the typical Wheelchair that was designed in the 1950's.


I am sure that their are alot of caches that someone in a more 21st century chair could get that you could NOT get in a chair from the 1950's. However even those people in a more up to date chair can't get alot of other caches either.


So knowing if your cache can be reached with someone with a disability isn't that easy to determine. Even IF you DO base your decesion on wheel chairs from the 1950's their will still be some people in some wheel chairs that still won't be able to get your cache either. Consider a cache just laying on the ground. Caches like that are tuff for almost anyone in a wheel chair to get as well. They still might require a "Grabbing tool" of some sort.


Just giving food for thought here...




P.S. Personally on my cache hides have NOT used the wheelchair attribute on any of them. I know that some can be done in a wheelchair, some can not. I go along the lines of better safe than sorry. Therefore I don't use the attribute and don't mark any of my cache hides as a 1.

Edited by texasgrillchef
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