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The squirrel ate cache.

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The dog ate homework never worked for me in school but now I can honestly claim the squirrel ate my cache.


Ok he didn't eat it exactly.....


I have a cache in little park in a blink-and-miss town here. It's rather well hidden micro because the muggles got the one regular that I had there before it and destroyed the hide spot. Anyway some cachers don't put it back quite right and it slowly goes from a 3 1/2 or 4 star hide to a 1 star hide. To prevent this I go check on it after a few finds and make sure it's placed properly.

Anyway when I stopped by yesterday I couldn't find it. This cache is day yellow-orange. If you know where to look you can find it. At first I thought it was muggled. After I widen my search area, I found it in a ground squirrel hole some 30 feet away. I guess one of them drug it over there for some reason. It had a few teeth marks on it but luckily it's hard enough they can't bite in to it.


Just wondering what kind of animal encounters your caches have had.

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I've had the same problem....only my cache was an actual ACORN. I don't really know the type of tree that produces this nut but it's not your average small acorn. These are pretty big. They're about the size of a silver dollar. Anyhow, it kept getting muggled within a week but figured it was a squirrel. I had it jammed into a sizeable hole in the tree and you had to "feel" for the cache. You couldn't see it so that's why I figured a squirrel kept grabbing it. I moved it to another tree and it's been there ever since much to cacher's delight.

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Well, I did make the mistake of hiding a small cache in a hole in a tree. Seemed like a good place. But the squirrels kept kicking it out onto the ground. Oh, well.

The other problem is Cindy Bear (one of Andy Bear's cousins). She is adamant on solving the five stage mystery cache! So far, she has found three stages. Unfortunately, she is not good at opening containers. She tends to bite on them to get the information contained inside. Maybe, when she finds the final, she will stop biting on the waypoint containers! Reminds me that I need to do a check on that cache, though no human has searched for it in a year and a half. I'm replacing the containers with metal containers! I hope you have good dental insurance, Cindy!

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I had a cache made from a plastic cigar container that kept on having the lid go missing. I found the lid the second time I replaced it and it was chewed up pretty good.


A couple of years ago we had our nieces over for Easter and I hid a dozen or so plastic eggs with chocolate kisses inside in our fairly small backyard. I hid about a dozen of them and then about a half hour later sent the kids out to find them. They could only find 8 of them. I found the remains of two of them later with big holes chewed in them.

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