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Geocache page coding


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Nope, can't do it.


The site uses a filter that strips out a lot of different html in case someone tries to do something unfriendly.


The filter is called TidyHTML

Is there anyway to get a list of what is acceptable and not filtered out? I did a search, and all i come up with is the sourceforge page, and I'm not really wanting to look at the C code to figure that out...markwell anyone?

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Nope, can't do it.


The site uses a filter that strips out a lot of different html in case someone tries to do something unfriendly.


The filter is called TidyHTML

Is there anyway to get a list of what is acceptable and not filtered out? I did a search, and all i come up with is the sourceforge page, and I'm not really wanting to look at the C code to figure that out...markwell anyone?

No iframes, no embedded source, no java, no javascript, no flash or other scripted animated apps.

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