+disenchanted Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 (edited) Yesterday I got off work a little early, grabbed my youngest from her mom's, and we went after a new cache with 3 star terrain... It recommended 4x4 so we took the truck my kids call "Truckzilla" and found this cache. Got our first GJTB and we were quite pleased. On the way home, saw an unfound 1/1 roadside micro listed and decided to snag it right quick. ALyssa and I looked for it, got it, and took it back to the truck to log it. When no one was coming, I ran back to the fencerow to replace it. Just as I got it put back, ALyssa yells, "Someone's coming" so I turned and ran back to the truck... EXCEPT... When I came to the bottom of the little rise I was on, something went wrong in my left calf (I caught my boot or something-IDK-happened too fast), and after another step or 2, I fell to the ground.... HMmmmm am I ok? Don't feel any pain, what's going on.??? I get up and I cannot put my left foot down flat. I can only walk on the toes on that foot. If I put that foot down flat, I get this horrible violent spasm in the rear calf muscle about halfway up my L calf. Forget putting any weight on it.... I don't have insurance, and can't go to the DR right now.... any ideas what I did? Hurts less today, but STILL can't put the foot down flat. Ain't that the way it goes? I go on 3 and 4 star terrain hides regurlarly, but hurt myself on a dadgum 1/1 micro. Edited October 13, 2006 by disenchanted Quote
+StarBrand Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Best non-doctor type advice I know is to ice it if it is swollen and go see a doctor if it doesn't get to looking/feeling better within 48 hours. Or go sooner if it hurts worse or doesn't look right. Heck - just go see a doctor...... Quote
+oldsoldier Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Yup; RICE Rest Ice Compress Elevate Then, see a doctor. sounds like you pulled something... Quote
gerboa Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Just recovered from EXACTLY same injury, went flying headlong after tripping on a vine. It's a pulled muscle. Only cure is time. I'm 70 and it cleared up in 6 weeks but not linear. Seemed to be no better until the last week. I went to the doctor, he said I had Deep Vein Thrombosis, I said that would be a remarkable coincidence, as it evinced with the moment of the fall. He said, "You foreigners eat junk food and don't exercise" That I am a vegetarian who bikes over 2000 km a month, did not register, I was told I would be admiitted for "blood thinning" I hobbled out of there as fast as I could. Quote
+El Diablo Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 I feel your pain. I'm the most accident prone person in the world! I'm not a doctor but sounds like you strained your Achilles tendon. El Diablo Quote
+disenchanted Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 I feel your pain. I'm the most accident prone person in the world! I'm not a doctor but sounds like you strained your Achilles tendon. El Diablo The knot in the muscle that keeps spasming is about 3-4 inches above the ankle joint. It is jjust right of center on the back of my calf on my left leg. I allowed myself to sleep today until about 1:30pm (VERY rare for me), and I just tried it out. It is getting a little better. I can almost walk on it. I'm hoping tomorrow is a lot better. Quote
+disenchanted Posted October 13, 2006 Author Posted October 13, 2006 Just recovered from EXACTLY same injury, went flying headlong after tripping on a vine. It's a pulled muscle. Only cure is time. I'm 70 and it cleared up in 6 weeks but not linear. Seemed to be no better until the last week. I went to the doctor, he said I had Deep Vein Thrombosis, I said that would be a remarkable coincidence, as it evinced with the moment of the fall. He said, "You foreigners eat junk food and don't exercise" That I am a vegetarian who bikes over 2000 km a month, did not register, I was told I would be admiitted for "blood thinning" I hobbled out of there as fast as I could. I don't blame you... BLOOD THINNING???? OMG! Quote
