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Project APE cache route


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So I have begun planning a possible trip to the Project APE cache (in the Seattle area!) this weekend and for a long time before now, I have looked at the Annette Lake Trail route and see that the instructions are to get a US Forest Day Pass and travel along the Annette Lake Trail before it connects to the Iron Horse Trail and take the Iron Horse to the cache. I understand it's a long hike and has some elevation changes but as far as the trail switching goes, that's it?



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So I have begun planning a possible trip to the Project APE cache (in the Seattle area!) this weekend and for a long time before now, I have looked at the Annette Lake Trail route and see that the instructions are to get a US Forest Day Pass and travel along the Annette Lake Trail before it connects to the Iron Horse Trail and take the Iron Horse to the cache. I understand it's a long hike and has some elevation changes but as far as the trail switching goes, that's it?



It's about a 4 mile round trip hike, with about 500 feet of elevation gain, most of which is on the Annette Lake trail. You reach the Iron Horse trail after about 1/2 mile or so. It's really obvious as it is old railroad grade and looks more like a road than a trail.


If you are going that way, just about every gas station in North Bend sells the passes (5$ day pass/$20 annual). Otherwise, they are available online or you can find a vendor here.

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It is not a tough trail at all.

Note though, that there is only one route to the ape cache at this point.

The Snoqualmie tunnel is closed indefinately and is very dangerous to try to go through (concrete ceiling falling)

There is also a bridge out on the other side of the cache, so care must be taken. So when you take the annette Lake trail, then turn left (east) on the Iron Horse Trail, you will get to a bridge that is out. Just go right (upstream on the little creek, which is south) and you will see a way to get across. I didn't have much trouble myself. It looks bad when you get there but it isn't as bad as it looks. It turns out to be pretty easy. Just watch young children.

Once you get across the creek the cache is pretty easy to find. The tunnel being closed and the bridge being out are probably helping keep this cache from being muggled.

There are a few other caches farther east from the ape cache, along with some picnic tables if you are so inclined.

Be very careful of the two on the hillside, especially of the one in the wooden pipe. It is a bit of a climb, definately not for children. I myself did not make it even though I like a bit of a climb. I had to have my geopartner get it while I supervised.

If you are not a major hiker, I'd also advise against the cache off the Annette Lake trail on the way to the Ape Cache. I think it's called Annette Lake Breather. It's quite a bit of off trail hiking, and the trees play such havoc with the GPS it had us running all over. It was no breather, that's for sure. If you are a major off trail hiker then it will be fun. There's another one, a puzzle cache, on the other side of the freeway, a part of the same park that you parked in. That's a fun one.

Hope you enjoy your visit!! Let me know if you've got any more questions!

Sol Seaker

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So, hypothetically (ahem) is this hike doable if a person sprained their ankle a week ahead of time and wants to avoid reinjuring it? they could use hiking poles or crutches to help...

Hypothetically, yes, but you would have to be very (extremely?) motivated and/or possess a high pain threshold and not too severe of a sprain. The Annette Lake trail is pretty rough. It has a lot of big tree roots and some rocks to navigate over and around. The Iron Horse trail is gravel with a mix with larger stones/railroad ballast, but it's rocky for a short stretch where a minor washout was semi-repaired. The as yet un-repaired bridge washout means crossing a short, but lumpy traverse and then crossing some smallish boulders in the creek.

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So, hypothetically (ahem) is this hike doable if a person sprained their ankle a week ahead of time and wants to avoid reinjuring it? they could use hiking poles or crutches to help...

Having gone up the Annette Lake Trail route, I would say no. The early part of that trail is fairly heavy with roots and rocks that might make footing a bit difficult. Once you get to the Iron Horse Trail, you would have no problems.


There is a bit more direct route that is pretty much bushwhack (and includes a creek crossing) that Prying Pandora took a few years ago. I'm not sure if that is the route unclefunky is talking about, but it would not same time, nor make it easier. Now, a key on the other hand, would, but with chunks of ceiling possibly falling on you . . .

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B) That's what I was afraid of. I had my heart set on doing the trifecta next week. Now since I can't do the APE cache do I bother driving down to Portland for the original stash? decisions, decisions...

