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South African (Off-Topic) Quiz


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I am leaning towards Geo936 on one of their answers...


Whoop! Whoop!.....but now which answer was the one? :):D


The Big German Sub?


OK Geo936 was close on the Union Castle liners so I will give it to them.


The SS United States was a powerful Cold War weapon disguised as a luxury liner. This great passenger ship transported many Americans to and from Europe and other destinations between 1952 and 1969. She carried four U.S. presidents and countless military, diplomatic, and business leaders, celebrities and artists, and foreign heads of state, not to mention thousands of ordinary citizens and immigrants. She still holds the world's speed record, set on her maiden voyage in 1952.


The ship is otherwise known as "The Big U"


Geo936 you were on the right track from the start... As a matter of interest I came to South Africa on the Pendennis Castle.... on of the ships in the Union Castle Line.


Whoop! whoop! Can't believe my lucky guess even got close.


Thanks for the interesting info. about that Liner. Wish we could still travel by sea, but things change. WOW Wazat...I didn't know you were an import :wub: - where were you born then? Both my parents came to South Africa on one of the Castles, not sure which, will ask them. In those days that was the way to travel to South Africa. I'm not sure how Rolf's parents got here though, I seem to think it was by plane.


Crumbs, now I must think of a question....


Both Singapore and Malaysia have English as 1st language if my memory serves me correctly. Hong Kong did, but I think that changed with independence, although it is still the main language spoken.


They are all a 1/2 red / 1/2 white horizontal stripe. Flag of Monaco is just a little shorter than the Indonesian flag


There is also a German province that has a similar flag (between Frankfurt and Kaiserslautern - Hesse


They are all a 1/2 red / 1/2 white horizontal stripe. Flag of Monaco is just a little shorter than the Indonesian flag


There is also a German province that has a similar flag (between Frankfurt and Kaiserslautern - Hesse


I think that CH is the closest, albeit not 100% correct.


Poland = red top white bottom

Indonesia = inverse of Polish flag

Monaco = identical to Indonesia except slightly shorter. [the naked eye would not see the difference unless they were next to each other.]

Hesse = agreed, but that is not a country and was not asked so no bonus point for that! :D


They are all a 1/2 red / 1/2 white horizontal stripe. Flag of Monaco is just a little shorter than the Indonesian flag


There is also a German province that has a similar flag (between Frankfurt and Kaiserslautern - Hesse


I think that CH is the closest, albeit not 100% correct.


Poland = red top white bottom

Indonesia = inverse of Polish flag

Monaco = identical to Indonesia except slightly shorter. [the naked eye would not see the difference unless they were next to each other.]

Hesse = agreed, but that is not a country and was not asked so no bonus point for that! :D

And I was in Dubai today - their flag is thed same 2 colours - but vertical stripes.


OK - When speaking on South Africa - which famous person was quoted as saying, "You know I take a great interest in the political situation, but at the same time I consider politics here are in an inextricable tangle."?


March 1960 - something around Sharpeville? How about he was the main organiser of the Sharpeville anti-pass law march?


Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe of the PAC was responsible for planning that.

You are on the right track though.


Wasn't he the main guy that was organising a coup of our old government? Part of the group with Mandela and the other dudes, but it wasn't Mandela that did the main organising...or something like that??


March 1960 - something around Sharpeville? How about he was the main organiser of the Sharpeville anti-pass law march?


Carbon Hunter is on the right track.

This had nothing to do with the ANC. Only the PAC were involved.

But it led to both organisations being banned two days later.


Yes - not Eastern Cape though. But will give it to you.


When the Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) regional chairman was arrested on the eve of the antipass campaign in March 1960, 23-year-old Kgosana inherited local leadership of the organisation. His fame skyrocketed when he emerged as the spokesman for 30,000 African demonstrators who marched into the center of Cape Town on March 30. Police were temporarily paralysed with indecision, and the event has been seen by some as a critical point in South African history.

In return for a promise that leaders would be given an interview with the minister of justice, Kgosana persuaded the crowd to disperse; instead of honouring their promise, police arrested him later the same day. Tried for incitement with other PAC leaders, he fled South Africa while on bail in late 1960 and later resumed his university studies in Ethiopia.


As a very young child I was at a Catholic School alongside the route the demonstrators took. Together with my aunt and cousins we walked home from school on the pavement next to the demonstrators as they made their way to Caledon Square.

The crowd walked in silence, no comments or anger was directed at us.

How things have changed - no toy toying, throwing of stones or burning tyres!


Very interesting.


OK - I have just listened to an interesting podcast that had the following question.


Which has been the song played most in the US on the radio - over 8 million times in the past few decades.?


Happy Birthday?


A good guess - probably sung the most - but certainly not played on mainstream radio.


A clue is that this song has been recorded as a hit by more than one artist.


Probably something from ABBA?

What about 'Dancing Queen'


Or if not so far back... I'd guess Queen. Most famous would be 'Bohemian Rhapsody'


Good guesses - but not.


Sorry about the non-SA theme - but I found this interesting. Assume everything from the "rock around the clock" onwards.


Probably something from ABBA?

What about 'Dancing Queen'


Or if not so far back... I'd guess Queen. Most famous would be 'Bohemian Rhapsody'

BTW: Bohemian Rhap - was Number 2 in the UK as all played - and Dancing Queen was number 6 (Yesterday did NOT make the UK list :) )


It wouldn't be a song by Madonna would it? I remember a while back how her hits topped the charts in the US for ages! But coming to think of it, her songs haven't been covered so many times, so this guess is probably wrong!


A couple of years ago there was a Carlos Santana comeback with him winning some Grammy awards if I recall correctly. I dont recall the name of the song but do remember that it got played a lot.


Good guess -but alas - no.


Neil Diamond actually did cover this (in a Duet with Dolly Parton) - as did Elvis (believe it or not!)


Glenn Campbell (he os Rhinestone Cowboy fame) - also covered it - and interestingly enough was the rythm guitarist on the original!

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