+mgbmusic Posted October 13, 2006 Posted October 13, 2006 Yesterday I got off work a little early, grabbed my youngest from her mom's, and we went after a new cache with 3 star terrain... It recommended 4x4 so we took the truck my kids call "Truckzilla" and found this cache. Got our first GJTB and we were quite pleased. On the way home, saw an unfound 1/1 roadside micro listed and decided to snag it right quick. ALyssa and I looked for it, got it, and took it back to the truck to log it. When no one was coming, I ran back to the fencerow to replace it. Just as I got it put back, ALyssa yells, "Someone's coming" so I turned and ran back to the truck... EXCEPT... When I came to the bottom of the little rise I was on, something went wrong in my left calf (I caught my boot or something-IDK-happened too fast), and after another step or 2, I fell to the ground.... HMmmmm am I ok? Don't feel any pain, what's going on.??? I get up and I cannot put my left foot down flat. I can only walk on the toes on that foot. If I put that foot down flat, I get this horrible violent spasm in the rear calf muscle about halfway up my L calf. Forget putting any weight on it.... I don't have insurance, and can't go to the DR right now.... any ideas what I did? Hurts less today, but STILL can't put the foot down flat. Ain't that the way it goes? I go on 3 and 4 star terrain hides regurlarly, but hurt myself on a dadgum 1/1 micro. About 3 1/2 years ago (2 months before my wedding, my wife was thrilled!) I popped a tendon in my knee. I couldn't walk for 4 days, and after that had to walk with a cane for several months (I walked with virtually no limp down the aisle tho!). At the time, I too had no insurance, and with a weddding on the way, no $$ for doctor. Several months after the wedding, I popped it again, in a much more stupid and embarrassing way. This time, I had to put most of my weight on a cane, again for several months, but again, it heald with time. I've done it a few times since then, and each time it hurt less and less, and healed quicker each time. My advice - use a cane. Don't try to explain the injury to friends or coworkers - Just tell them you messed up your leg "somehow" It saves a lot of explaining. Use the cane as long as you feel even the slightest twinge in the sore area. I'll take comfort over pride any day. Also, Ibuprofen (advil) is a pain reliever and anti-inflamtory (sp?) which will be the best of both world. Vicodin (if you can get it aqnd aren't alergic) is better, but I had some left over from an entirely different injury and that helped considerably for the first few days. The fact that I have all-hardwood floors and a chair with wheels is gravy . Hope you feel better. Remember - don't push yourself. Your body injures quickly and takes a long time to heal, but heal it will. --MGB Quote
+Dakota Cachers Posted October 14, 2006 Posted October 14, 2006 Although I am NOT a doctor, I m a LMT (licensed massage therapist). I have clients comming into my office often with this same problem. It sounds to me like you pulled ( or worse yet tore) your gastrocnemius muscle, also known as your calf muscle. It could take up to a year to heal depends on how bad its pulled ( tore). Get massage on it and if its swollen use ice. You are going to want to keep it mobile although dont use alot of pressure on the leg. So an excerise you could try is to sit in a chair with your foot up and and flex your foot this will give the muscle movement. Of course if this movement hurts, then dont do it. There is a product out called Biofreeze; massage therapists use it as well as chiropractors, this could help with some of the aches and pains. Hope this helps you out. Quote
+El Diablo Posted October 14, 2006 Posted October 14, 2006 The only thing to do now is go to a real doctor and let us know which pretend doc was right. El Diablo Quote
+EScout Posted October 14, 2006 Posted October 14, 2006 If you are going to take a pain med, naproxen sodium (Aleve) is what you want. It is the best for muscle and tendon problems. No other non-prescription is as good. You might need 2-3 in the morning, and one in the afternoon, or follow your doctors suggestion. Quote
+mgbmusic Posted October 14, 2006 Posted October 14, 2006 If you are going to take a pain med, naproxen sodium (Aleve) is what you want. It is the best for muscle and tendon problems. No other non-prescription is as good. You might need 2-3 in the morning, and one in the afternoon, or follow your doctors suggestion. Isn't Aleve supposed to be a 24 hour med? I personally don't believe in those. I've never encoutered a medicine (prescribed or otherwise) advertised as 24 hr that actually WORKS for 24 hrs. No room for error IMHO. Sorry off-topic....Just let us know how you're healing. then whichever one of me....er...us was right can gloat! Quote
+hndlbr Posted October 14, 2006 Posted October 14, 2006 it may be planter facyitus which can be relieved by standing about three ft from a wall and placing hands on wall put sore foot back and place weight on toes of foot which stretches tendons and provides relief. Usually pf is worse in am after sleeping because tendons tighten at night while you sleep. Quote
nobby.nobbs Posted October 14, 2006 Posted October 14, 2006 do the rest thing but try ibuprofen painkiller. takes away swelling as well as pain.... feel better soon. Quote
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