Well, you could bicycle up from North Bend on the Iron Horse. That will take all day though. I think it is something like 20 miles or so.



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you know, I'm heading over the pass tomorrow towards moses lake for a funeral and maybe I'll stop back by for this on the way back. How long do you think it takes total from the time I park my car, hike, find the cache in 30 seconds with my amazing geosense and hike back out? Would like to have this done before it's gone someday, knock on wood. Also, looks like I need to park near the Annette Lake Trailhead and go in from that direction, is that still the way to go with the tunnel being out of commission? Pretty excited to check this out!

Edited by NWCREW
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you know, I'm heading over the pass tomorrow towards moses lake for a funeral and maybe I'll stop back by for this on the way back. How long do you think it takes total from the time I park my car, hike, find the cache in 30 seconds with my amazing geosense and hike back out? Would like to have this done before it's gone someday, knock on wood.

Its not a five minute hike by any means. Figure on a couple of hours. It depends on how fast you hike on a very uneven trail on the way up to the Iron Horse. And 30 seconds would be a long time for this one.

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you know, I'm heading over the pass tomorrow towards moses lake for a funeral and maybe I'll stop back by for this on the way back. How long do you think it takes total from the time I park my car, hike, find the cache in 30 seconds with my amazing geosense and hike back out? Would like to have this done before it's gone someday, knock on wood. Also, looks like I need to park near the Annette Lake Trailhead and go in from that direction, is that still the way to go with the tunnel being out of commission? Pretty excited to check this out!

Didn't see the edit before I posted. Yeah, park at Asahel Curtis and hike up the Annette Lake Trail until you get to the Iron Horse Trail. That trail comes well after you cross the creek on a bridge. Don't mistake the service road (I think that's what it is) for the Iron Horse.


And parking requires a NW Forest Pass.

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I'm quick on my feet and unfortunately, don't have a lot of time to sight see and take it all in, but I can always come back for that. Where is the closest place to get a pass? I'll be coming from the eastern side. Thanks for all the help, I'll bring back some pics!

I know you can get one day passes at REI and I think you can get them at a store at Snoqualmie Pass. There is a convenience store/gas station on the east end that should have them available. I would advise not trying to get up and back quickly. Come back again when you can spend the day at the pass and enjoy it. The cache will still be there. And there are a couple of other good ones on that side of the tunnel.

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I'm quick on my feet and unfortunately, don't have a lot of time to sight see and take it all in, but I can always come back for that. Where is the closest place to get a pass? I'll be coming from the eastern side. Thanks for all the help, I'll bring back some pics!

I know you can get one day passes at REI and I think you can get them at a store at Snoqualmie Pass. There is a convenience store/gas station on the east end that should have them available. I would advise not trying to get up and back quickly. Come back again when you can spend the day at the pass and enjoy it. The cache will still be there. And there are a couple of other good ones on that side of the tunnel.


My plans changed and I wasn't able to make it over for the services today, so now me and my girlfriend may take the dogs up and enjoy a little more of what it has to offer and do a little reflection while we're up there.


Thanks again for all the help

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So I made it up today and grabbed a few others while we were there. Very nice hike via the annette lake trail and we plan to return for that cache next time. We had our pugs with us and if anyone knows pugs, some of them weren't born with the best long distance walking legs/bodies. One of ours is okay with it, the other just can't hang. Anyways, it was a blast and seeing granite mountain or granite peak or whatever across the valley is my next mark, that one looks fun! So yeah, thanks for everything. If you haven't done this, it's super easy and lots of fun! Check the pic out, kind of crappy, but best I can do with an iPhone without a tripod of some sort...


Also, what do ya'll think about a reunion/anniversary party for this cache on the 10 year mark? I think it might be a fun little event of some sort. Maybe turn it into some trail maint. / CITO type deal or just do a straight up group deal, try and set some sort of record for most people at a cache. Just a fun suggestion!



Edited by NWCREW
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I was just looking at the APE cache page and saw someone talked to a maint. guy on the trail and there is funding to repair the tunnel and work could start before winter sets in. I'm excited as I was bummed when I herd it closed as it's something I've wanted to do for a long time now and a fence wasn't going to stop me. Now I can be legit about it :shocked:

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