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This Section Is Missing A FAQ


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We can read the same questions asked over and over... many visitors don't use the search but that's not new and will always happen.


Why not a sticky FAQ (or message) in this section?


The most common question is which GPS to buy. I'm sure the 60Cx and 60CSX are in the #1 spot at the moment if we do a poll and this may change from time to time. I agree it would be hard to write what to buy in a FAQ but at least someone can pin a thread specific for this kind of discussion so if you're looking for advices then all would be under this topic and by reading the last 25 messages you should be informed very well on what to buy.


This alone would save 5-10 new thread on that subject in a week and because of this right now if you do a search on what to buy you end up with so many thread that people prefer to start there own and ask again instead of reading them all.


The moderators - especially the new one - are aware of this need and would welcome a hand in putting one together. Contact me if you're interested in making it happen.


On the other hand, that very moderator has had experience building FAQs before and has observed that highly publicized FAQs _still_ don't get read. Honestly I'm a little skeptical that it'll change much and we'll continue to see an endless stream of "what should I buy" and "can I use rechargeable battery" posts. As perspective, it's almost impossible to see any single thread in this forum without references to the various FAQs that have already been collected, so folks doing even the most casual of searches or forum reading would already have been exposed to many of the existing collections of FAQs, yet probably a quarter of the initial questions that are asked here are answered in existing FAQs.


That said, I'm not saying we shouldn't do something. If you want to help, contact me.


I'll even kick things off.


If you can add to this list - especially if you can provide clear, concise, answers or authoritative references, I'll collect them.


Collections of FAQs




* Sputnik57's C series FAQ

* blah blah




* Robert Lipe's Magellan FAQ

* The Meridian FAQ

* The Explorist FAQ

* Robert's collection of articles




FAQs of this group

Can I use rechargeable batteries? Yes.

Can I use Mapsource on more than one GPS?

Can I use Mapsource on more than one computer?

What's the difference between model X and model Y? [ refer to FAQs above ]

What options do I have for Mac?


I'll even kick things off.


If you can add to this list - especially if you can provide clear, concise, answers or authoritative references, I'll collect them.


Collections of FAQs




* Sputnik57's C series FAQ

* blah blah




* Robert Lipe's Magellan FAQ

* The Meridian FAQ

* The Explorist FAQ

* Robert's collection of articles




FAQs of this group

Can I use rechargeable batteries? Yes.

Can I use Mapsource on more than one GPS?

Can I use Mapsource on more than one computer?

What's the difference between model X and model Y? [ refer to FAQs above ]

What options do I have for Mac?


Part of the problem is the search feature. It only lets you use words that are 4 letters or more. Earlier today I tried to do a search on Explorist 400. It wouldn't except it I had to take off the 400 and roll through a bunch of posts. I got my answer but had to read a TON of other stuff to find it. I'm at work right now, but when I get home I will post the info page that I found that gave me a ton of information about what GPS to buy and gps's in general. Maybe it could be added to the sticky.

Posted (edited)


QUOTE(Jay B @ Aug 2 2006, 03:25 PM) 2381695[/snapback]
Part of the problem is the search feature. It only lets you use words that are 4 letters or more.

Interesting and true! I almost forgot about that when I was using the search engine more than now. There was a time I was a little more in every section but since a few months I'm only here to read about units since I have yet to get one.


Thanks for reporting because it is a real turn down when you're willing to use the search and realize this.


What about lower the limit to 2 letters since many models are 2 letters only thus you can search for "XL" for exemple. And to avoid taxing the server too much you can add a 20 seconds limit before another search can be done by the same user, I've seen this already.

Edited by Rhialto

Also I already reported that a few months ago in another thread but got no real attention.


Would it be possible to turn off the "capitalize all 1st letters of every word in the title"? I remember I wrote in the title "SiRF III" and the final output was "Sirf Iii". It is not related with the search, I know both sentence would be found but it is for our eyes and easier readability. I like to be able to spell model number like they really are 60CSx (not 60Csx).


This function was (maybe) to avoid those who write all CAPS but this don't happen that much and I would prefer tell someone to not do that than make everyone suffer the 1st letter capitalize punition.


