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Owner Multi-Cache Pocket Query?


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The Pocket Queries part of www.geocaching.com is probably one of my favorite features. As the owner of many caches and quite a few multi-caches, I was wondering if there was any way to download the cache information for caches you own and also obtain the hidden waypoints for the stages of a multicache??? Having to do maintenance runs on extreme multi-caches is always 'not fun' but it would be a lot easier if you could do a pocket query on caches you own and have all waypoints (including hidden waypoints) download with the file.


Any help on doing this????




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I don't think the OP is saying that he doesn't "know" where his multicache stages are hidden. Rather, if someone owns five multicaches and five puzzle caches, for a maintenance run it is convenient to download these automatically, WITH their hidden waypoints, when heading out the door.


I believe that the cache owner can obtain the hidden waypoints by downloading the individual GPX file from the cache page.

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.... no disrespect intended.


I was just wondering what kind of terrain these might be hidden in that the owner would require a GPS to re-locate it. Just curious about what conditions make it likely not to find your own hides.


I have 2 caches that are in dense underbrush that looks a lot like the surrounding area and have at least once needed my GPS to get back to one of them for for a maintenance run.

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As has already been said, a .gpx download from the cache page will get the hidden points for the owner.


kind of terrain these might be hidden in that the owner would require a GPS to re-locate it. Just curious about what conditions make it likely not to find your own hides


I have some caches out where I'd way rather have the points loaded in the GPSr than not. Last week doing cache maintenance I discovered that I had all the points for a multi on the SD card, except the final. I knew that the final was roughly .xx miles north of the parking, so I threw a point out there and was able to find it. The whole cache is a bushwhackers hide in the heavy river basin swamp growth at a confluence of two rivers. I could have found stages 1 and 3 with no coords. 2 and 4? probably not, or at least it would have been way more work than it would be worth.

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