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Puzzle caches


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When posting a puzzle cache, do you have to give the reviewer the solution to the cache? Either the answer to the puzzle, or the method of solving?


Just curious...



Posted (edited)

When posting a puzzle cache, do you have to give the reviewer the solution to the cache? Either the answer to the puzzle, or the method of solving?


Just curious...



The simple answer is YES. You have to tell them where the final cache is located and they will determine if it is not within 0.1 miles of another cache and the other placement requirements are met. Also remember with a multi you have to disclose all the points of the multi.


Edited by txoilgas

Please use the "additional waypoints" tool to report the location of your puzzle cache. If you're unfamiliar with that feature, complete instructions can be found in the FAQ thread over in the "Getting Started" forum.


Whether or not the method for solution needs to be disclosed will vary on a case by case basis. If the method isn't obvious (Sudoku, for example), or if the idea is novel, then the reviewer may ask a question.


Please use the "additional waypoints" tool to report the location of your puzzle cache. If you're unfamiliar with that feature, complete instructions can be found in the FAQ thread over in the "Getting Started" forum.


Whether or not the method for solution needs to be disclosed will vary on a case by case basis. If the method isn't obvious (Sudoku, for example), or if the idea is novel, then the reviewer may ask a question.


Thanks...another stupid question - When posting coordinates, when "the cache is not at the posted coordinates!!!" where do the posted coords comes from? What I'm interested in doing is kinda like the barcode puzzle cache, but not really where the coords would have to be determined on the cache page itself. So lets say I have a cache hidden at (completely made up coords) N 47 deg 06.172' W087 deg 65.723' - e.g. that is the actual location, what cords do i post on the main page? Parking maybe? or just something i make up?




Parking works great, also some choose to put the coordinates in a unreachable place like the middle of a lake or river. You can use Google Earth or something similar to get those fake coordinates. I think usually the reviewers like the false coordinates to be no more than 2 miles or so max from the actual cache, but it could vary. IE you post parking coords for a cache on a 5 mile walking trail.


Parking coordinates are probably the best bet. Eventually, someone is going to follow their GPS to the posted coordinates. Bringing them to a parking lot is probably the safest and least evasive to the environment. I've had cacher go to the posted coordinates and end up trespassing or spend hours ripping the place up looking for a cache that's not there.

For safety reasons I think parking is better than the middle of a busy intersection, as cachers will still try to go to those coordinates.

Now, on the other hand, posted coordinates that bring you to parking can give away significantly the solution to a puzzle. I have also been know to place a second cache and post the coordinates for that. The second cache does not contain a logbook or swag, but hints and tips for solving the puzzle cache.

When posting a puzzle cache, do you have to give the reviewer the solution to the cache? Either the answer to the puzzle, or the method of solving?


If you want to have you cache reviewed and published, you pretty much have to do whatever your reviewer says.


I have two puzzle caches. In post cases I explained the puzzle in a reviewer note, and listed coordinates in the 'hidden' waypoint.


My first puzzle has a good parking place as the coordinates.


My second is a 'rounded off' coordinate list. (ie, instead of the 45.678 by 87.654 I listed it as 45.600 and 87.500).


The one thing I would advise AGAINST doing is picked coordinates that are WAY off... People often search for cahces close to their location to find. If you post coords that are 10 miles or more away from the real cache people are gonna be a bit disgruntled to have to travel a lot farther than they intended.


Parking works great, also some choose to put the coordinates in a unreachable place like the middle of a lake or river. You can use Google Earth or something similar to get those fake coordinates. I think usually the reviewers like the false coordinates to be no more than 2 miles or so max from the actual cache, but it could vary. IE you post parking coords for a cache on a 5 mile walking trail.


I tend to used rounded coords or cords that leave you in the middle of a parking lot 1-2 miles away. I often see parking coords for puzzles listed as offsets. I.E. "When you figure out the coords for this puzzle substract .034 from N and add .015 to W to get parking.



Loch Cache


I have used the middle of a lake and the middle of a sewage lagoon for my fake coordinates. I have used other inaccessable areas to give geocachers a clue that the cache is a puzzle if they are hunting blind. Foolish me I didn't realize that they would charge in where angels fear to tread. That's why I now use the sewage lagoon. I don't care if they rush in, but they do. :unsure:

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