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Found an MIA TB


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Posted (edited)

This morning I found a TB that hadn't been logged since April 2006 - almost 2 years missing in action. Wasn't even listed as being in the cache.


I sent a note to the owner right away letting them know that it was back in action. I'll wait a day or 2 to log it in hopes that whomever placed it logs it and gives it its earned miles.


It's a good feeling knowing that someone's long lost TB is found again. :laughing:

Edited by square_peg

You don't have to wait. You can grab it, then drop it in the cache you found it in, then retrieve it back and move it on. I'm sure the owner is very pleased! I knew there was hope for missing bugs, I just knew it! :laughing:

Posted (edited)

I found a missing TB that hadn't been found since it was logged into a LIGO picnic event in 2004. :) I found it just last month. When I logged the pick-up, I promptly got an email from the owner thanking me for finding it and rescuing it! :) It was very exciting to say the least that I made some other cacher happy! :) I did log it into the cache I found it and then grabbed it back. Now I'll hopefully find another cache to place it where it won't disappear again into GC space! ;)

Edited by mmacgown
When I logged the pick-up, I promptly got an email from the owner thanking me for finding it and rescuing it! :anitongue: It was very exciting to say the least that I made some other cacher happy!


The owner of the bug I found hasn't responded yet. I hope they didn't quit in frustration. <_<


They last logged in on 2/7/08, so they aren't gone, just probably not near their computer recently to get the email. Some people get on their computers every day, or several times a day. Others may not visit it more then once a month. Or they aren't the chatty type, or they don't feel comfortable contacting people over the internet that they don't know.

But I will thank you, and give you a big pat on the back for getting this bug back in action! :anitongue: I love hearing these stories.


Honestly, this gives me some hope too. I am disappointed that one of my TB's was taken from a cache in the UK last August. I know who took it, but they don't respond to e-mails. So I'm pretty sure it's gone forever...unless it turns up, like in this thread. *crossing fingers*


Honestly, this gives me some hope too. I am disappointed that one of my TB's was taken from a cache in the UK last August. I know who took it, but they don't respond to e-mails. So I'm pretty sure it's gone forever...unless it turns up, like in this thread. *crossing fingers*


I have a geocoin that went MIA two years ago where I know who took it (paper log verification by cache owner, they never logged it). But I've given up trying to contact them, even though they still occasionally cache. I really would feel uncomfortable contacting them and saying "I know you took my geocoin 2 yrs. ago, where is it"? :o


Yeah, never lose hope though!! I don't feel like looking it up, but I once found a TB that was MIA for about 2 1/2 years, and it was quite obvious the guy who dropped it that day (whom I actually met on the trail) had it the whole 2 1/2 years. He never logged the cache he took it from online, and it was still logged in the old cache when I grabbed it electronically.

I really would feel uncomfortable contacting them and saying "I know you took my geocoin 2 yrs. ago, where is it"? :o


I wouldn't. I recently sent a note saying, (in short) "Hey, it's been a year, I understand if you lost it. Let me know." Finally I pulled it away. Just a couple days ago they responded saying they gave it to someone and would ask them where it is.


You can't expect a response if you don't ask.


Honestly, this gives me some hope too. I am disappointed that one of my TB's was taken from a cache in the UK last August. I know who took it, but they don't respond to e-mails. So I'm pretty sure it's gone forever...unless it turns up, like in this thread. *crossing fingers*


I have a geocoin that went MIA two years ago where I know who took it (paper log verification by cache owner, they never logged it). But I've given up trying to contact them, even though they still occasionally cache. I really would feel uncomfortable contacting them and saying "I know you took my geocoin 2 yrs. ago, where is it"? :o


Yeah, never lose hope though!! I don't feel like looking it up, but I once found a TB that was MIA for about 2 1/2 years, and it was quite obvious the guy who dropped it that day (whom I actually met on the trail) had it the whole 2 1/2 years. He never logged the cache he took it from online, and it was still logged in the old cache when I grabbed it electronically.


Heck with that. You paid for it, drop 'em a line and just be nice and ask what happened to it.


Honestly, this gives me some hope too. I am disappointed that one of my TB's was taken from a cache in the UK last August. I know who took it, but they don't respond to e-mails. So I'm pretty sure it's gone forever...unless it turns up, like in this thread. *crossing fingers*


I have a geocoin that went MIA two years ago where I know who took it (paper log verification by cache owner, they never logged it). But I've given up trying to contact them, even though they still occasionally cache. I really would feel uncomfortable contacting them and saying "I know you took my geocoin 2 yrs. ago, where is it"? :)


Yeah, never lose hope though!! I don't feel like looking it up, but I once found a TB that was MIA for about 2 1/2 years, and it was quite obvious the guy who dropped it that day (whom I actually met on the trail) had it the whole 2 1/2 years. He never logged the cache he took it from online, and it was still logged in the old cache when I grabbed it electronically.


Heck with that. You paid for it, drop 'em a line and just be nice and ask what happened to it.


Oh, thanks for the responses, I wasn't expecting any! The uncomfortable part is the guy never logged the cache, or obviously my Geocoin, and I was just told who had it from someone checking the paper log. Now if the guy logged it, and it was listed as "in the hands of ______" for two years, I'd have no problem shooting off an email. Does that make sense? Probably not. B)


Eh, you're right, I paid for it, I should drop 'em another line. B)

Posted (edited)

i found a TB in virginia and am moving it to a cache in raleigh nc. how do i log that? it is travel bug TB20XVD Space shuttle


<tracking number removed by moderator, reference number inserted>

Edited by Eartha

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