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ladies and gents,


Questions about geocoins. Considering how many folks are out there collecting coins, how do any of them continue to travel? I know this is a bummer view, but what keeps collectors from just scooping them up and they just dissappear into an unknown collection? I ask this because I like the idea of having a personal coin or two made to travel. Thanks in advance for your perspective.

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True collectors (as most think of collectors) aren't going to steal your 'coin. It is the unscrupulous creep that does. I think that most collectors have a better sense of honor than to steal to another persons' geocoin.


That was just qualifying a difference that I think you should be aware of, and you probably already are as you mentioned "just disappear into an unknown collection".


Keep in mind that when you send out a geocoin for travel, chances are pretty good that at some point it will disappear. There are methods to aid in preventing this. We have moved 'coins to their ultimate destination, placing them for owners to pick up in a specific cache (adding a note that it is to remain there upon owners' request), so they ALL don't disappear. Many have a long and happy life.


You could drill a hole through the 'coin, rendering it "uncollectable" -- a personal choice there -- most won't do that. Another choice is to create a geocoin proxy, that is a substitute for your "real" coin which includes a weather protected photo as a traveling companion. Check this thread in the geocoin forum string (which this thread will probably get moved to) http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=235195.


Some disagree with proxy 'coins, just so you know.

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you have to except some things with this sport there will in this game and all other games be jerks . so some people will move caches some people will distroy things some people will save coins ..


that being said most people are good and treat things the way they would like theres to be treated .


as far as coins i feel it is like a turtle life you have many babies to put out cause the chances of all of them are better if there are more out there than few ..


if you do go to have some made let me know how much it cost i find many are like you are minting a car emblem not a coin i would like to make wooden nickels or plastic trading coins not tracker coins kind of like a calling card i would drop off ..


just my 2 cents have a happy day

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just sent out my first TB and a coin. I do this with the full understanding that they might not get far. That is why it is so exciting to see some of these things get over 25,000 miles, being the circumference of the earth.


Somewhere deep down inside, I believe that even the long lost coins will somehow make it back into circulation. As long as people don't melt them down, what else can one really do with it? You can only show your collection off to so many people till someone, like me with WAP on their cellphone, checks the numbers and smells something fishy. I don't frequent pawn shops but I imagine there might be a coin or two in the glass cases (I think there have been threads about that possibility).

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hey, how about that! I just got notified of a new log on a coin I had watchlisted. It was a coin that I placed in a cache two years ago. I did not own it. I felt terrible that I was the last person to officially touch it. Made me think that I did a bad job of choosing what cache to leave it in.


Well, after two years, looks like it is back in circulation. This really makes my day [:laughing:] It might be a little pathetic that I care that much but I doubt I'm the only one excited by such things.

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