There will still be the problem with the Posters that write,

" I just took my new fantastic GPS out of the box...now,how do I turn it on???? Please Help!, I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow"

Every new GPS comes with a manual......some are not as informative as they could / should be, but for an owner to not even be willing to TRY to exercise any self help is ridiculous.


Some of the top of the line new GPSr's are somewhat complicated due to being so feature laden. IMHO those really shouldn't be recommended for "newbies", but that recomendation is exactly what happens time & time again on this forum.


Sputnik's and Robert's sites should absolutely be REQUIRED READING, before being allowed to post a question, but, I don't know how that can happen.

Also,at the head of the forum, there should be a list of the Top 10 websites for purchasing GPSr's, or a link to a search location with "GPSr" already entered.

I already did a tongue in cheek posting on "What Batteries?" months ago. Carry extras and find out for yourself what works the best in YOUR unit!


OH !, and have you heard, "they" are coming out with a 37 GB micro SD card for the new Garmin"x" models. Can I put all of Rhode Island on that one card??........ Like who even CARES?


Robert, your suggestions are excellent, but as you can probably tell, I don't have the patience!

" I just took my new fantastic GPS out of the box...now,how do I turn it on???? Please Help!, I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow"
Yep. I don't think we can solve those. (I also don't _answer_ those.)
Also,at the head of the forum, there should be a list of the Top 10 websites for purchasing GPSr's, or a link to a search location with "GPSr" already entered.
As tempting as that is, it would be easy to run afoul of commercial bias in doing so.
Robert, your suggestions are excellent, but as you can probably tell, I don't have the patience!
After receiving several dings about my writing style and a shrinking amount of time to dedicate to such causes, you can sense I'm running thin myself - that's why I'm hoping to enlist the help of others out in radio land.

I started a little web site for Lowrance users. It doesn't have a lot of content yet but I'm hoping I can make it bigger. I also have forums, and several of the Lowrance users here have joined up.


One reason I started it was I seen a few questions asked more than once and decided to write it somewhere so everyone could get access to it and all I needed to type was a link. (Plus they get better instructions than me just saying something off the top of my head.)

" I just took my new fantastic GPS out of the box...now,how do I turn it on???? Please Help!, I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow"
Yep. I don't think we can solve those. (I also don't _answer_ those.)
Also,at the head of the forum, there should be a list of the Top 10 websites for purchasing GPSr's, or a link to a search location with "GPSr" already entered.
As tempting as that is, it would be easy to run afoul of commercial bias in doing so.
Robert, your suggestions are excellent, but as you can probably tell, I don't have the patience!
After receiving several dings about my writing style and a shrinking amount of time to dedicate to such causes, you can sense I'm running thin myself - that's why I'm hoping to enlist the help of others out in radio land.


I used a MeriGold for the last year, and I memorized your FAQ. I now have a 60csx and wish you had a FAQ on that model as complete as your Magellan FAQs. I find it amazing that someone would come to you for information and then knock on your writing style.


Back OT, I don't think a FAQ aimed at helping a new buyer make a decision would be workable; there's too many gray areas and too many brand/model snobs out there. However, a series of collaborative FAQs on specific models and possibly a cross-brand comparison table would be a great addition to the forums.


If I might, please allow me to chime in on this topic. When I first subscribed to this forum, it was with the intention of asking a question. And the search feature was in no way friendly. However, after encountering the same type of negativity in regards to posting a question that had already been answered before whilst on an ATV forum, I continued my search - in vain. Alas, I started a new thread and apologized in advance and explained that I had searched, but without luck. All were quite understanding.


However, I do not think that it is fair to subject newbies to this. I see a lot of questions here where the replies are something like " it's been answered before, do a search". It would be just as easy, and kinder, if you were to answer the question, or at least post a link to the answer. Besides, each time a question is asked again, in a new post, there is almost always new information to be read. I don't mind people posting questions that have been posted before. If i don't want to read it, i just skip it and go on to the next. That's not difficult. So for me, re-posts are in no way a bother. As for people asking how to use a gps, remember, some manuals don't give much information. My Garmin manual is just about useless for a new user. I can gather much more info from this forum. And faster as well. Anyway, that's just my 2 cents (Canadian) worth.


