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Would you let your numbers go?

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Can we ztop with the zie's and za's? It's kind of ztupid and diztracting from the point of the zentence.


Is this where I pull out this forum's standard response of "OMG!IF U DONT LIEK IT DONT DO IT!" ? :)


I'm sorry you're not comfortable with gender neutral pronouns but I'm not going to stop.


- HauntHunters

how about they or s/he


gender neutral pronouns just sound too PC to me


and lame

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Can we ztop with the zie's and za's? It's kind of ztupid and diztracting from the point of the zentence.


Is this where I pull out this forum's standard response of "OMG!IF U DONT LIEK IT DONT DO IT!" ? :)


I'm sorry you're not comfortable with gender neutral pronouns but I'm not going to stop.


- HauntHunters

I'm just saying that your point would be better taken without the hippie talk. :o:D:):D

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I suppose if the OP had been done differently..... Asking the question, "could you let MY numbers go?" I think you'd discover that there are quite a few of us who could care less about anyone else's numbers but our own.

I think that is it for me right there. My numbers are important to me. I log each find with the find number in the log for the most part. I look back at old caches and I know where I was at that time. I like the milestones, even ones like my 1,000th traditional cache or my 100th virtual cache, etc. Yes, the page with the totals would be missed by me.

Exactly. Some people want to change things for everyone else when they don't like something by making them "opt out". How about just making the person wanting the choice "opt in" instead? I don't want to have to check any more boxes. :)

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Can we ztop with the zie's and za's? It's kind of ztupid and diztracting from the point of the zentence.


Is this where I pull out this forum's standard response of "OMG!IF U DONT LIEK IT DONT DO IT!" ? :)


I'm sorry you're not comfortable with gender neutral pronouns but I'm not going to stop.


- HauntHunters

how about they or s/he


gender neutral pronouns just sound too PC to me


and lame


I already covered this earlier when cachew nut originally asked. "They" is grammatically incorrect and "s/he" is not only cumbersome but also excludes transgendered and androgenous people. Since it's none of my business and not my place to question who self-identifies as what, I prefer to use gender neutral pronouns when I don't know.


I'm not going to say, "My mom said zir car is in the shop." since I know my mom is a woman and "her" is appropriate.

I am going to say, "Someone called for you. I left zir number on the fridge."


There's nothing wrong with being politically correct. It's not a lot of work to show respect and think about what the words really mean and why you're compelled to use them in a negative context.


- HauntHunters

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The one thing that I dont think is right is when a group of hunters goes out hunting and when one "finds" a cache, they all "find" that cache.


If it hasn't been said here (its been said many times before) a Find is having the container in your hand, or nearby, and your caching name in the logbook, whether you signed it or your pal signed for you in your presence. Visiting the cache site and having the container found qualifies you to log it Found. You don't actually have to be the one who first spies the container to log it as Found.

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...My numbers are important to me. I log each find with the find number in the log for the most part. I look back at old caches and I know where I was at that time. I like the milestones, even ones like my 1,000th traditional cache or my 100th virtual cache, etc. Yes, the page with the totals would be missed by me.


Other folk's numbers are not as important to me, but some of your friends are fun to watch over time. Our biggest, longest running continuous topic in our local forums is the "congrats" topic where people and their milestone finds are featured as friends notice.


This is what I think also. It is fun to watch our friend's progress as well as our own. The game would have less "life" to it without this ability.

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"They" is grammatically incorrect and "s/he" is not only cumbersome but also excludes transgendered and androgenous people. Since it's none of my business and not my place to question who self-identifies as what, I prefer to use gender neutral pronouns when I don't know.


While I'm pretty fond of proper English use, I question the validity of complaining about gramatically incorrect (but widespread and customary) usage, while at the same time employing terms that are entirely artificial, not commonly recognized, and which don't seem to appear in most, if any, mainstream dictionaries.


As for 'cumbersome', it seems to me that any word which makes the reader stumble and ask "What the heck is that, some bizarre spelling mistake?" is more than a little cumbersome.


But hey, if that's your high horse of choice, ride on!

Edited by VeryLost
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I'm sorry you're not comfortable with gender neutral pronouns but I'm not going to stop.


- HauntHunters


Gender neutral pronouns??!?!? You mean, like "them", "they", "our", "it", etc.? You mean, like we all learned in school?


Yeah, much less cool than using zie and za...


Sheesh...! :D


Google "gender neutral pronouns", get over it and get back on topic. Two mods have already commented on this derailing. :)


- HauntHunters

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