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What Mapping Programs Should I Get?

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BrierFinder (Formerly known as IndianaOats) and I are getting a Garmin 60CSx and wonder what mapping software is recommended.


Any help would be wonderful.

City Navigator® North America v8.


I'm not sure what specific version of MapSource will come with that. 6.11.1 is current right now. CLICK HERE to download the free update from Garmin.


Once you get your maps installed on the computer, download Garmin's FREE MapSource tutorial program to learn how to use it. CLICK HERE for that.


You should also get a 1.0GB MICROSD card.


Check out Sputnik's Frequently Asked Questions about Garmin Map60CS (and Similar) GPS Receivers for lots of great information compiled from the forums and put into one great Web page!


Also look into using POILoader for making Custom POIs. CLICK HERE to read that thread.

Edited by Neo_Geo
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Mapsource City Navigator 8 is out now. You might be able to get it in a package deal with an auto-mount and cigarette-lighter adapter for less money than purchasing those items separately.


If you like to hike, the Mapsource TOPO maps are useful. You can often purchase those used for less money on eBay. They don't have Unlock code like the other maps.

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I just received my GPSMAP 60CS yesterday and already love it, with the exception of the very limited basemap. So, I'm thinking of getting the Mapsource City Navigator North America 8. As the 60CS doesn't have the card slot, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how much memory these maps would actually require on the GPSr. I plan on using mine mainly locally (i.e., 1 city), plus the entire NY metro area. It has 56MB - is that enough? I'm almost starting to think that that may be a limitation to this device (vs. the 60CSx), but I got a steal on it on eBay.


Also, any suggestions as to the best prices for this software? By doing a search online it seems the cheapest so far is amazon.com. Seems that buy purchasing three maps you double the cost of your device :)


Thanks for any help!

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I plan on using mine mainly locally (i.e., 1 city), plus the entire NY metro area. It has 56MB - is that enough?


I have the 60csx with a 64m card. I have the entire SF bay area loaded with room to spare so you'll be fine uploading the NYC metro area. Amazon seems to have the best price on City Nav, but for a few $ more you can support one of the small vendors.

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As the 60CS doesn't have the card slot, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how much memory these maps would actually require on the GPSr. I plan on using mine mainly locally (i.e., 1 city), plus the entire NY metro area. It has 56MB - is that enough?

Should be fine - here's an example of a 50.2 MB City Nav v8 map set that includes NYC and some of the surrounding region:



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Since you have limited memory like I do you might go online and try and find City Select 6 or 7. This would allow you to be more selective in the blocks you install and get what you really want.


So, CS blocks are smaller than CNv.8's? I guess that means CNv.8's are some sort of compromise in size between CS & CNv.7. It would be interesting to see a comparison of the number of tiles of CS, CNv.7 & CNv.8, or even average map size. I assume that for any given area, they essentially take the same amount of memory, just chunked up differently?

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