The problem I see with the endless reposts is that they scatter the collection of the knowledge and it gets diluted. When there are 80 threads asking something like the difference between City Select and City Navigator, each will get a half dozen half hearted answer. The folks that actually have both and have experience with both will grow so tired of it that they figure there's nothing new to add - indeed, often there isn't. This actually makes search *less* useful as there are now 80 threads discussing one question. Over time, rather than seeing it go unanswered again, it'll be answered by folks with only "heresay" knowledge and after a few generations of that, the answers start becoming less correct.


Obvously, some questions will always be re-asked and that's OK, but it seems that dedicating a little time to ensuring that the subjects that come up over and over are answered *well* in one place would be a good investment for the knowledgeable.


The "what to purchase" thing probably could be done but it would indeed be complex. The key is that most of the folks asking the question aren't providing enough information to provide coherent help. This results in people that have experience with a grand total of one GPS recommending the one that they have. Asking "if money were no object, what's the best GPS?" or "I want a GPS. What should I buy?" just isn't productive, yet we see that over and over. My guess in that case is that the posters actually don't know what questions they should be asking. I think a guide that walked someone through the decision tree (a cross-country truck driver will have a very different "best GPS" than a backpacker) could at least steer a prospective buyer to product lines. (Hint: the choice seldom comes down to StreetPilot 7300 vs. a Geko.)


This discussion has the attention of the forum moderators and admins. There is some action being taken... But I'd like the record to show that other than Airmapper's link above, I've received zero offers for help to date.

Posted (edited)

This discussion has the attention of the forum moderators and admins. There is some action being taken... But I'd like the record to show that other than Airmapper's link above, I've received zero offers for help to date.


I'd be willing to put together a spec comparison chart across the Magellan/Garmin/Lowrance brands. No recommendations or speculation, just specs. I have experience writing FAQs, but I'm still too new to the 60csx to be comfortable writing a FAQ for it.

Edited by CheshireFrog

That would be a lovely contribution.


I think the C series is pretty well covered by Sputnik57's FAQ. I sent him modifications to expand it to X series, but they don't seem to be folded in yet. I should ping him on that. I'd rather see fewer sources of comprehensive info than lots of sources that repeat and duplicate. (Which is why I'm unhappy with the current Magellan situtation of three FAQs; I just haven't had the time to do anything about it.)

This discussion has the attention of the forum moderators and admins. There is some action being taken...

Ok was looking for answers about the 4 to 2 letters search possibility and to remove the 1st letter to be capitalized on every word in the topic.


I'd like to help but never owned a GPS, just played with a yellow eTrex on a weekend last year. I started this thread because I'm visiting this particular forum every day so I can follow all discussions related to a few models (very active forum here so I must visit often if I don't want to get lost) and then I had in mind the question "why moderators here don't merge similar topic together" like I can see often on some forums.


Ok was looking for answers about the 4 to 2 letters search possibility and to remove the 1st letter to be capitalized on every word in the topic.

Both are being actively considered.
the question "why moderators here don't merge similar topic together" like I can see often on some forums.
We do it sometimes. It tends to disorient users and honestly, it's a bit of a pain to do with this forum software.
I think the C series is pretty well covered by Sputnik57's FAQ. I sent him modifications to expand it to X series, but they don't seem to be folded in yet. I should ping him on that. I'd rather see fewer sources of comprehensive info than lots of sources that repeat and duplicate. (Which is why I'm unhappy with the current Magellan situation of three FAQs; I just haven't had the time to do anything about it.)
To quote a local member of TPTB, "Workin' on it."


I have lots of threads marked to be added. I've tried to mark the threads that ask a common question and have a pretty comprehensive discussion to link from the FAQ page. RObertlipe has generously offered a number of helpful items to add.


When a question comes up over and over, it can be frustrating to forum regulars, but most are surprisingly patient (compared to other forums I've lurked in). Rarely do you see a reply that says "RTFM" or "Use the search function!" We all know both have limitations.


