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COINTEST: Magnetic Poetry to fill the time...


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If anyone wants to take a couple of last tries at this one, I should have the coins in hand tomorrow, which will signal the end of entries.


Thank you all so much for playing along. I have really enjoyed reading all the ideas, and most of them are actually more poetic than the ideas I had.


You could leave a hint near the handle of the door on your sweeties car with these words??


Desire Love Today

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I have the Coins in hand!

The entry period has ENDED for this Cointest. I will take some time to compile a list of all the answers together, and then check the qualifications(no repeats, no words from off the list, Etc.) and then have the drawing for the 10 Coin prizes. Thank you all for playing along. It will likely be next week before I announce the winners... I'm just getting ready to head to a Camping Event, and will be away from Phone/Internet.

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OK, here are the words again...




And here is the list of answers given so far...


Remember to Love


Dream Tomorrow


Behold tomorrows dream


Remember to call tomorrow.


No need to wonder.


Yes to tomorrow


"call today to do tomorrow"


"Remember to desire tomorrow today"


tomorrow dream

do today


remember today tomorrow

dream desire do


No Need To Read


Remember Today

Yes to Tomorrow

Behold love


Call love remember

Behold today need

Read no wonder to desire

Yes do tomorrow dream


Behold Tomorrow Today


No need to dream

Do today


Read Today, No Need to Call Tomorrow


remember to love wonder dream behold do


Dream tomorrow

Remember to love today


behold today


Remember to call today!!!!


Need to read today


Behold Tomorrow



Love, Wonder, Read

Yes, do call; no need


Remember to behold & desire


Need Desire Love


Desire to Read Today


Desire Yes


Do Tomorrow


Love today, Tomorrow remember to behold, wonder, no need to dream.


To Tomorrow Remember Today


Need to Remember Desire


" No need to dream tomorrow, call today"


To Do Today


No need to wonder.

Remember call today.


Read Tomorrow


Remember to Dream


Remember to love Tomorrow


Remember to desire wonder.


Desire to read.


No need to dream






No today, Yes tomorrow


Wonder today, call tomorrow


Desire, dream, wonder today.

Behold tomorrow.


Remember to love today


Need to do today, love.


Today behold, tomorrow remember.


Remember today

Dream tomorrow

No need to call

Yes do read


wonder dream desire


Remember NO today.


Desire Love


Yes wonder dream love


No desire to do today.

tomorrow yes


Remember today:

To love, wonder, behold, dream.

Desire tomorrow.




No need to desire today behold love tomorrow


Remember tomorrow to love today


Remember today to love tomorrow....


To Remember


Need to dream today


"No need to remember!"


"Read today, desire tomorrow"


Today Do


tomorrow desire today


Read today, wonder tomorrow


Love, Desire, Need


No Need to Wonder

Love today


Behold! Love to read?

No need wonder tomorrow.

Yes, do call today!


Desire today


tomorrow remember to dream love desire wonder

no do today


Need to dream wonder desire


No call today.


No Wonder! Call Today!


Love Today


Wonder Today, Read Tomorrow


Desire today to do tomorrow


Love tomorrow today


Today yes

Tomorrow no


Dream today

Do tomorrow


"Love To Call"


"No Need To Desire"




Desire to do tomorrow today


do desire love today remember tomorrow


Need love to dream


Yes do today, dream tomorrow desire love



remember to dream today





Love, Desire, Dream!!!


Do today

no need to remember tomorrow


Remember call today to love, tomorrow behold wonder read, yes do dream, no need desire


remember tomorrow to love today


Remember to do today

tomorrow dream


Yes to do tomorrow dream today


Tomorrow desire dream

Today behold love

Yes remember to need


Yes Do




Behold today

Dream tomorrow




Dream Today

Remember Tomorrow


Love op


Yes, love. ou!


