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Found bug in difference cache than last documented drop...


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I have been known to drop a travel bug less than an hour from finding it! When I find a travel bug while out on a cache run, I will write down the number right away on a notepad along with the cache name/waypoint code that I got it from. Then I will have it in my records to retrieve later on. Then, if I run across another cache big enough for a travel bug then I will leave the one that I just picked up 2 or 3 caches earlier. Before leaving the cache that I dropped the bug in, I write it down on that notepad that I dropped it so that I make it a point to log it.


That practice that I just described can be risky. I only do it if I know FOR A FACT that I will be able to log my caches THAT DAY. I run the risk of someone else coming along and picking up the travel bug that I just dropped and getting confused as to where they found the bug verses where the internet says the bug is located.


If I found 30 caches in the day, I will log the caches that had travel bug transactions FIRST so that I will have them out of the way and everything can be up to date.


So your answer in a nutshell is a couple days on average for me. I have pulled off the have-the-bug-for-an-hour trick, but that is rare. Typically you do not want to hold onto a bug for more than two weeks because they all have goals that need to be met, and for someone to hold onto a bug for weeks on end is interfering with travels.

Edited by Super_Nate
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Found bug in difference cache than last documented drop...


If I have to wait for someone to do their logging I'll try to give them five days.


If I've done something like Super_Nate and have taken the bug and dropped it before I knew the bug hadn't been logged, I'll immediately grab it and log it properly. The bug is at risk of being lost since it is now two caches off record and could be taken again soon. (However, be prepared for people thinking you are a selfish jerk for keeping the bug on track)

Edited by BlueDeuce
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One of my bugs just had this happen to it. It was logged out of a cache, then never dropped. It was found in a cache, and the finder just did a grab, then dropped it correctly.


Either someone messed up on a log, or more likely, is really behind on their logging, as they haven't yet logged a find on the cache where the bug was found.

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I'd give a day maybe but tend to have weekends where I cache all day saturday come home log everything and then cache all day sunday 200 miles away (or 100 miles in the other direction, with home in the center) and want to drop off bugs I picked up, while I'm far away... I have waited until Sunday morning to "grab" it from the other cacher and "dip" it into the cache where I found it (I've been wrong too, on days where I found like 10..!! but the miles are *close*) so that I can drop it off and it doesn't get even further behind in its logs... It might be rude to grab it from whomever "has" it (who I understand could still be out and not back until monday); but if im dropping it off, i'd rather log it and know that it's up to date...


If I need to remember to look for it where I found it 3 days later and "drop" it... wherever i left it...... i might not remember...

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This has happened to me a couple of times. Each time, the TB was not in someone's possession, but in a geocache that was near by. I simply "grabbed it from another location" and dipped it in the cache that I got it from to get the mileage correct.

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Today has been one of those days! Someone recently left a log stating that they had taken 2 TBs (including the #s) and left a coin (including the #) from my Bug Depot, but neither retreived them nor dropped it. So the Bug Depot page showed the TBs there, but no coin. The same person logged that he/she had left a yellow Jeep in another of my caches. I sent an E-mail to try to find out if the Jeep was a TB and to ask him/her to a) let me know about the Jeep and b) to request he/she retreive the TBs and drop the coin. Even suggested that if he/she didn't know how to accomplish this, I would be happy to answer questions if he/she couldn't decipher instructions on GC. No answer. Today I went to the one cache and sure enough, it was a yellow Jeep TB. So I took it out and dropped it in the Bug Depot. Then I went home and grabbed the Jeep and dropped it off, grabbed the coin from the cache it was originally taken out of and dropped it off, and marked the TBs missing. Then I had to delete his/her log because the #s had been included. A lot of extra work.


Hours later, I received an e-mail from GC that one of my own TBs had been Discovered. I went to the TB's webpage to check on it and lo and behold, the TB was in the possession of someone who had pulled it out of one cache and, instead of dropping it into the next cache, had just left a note that he had put it in a cache. The next person "discovered it," but had actually taken it out of that cache. Another long e-mail ensued as I explained to the second cacher (his first TB find) how to do/correct the cyberspace paper trail to get the TB into his possession and then drop it when he was ready. More extra work.


I was polite and I offered my assistance and I'm not really griping too much. I just wanted to say here to new cachers, please read the directions on GC for retreiving, discovering, grabbing, and dropping TBs and coins so that they don't get lost out there.


Thanks for letting me rant for a few.

Edited by mommio
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