I've just settled into a new job with lots of additional responsibilities, and my publisher is having a stroke about me finishing up this new book (nothing you'll read unless you are a lawyer in Texas). I really do plan to update the FAQ for x units and other matter. Hopefully be Labor Day?

I think the C series is pretty well covered by Sputnik57's FAQ. I sent him modifications to expand it to X series, but they don't seem to be folded in yet. I should ping him on that. I'd rather see fewer sources of comprehensive info than lots of sources that repeat and duplicate. (Which is why I'm unhappy with the current Magellan situation of three FAQs; I just haven't had the time to do anything about it.)
To quote a local member of TPTB, "Workin' on it."


I have lots of threads marked to be added. I've tried to mark the threads that ask a common question and have a pretty comprehensive discussion to link from the FAQ page. RObertlipe has generously offered a number of helpful items to add.


When a question comes up over and over, it can be frustrating to forum regulars, but most are surprisingly patient (compared to other forums I've lurked in). Rarely do you see a reply that says "RTFM" or "Use the search function!" We all know both have limitations.


I've just settled into a new job with lots of additional responsibilities, and my publisher is having a stroke about me finishing up this new book (nothing you'll read unless you are a lawyer in Texas). I really do plan to update the FAQ for x units and other matter. Hopefully be Labor Day?


This one on the 60C(S)(x) is a great one. To start with could it be made a 'sticky' somewhere??? Having it sticky at the top of this forum might inspire other jealous Maggie or Lowrance owners to assemble their own...

I think the C series is pretty well covered by Sputnik57's FAQ. I sent him modifications to expand it to X series, but they don't seem to be folded in yet. I should ping him on that. I'd rather see fewer sources of comprehensive info than lots of sources that repeat and duplicate. (Which is why I'm unhappy with the current Magellan situation of three FAQs; I just haven't had the time to do anything about it.)
To quote a local member of TPTB, "Workin' on it."


I have lots of threads marked to be added. I've tried to mark the threads that ask a common question and have a pretty comprehensive discussion to link from the FAQ page. RObertlipe has generously offered a number of helpful items to add.


When a question comes up over and over, it can be frustrating to forum regulars, but most are surprisingly patient (compared to other forums I've lurked in). Rarely do you see a reply that says "RTFM" or "Use the search function!" We all know both have limitations.


I've just settled into a new job with lots of additional responsibilities, and my publisher is having a stroke about me finishing up this new book (nothing you'll read unless you are a lawyer in Texas). I really do plan to update the FAQ for x units and other matter. Hopefully be Labor Day?


This one on the 60C(S)(x) is a great one. To start with could it be made a 'sticky' somewhere??? Having it sticky at the top of this forum might inspire other jealous Maggie or Lowrance owners to assemble their own...


A W E S O M E !!! :laughing::unsure::laughing:<_<:cry: You're a quick worker Chief.


A W E S O M E !!! :laughing::unsure::laughing:<_<:cry: You're a quick worker Chief.


It's actually been there for a day or two while I've messed with it. Obviously, I'm not done with it but I decided to go ahead and click the button to make it visible.

Posted (edited)

Here are some suggestions (although they aren't necessarily FAQ's or specific to Units and Software)


Other Garmin Units:

Garmin Quest FAQ (Ensenga Family)

Garmin Legend/Vista loose ribbon connection repair (Uncredited - sorry)



Markwell's Update to the FAQ (Markwell) (be sure to use the new link)

CYBret's Geocacher University (CYBret)

Thot's Beginner's Guide and Tutorial (Thot)

Geocachers' Creed (Kai Team and many others)


Paperless Caching:

Using GSAK and Cachemate (Clan_Barron)

Using Spinner and Plucker (CYBret)

Non-Palm PDA's?


Caches Along a Route:

Caches Along a Route (Markwell again)

Caches Along a Route (Using GSAK and MapSource, really a Garmin topic)


Getting Maps onto a Hard Drive:

MapSource using Registry Edit (NeoGeo)

Magellan Maps?