Dream, Desire Do


Wonder Behold Desire Love


OK, There's the list. All I need to do now is go over it with a fine tooth comb, and then do the drawing. This will take place after my weekend campout, so I hope you all have patience. Thanks for playing along!

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Thank you so much for this cointest. It was so much fun. I hope you don't mind but I laminated copies of the words and gave them to the kids to play around with. My kids love leaving notes on our front door - it's metal with lots of magnets. I'll be looking for tiles similar the the ones you have.


ENJOY THE WEEKEND and I'll try to be patient.

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Thank you all for being patient. I am done with my camping, and will be back to work tomorrow(the coins are in my truck) so I will be working on it. The thing I need to decide now is exactly how to announce the winners. Here are some of my ideas...


1. Don't announce them, but just send the prizes and wait for the winners to tell us that they won?


2. Announce them all at once, like in most Cointests and then send the prizes?


3. Announce them one at a time over a course of time?


Any thoughts from the players?

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I think that you could combine options 1 and 2. My idea is that you announce the ten coin winners now, and then surprise two of them by including the poetry mangets in the package.


This idea gets my vote, very fair and with an element of suprize for two of the winners.


Thanks once again for a fun cointest.


Regards Tarot

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As it is Write Shops Cointest I think he should do what would bring him the most amount of excitment!

I like options 1 & 2

Option # 1 would keep the thread alive a bit longer and maybe we will get some pictures but we could have both either way. Option one creates anticipation mingled with hope.


Option # 2 would create enticipation on the part of the recipients.


Option # 3 Anticipation, Hope & anxiety we could run the gammit here

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I kind of like #1. Its very nice to receive something when you really don't expect anything and the smiles that causes is great. But I also agree. I think since it is writeshoprobert's cointest that he should choose the one method that would give him the most fun!

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OK, Thanks for the input. I think I have figured out a good, fun way to combine all the ideas I had. The winners will be announced one at a time, as I am able to produce each announcement. The winners of the extra prizes will be sent as surprises. You will not know in advance if you have won the set of magnets. We should be looking forward to the first announcement of a winner in only a day or so.


Thank you all for being so patient with all these Cointests. If you have been listed as a winner in one of my other games, I have the coins now, and will be working on sending them out this week. International packages may take slightly longer to send(It's hard for me to get to a Post Office)

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OK, Thanks for the input. I think I have figured out a good, fun way to combine all the ideas I had. The winners will be announced one at a time, as I am able to produce each announcement. The winners of the extra prizes will be sent as surprises. You will not know in advance if you have won the set of magnets. We should be looking forward to the first announcement of a winner in only a day or so.


Thank you all for being so patient with all these Cointests. If you have been listed as a winner in one of my other games, I have the coins now, and will be working on sending them out this week. International packages may take slightly longer to send(It's hard for me to get to a Post Office)


The best of both worlds :rolleyes: !

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OK, so I have printed all the answers, cut them, rolled and sealed them so they look like this:



and then boxed them up like this:



To avoid the possibility of me subconcoiusly picking a long or short one, the selections will be made by a neutral third party(different person each time)


The first announcement should be made later tonight and come in a form that may be a "First" in Cointests!

Or...maybe I just have a big head?


HaHaHa...Whichever answers are not chosen in the end, can be added as swag in some of those film cans that have no trade items in them! I'm so a cheap. They look big in the picture, but most of these will fin in film cans.

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OK, so I have printed all the answers, cut them, rolled and sealed them so they look like this:



and then boxed them up like this:



To avoid the possibility of me subconcoiusly picking a long or short one, the selections will be made by a neutral third party(different person each time)


The first announcement should be made later tonight and come in a form that may be a "First" in Cointests!

Or...maybe I just have a big head?


HaHaHa...Whichever answers are not chosen in the end, can be added as swag in some of those film cans that have no trade items in them! I'm so a cheap. They look big in the picture, but most of these will fin in film cans.


WOW . . . it Does look like alot! Doesn't look like they are all the same size though :anicute::cute:

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