GeoLex (Prime Suspect) There are others, but none better or more comprehensive, IMHO


How to Use Map and Compass:

Backpacker's Field Manual (Rick Curtis)

Edited by Sputnik 57

Ok was looking for answers about the 4 to 2 letters search possibility and to remove the 1st letter to be capitalized on every word in the topic.

Both are being actively considered.

A little birdie reports this morning that the search limit has been lowered to three characters (so "+60c +mac" now works sensibly) and the automatic capitalization-breaker has been turned off.


Send Elias one of his favorite beverage for his work on this.


Ok was looking for answers about the 4 to 2 letters search possibility and to remove the 1st letter to be capitalized on every word in the topic.

Both are being actively considered.

A little birdie reports this morning that the search limit has been lowered to three characters (so "+60c +mac" now works sensibly) and the automatic capitalization-breaker has been turned off.


Send Elias one of his favorite beverage for his work on this.


Thanks Elias.. what about a Dr.Pepper? :-)


We already see it reads better... The thread title


- "Problem with a new 60CSx (in the UK)" looks better than

- "Problem With A New 60Csx (In The Uk)"

Posted (edited)

If FAQ's were all that were required, we ccould just have those and none of us would need the forums. We could all get to bed at a reasonable time.


But the forum serves a more important purpose. It's a social engine that allows people with the same interest to speak to one another. To share ideas, thoughts and experiences. It allows people to be mentors - something I know I like a lot. It allows us to relate to one another. FAQ's allow little of these things. If you tired of seeing the same questions, then jump to another topic or stay off the newcomers section.


Also, FAQ's are quickly obsoleted as equipment and techniques are constantly changing. Also, many FAQ's are for some just an avenue to puiblish their own prejudiced views as if it can from on high. Everyone has something to contribute and everyone should be encouraged to post their thoughts. No one has a monopoly on the "right" answer. We all have something to learn.

Edited by Alan2

That's a valid point, Alan2. I don't think anyone was proposing closing the forums in favor of scripted answers.


But for those questions that really HAVE been asked (and answered) a sequillion times where there really isn't any value left to add, not writing the answer down on the chalkboard that's in front of the classroom just seems like tormenting the newbiews without good reason. There really isn't a lot that's *new* left to add to the "do I *have* to buy a Magellan branded battery for my Explorist" ponderment. Yet, if someone really does have something new (or manages to overlook the chalkboard) I'm not proposing making them walk the plank.


FAQs can be - and should be - updated over time. There is always a number one killer and if you happen to identify it with a plainly labelled answer, great.


There is no 'newcomers' section in here in tech topics. (I already avoid the one for geocaching itelf. Call me a snob if you like.) If the folks with actual hands-on experience with a problem/solution really do tire of answering the same question repeatedly and move on, leaving the answers to those with merely heresay, I think the community actually does lose.


Whether you contribute to (or partake of) the institutional memory of a collective or not, it's hard to argue that writing things down in an easy-to-find format for future genertaions is a Bad Thing. I'm rather glad that folks like Daniel Webster did.


Your points are valid too, Bob. I guess the issues are like this. Let's says I'm a new guy with a particular model. How do I find the anwer to a USB connect problem? Where is the FAQ for that? Doing a search may or may not get you the answer. What word do you search on?


Now let's look at a general question - let's say, which is the best GPS? HOw do you create a FAQ to answer that? Or do a search? How do you know which data is the latest. Plus peopl have a limited attention span. Searches will turn up so much info, they're overwhelmed. If your search gets you a relatively old topic, there could be new equipment that only a real-time answer will give.


Let's say FAQ's really work throughout. From the responder's standpoint, there they are waiting to jump in to help with their responses. And everyone is checking the FAQ's and the responder's are falling asleep or might have to actually talk to their spouse!


Your points are valid too, Bob. I guess the issues are like this. Let's says I'm a new guy with a particular model. How do I find the anwer to a USB connect problem? Where is the FAQ for that? Doing a search may or may not get you the answer. What word do you search on?

If that's me, "Robert", please.


If you have a particular model, I don't think that looking at a FAQ that covers that model is a terribly onerous place to start. You may or may not get a "hit", but you may (gasp) learn something about your model.


Just this week, I bought a piece of electronics that's reasonably commonplace, but new to me. I delighted in picking through the collected wisdom of that and learned a lot in the process. If I'd asked something about that peace of gear and been pointed to a collection of wisdom, I wouldn't have been offended.


If I were an "old hand" of that product, I'd have been happy that the incoming wave had a reference ahd the "middle age" hands could point to.


Now let's look at a general question - let's say, which is the best GPS? HOw do you create a FAQ to answer that?
If you'll look, you see I have that very question sketched in as a "TODO" item as it's asked - incompletely - in this very forum a couple of times a week, each time with wildly different success. I think you can give some good guidelines of steering a poster to at least asking better questions - and the single line "I want a really good GPS, what should I buy?" questions are almost guaranteed to not return helpful answers.
Searches will turn up so much info, they're overwhelmed.
So repeating the question and answer cycle, flaming out everyone inb the process helps reduce that in what way?


We haven't proposed closing the forums or outsourcing the answer staff to Elbonia. Collecting some of the wisdom in a non-static centralized location seems worthwhile. Do we REALLY need to scramble around to find the Motorola part number for the battery equivalent in an Explorist every time someone asks if there is an aftermarket equivalent? I'd much rather write it down once (and revisit it when new sources are found) and point folks to a comprehensive answer than either flame out the Embra-like folks of the world that can probably recite the part number from memory or the folks that can't remember if it's a T720 or an T270 battery and answer with the wrong thing.


I don't see being helpful and being efficient in organizing the amassed knowlege of the group as mutually exclusive. I'll wager that no tech support department relies upon "wing it" as a support plan - they all collect answers based on patterns of how often things are asked. (Good tech support groups use that to improve their products, but that's a luxury we don't much have here. )


OK, Robert it is. Again you make really good points. If the FAQ could be maintained properly, and there are so many categories, it would be helpful. Who's going to volunteer? It's a huge amount of work. At work, we have a hugh IT dept 30-40 people. They have a Help Desk where employees can call whenever they got a hardware or software problem. People are spoiled.


At the end of the day though, people will still ask the questions and look for personal answers or just because they're lazy. Fortunately as a group we seem to be pretty helpful. You're an example - look how much work you've put into caching with your programs. The forums give eberyone a chance to be "helpful" even if it's only with an answer now and then that might help a newcomer out.

Now let's look at a general question - let's say, which is the best GPS? HOw do you create a FAQ to answer that? Or do a search?


Since this question is asqued about every week and generate many answer from different people, the next person may find it interesting to look at a thread with all the opinions/answers regarding this so merging all 4-10 replies threads about that would generate an impressive collections of opinions one persone could be delighten to read.


I think that's the way to do it so you don't write a FAQ specifically for that question and cannot be biased either, you just put together all the opinions every wrote here and there and the reader can make his choice.


Of course some categories can be made like "What is the best GPSr for Geocaching" and another "What is the best GPSr that does it all" etc. Thus the person looking for informations can select the proper thread.

Of course some categories can be made like "What is the best GPSr for Geocaching" and another "What is the best GPSr that does it all" etc. Thus the person looking for informations can select the proper thread.

And then we can do "What is the best GPSr under $200" and "What is the best GPSr if I want to autoroute on local roads too" and "What is the bet GPSr if I go hunting on my four wheeler in the north woods in the wintertime but do urban caches in Miami in the spring" and "What is the best . . ." well, you get the idea.


There is a reason for the semi-live give and take of forums. FAQs, while helpful (I hope) have their limitations, as Alan2 has so eloquently pointed out. Sort of like saying "What this forum needs is a good hammer" and then dismissing all of the other tools you have. You know the old expression: "If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail." I started the 60C/76C FAQ as a thread in this forum, but the forum software isn't conducive to that, and it quickly became disorganized. Randomly assembling threads to serve as an FAQ isn't very efficient. Expecting and FAQ to substitute for "live" advice on the forum is unrealistic. They are just two different ways to communicate information.


I'm all for posting a list of FAQ sites at the top. It serves to give new users who take the time to read them their bearings (pun intended). Don't expect it to do more than that. But don't diminish the importance of that role either.


I just realized that this topic's question has the word section which already helps in a kinda of FAQ way. It gives posters and responders a jump of narrowing down the area of where to go look for an anwser. If you're looking for good caches in Florida, you post in the Southeast forum section. If you have a technical question, then in the software and hardware section. That's a good start.


Actually one of the important things not mentioned here is found in this post...




It is not about a specific GPS and what is its best and worst features and what problems a user may have with it... Its about how to get a PC to communicate with GPS and how to test COM ports and USB/RS232 adapters to get them to work...


Granted this does not come up often but there is never a real answer other than a few suggestions and hit and miss success... this is about the only comprehensive solution to be found here... It is truly "sticky" material...




If this site could deliver some FAQs that cover the more general topics and the more popular units I'm sure that would be appreciated by all. That said...


The flip side to that is that someone has to do the work of putting the FAQ together, and maintaining of that FAQ. Some might feel that you can have several people work together to submit content and that can work if you've set some standards and people are communicating clearly and with team goals in mind. However, creating a FAQ can become a labor of love and over time the contributors often start to lose interest feeling that either they've done more than their fair share of the work or that perhaps their FAQ has somehow become tainted or changed in some negative way by the others working on the FAQ.


If you want to do this then I'm happy to support and promote the cause but I think we're just feeding the symptom and not treating the disease - people are just too lazy to help themselves. Instead of spending the time doing the research they're looking for a quick fix. Spoon-feeding people is not going to change this attitude. I don't have a problem sifting through lots of threads trying to find answers - I often learn other bits of useful info by doing this.


I would recommend that FAQs be limited to geocaching-related processes, maybe some repetitive hardware issues (like USB-related and/or NMEA-related), and information on the various pieces of software out there like babel, gsak, maybe some of the pocket pc stuff etc. Generally, these are things that stay with us year after year with various software upgrades etc. GPS units, one the other hand, tend to change relatively frequently and even more so also get software updates meaning that a FAQ on that unit might start out indicating problems with the unit and then later on in the FAQ indicate that those issues have now been addressed with an update. Stopped reading too soon thinking it wasn't a good unit? Confusing for the new user? Maybe not, but maybe so.


Are people going to take the time to read them? Well, obviously some will and some won't. But at what cost to you (the FAQ author/manager) in terms of your time and effort?


By building my unit specific website I am really saving myself some typing. I refer via link, or just copy/ paste my info to the thread. I want to help people with questions, but I can't feed fresh info to every newbie.


As a creator/maintainer/contributor to several, I'm with Airmapper. I like to help folks, but by the time I've answered (or seen answered) the same question with the same mechanical answer enough to be tired of it, that's a good indication that it's become Frequently Asked. I don't have the patience to type the same paragraph over and over when a gentle push to a place that already has that paragraph will do.


As a creator/maintainer/contributor to several, I'm with Airmapper. I like to help folks, but by the time I've answered (or seen answered) the same question with the same mechanical answer enough to be tired of it, that's a good indication that it's become Frequently Asked. I don't have the patience to type the same paragraph over and over when a gentle push to a place that already has that paragraph will do.


Chief, I think you've done everyone a great service by pinning some FAQ's on this forum. I don't think defending its existance is necessary. Those that don't want it won't look at it anyway so I don't see the point of discussing it further. I think this thread should be closed and refer folks with FAQ topic suggestions to submit them to your FAQ Suggestions page. Just my 2 cents...


I disagree this thread should be closed. It's a discussion on the merits of FAq's vs. realtime answers to questions posed. Just because someone starts a FAQ at the top of the page, doesn't end the discussion. Why cut off debate? It should continue.


Don't get me wrong. I think it's great starting a FAQ. However, my concern as stated earlier is that answers and opinions are prejudiced. Who decides what the "correct" asnwer is? Most questions have multiple answers. Having a FAQ controlled by one person is the same as the idea to cut off discussion about this whole topic. Some people (maybe all people) believe they have the right answer. An open forum supports everyone's answer, contributes to greater knowledge and more openness than does a FAQ editorialized by one person. The FAQ serves a purpose, but many questions are handled better in as open forum.

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