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60csx Waas Fixed By Latest Webupdater(!)

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Posted (edited)

This evening, I saw on GPS Information that the "SiRF receiver portion of several Garmin units is available via the WebUpdater".


I had previous flashed my 60CSx with the standalone 2.90 updater, but after reading this note, I downloaded and ran the WebUpdater and now my 60CSx is receiving WAAS corrections! I am at N42 W93, and with firmware versions 2.60, 2.71beta, and 2.90, my receiver was never able to lock onto a WAAS satellite (as many other owners have reported). Sometimes 35 would appear, but it would never lock on.


After the SiRF update, my GPSr immediately saw 51 (and in a different location, 48), and I had the "D" symbol in most of the satellite bars! I was even receiving corrections inside... The EPE wasn't much different than the non-WAAS mode, however.


One other note: when you run the WebUpdater and are already at version 2.90, it will say that you already have the latest version. On that same page, make sure the "There may be further updates for your device. Check for more updates." radio button is selected, and click Next. The following page will install the SiRF 2.60 update.

Edited by The Adventure Hounds
Posted (edited)

Yea Garmin!! I also used the WebUpdater and with the previously updated firmware v.2.90, I'm now running Sortware v.2.60. At N. 42° 39', W. 73° 48' (Albany, NY) I am locked onto WAAS bird #51 with corrections for the first time! I also see WAAS #48 but it is low on my horizon and hasn't locked.


Way to go Garmin!! They listened to all of our reports of the WAAS situation with our "X" units and have made the fix! Awesome!


[edit] I would be remiss to have not thanked the SiRF III folks too I guess! Way to go SiRF!!

Edited by Timpat

See, the squeeky wheel gets oiled and the nail sticking up gets hammered. Thanks for posting the update Adventurous Hounds (AH), and for trying it out 2nd after AH and confirming Timpat. :ph34r:


Way to go SiRF (Not garmin... its not garmin's fault and don't blame them). They've finally figured out the WAAS issues! I'm at N47 W121 and I track WAAS perfectly inside on sat 48 and sometimes others. Another thing I noticed is it fills all 12 sat. spots... probably just because it has enough with WAAS sats.


This update is great and my signal is SO much better! THANKS SiRF!


Works great for me here north of Detroit! Great job Garmin & SIRF, I knew you'd come through!


Now, has anyone got a tunnel nearby to test with? :ph34r:


Well, the signal does seem to be stronger indoors as well. I wish now that I had turned on the unit and tested what satellites I was receiving, strength, etc., jotted them down and THEN updated to 2.6 and check if the signal was indeed stronger and/or more satellite after the upgrade. Maybe someone who hasn't updated yet can take the time to do that and report their direct immediate before and after upgrade results. I'll know better next time.


Well, the signal does seem to be stronger indoors as well. I wish now that I had turned on the unit and tested what satellites I was receiving, strength, etc., jotted them down and THEN updated to 2.6 and check if the signal was indeed stronger and/or more satellite after the upgrade. Maybe someone who hasn't updated yet can take the time to do that and report their direct immediate before and after upgrade results. I'll know better next time.


I also notice the stronger signal, when I'm outside in a clear sky area all the sats are showing full, before some would come and go. after the update it took a bit to get lock again, after letting it sit outside for 30min it now seems to lock on quicker when I turn it back on(if thats possible). I have been getting lock inside instantly and getting WAAS in under a minute(also inside).


Now I'll have to leave the unit off for more than 5hrs and see if it still gets lock quick when I turn it on, with the old software after sitting for 5hrs or more it would take longer to get lock(up to a minute).


I have had my 60CSx since 3-16-06 and I have only shown Ds twice......once was just a fluke day and another was when I traveled 100 miles NW of Fort Worth and I left the unit on with my Gilsson antenna. On that day it showed 35 in the correct spot (SW horizon) and showed Ds after I traveled 40-60 miles or so west. But when I turned the unit off and then back on it would show 35 in the east and reject it again. Up until then it kept picking up 35 in the east and rejecting it. I had been told it would have to pick up another WAAS bird before it would get a good reading on 35.


I ran the update this evening and then went outside and was picking up 51 with a filled in bar and Ds. I took my 60C outside for comparison and it was picking up a filled in bar for 51 and a hollow bar for 48. I am about halfway between Dallas and Fort Worth.


Well did the update this evening and this is the first time that I have ever seen the D show up. The signal seems to be much stronger which is nice. Will take it out in the field tomorrow to give it a test run.

Posted (edited)

I have now seen 51, 48, and 35 though I have not had two waas birds at the same time like I have with the legendC. I can't complain since this is the first time I have ever had WAAS with my 60cx.

Edited by hogrod

I fired up Web Updater for my 76CSx and after the second scan (the old there may be further updates available option as I am running latest Garmin SW for it) .. it loaded GPS SW version 2.6 as well ...


Of course Egnos in the UK is a different matter ...........


Just did the update...thanks.

I used to get 33 often with Ds and never 51. Now I'm getting 51 and Ds, but less satellites. However, the location accuracy has dropped to 14 versus 18-20 I had previously. Strange, but good.


This also worked GREAT for my 60csx. In the Southwest, I locked onto the 51 WAAS bird within a minute after I turned on the unit. All bars are solid with "D"s in them (WAAS sat bar, of course, doesn't have a D in it).


Thank you for this post!!

Posted (edited)

ok...went out in the truck for a while this AM......I was getting a full bar on 51 and Ds and then later I looked down and I was getting a full bar on 48 and Ds and not showing 51. I have heard the new chip will display more than one WAAS sat at time. Has anyone with an x series shown more than one at a time?


I was showing 51 to the south 45degrees above the horizon and then 48 to the SW


Then I turned the unit off and back on.....it picked up 51 on the northern horizon with a hollow bar...then moved to the south and then filled in. it showed it to the south 45degrees above the horizon

Edited by birddog14

Had my 60csx for about 3 weeks now and did see a big improvment over my Legend but nothing really fantastic until finally downloading WebUpdater and downloaded firmware last night. Here in SW MT, got satelites and D's never seen before. Great!


Posted (edited)

* Thanks! * :grin:


dcnylund - make sure your waas is "Enabled" --> menu/menu/setup/enter/system/enter

Edited by Onit

Anyone else having problems connecting to the web update server? I've never run WebUpdater before so not sure if trying numerous times might be normal after a much anticipated update.


What do ya know. After the update, I can now see 51 and a lot of D's. Signal strength on a lot of them were maxed out. It might be my imagination, but it also seem as if the wandering when I'm stationary has diminished. This update seems to have made a huge difference! Thanks Trizumi for the link to the WAAS info.


Add me to the happy list - Washington DC N 38 57.13 W 077 04.313

Locked onto 51 with signal bar up to the top, with 'D"s

usually 9 satellites - 14' - 16' EPE


Bearing 230 (SW) azimuth a little below middle ring (i.e. a little less than 45 degrees).


Very happy that Garmin has fixed this.


Updated last night and I immediately notice I could recieve WAAS indoors ( I've had no problems while outdoors recieving WAAS ) great !! Took it for a walk today and notice that my EPE seemed larger than usual, before I would be around 10-18' EPE now its more like 20-30+ EPE. Has anyone else notice this ? Seems to connect to fewer satilites but also less jumping around. Would be nice to compare it next to another 60csx without the update.


Same here. WAAS inside. 48 and 51 now visible, when I never had them before.

Located in Northern Westchester/Putnam county 40mins north of NYC, on the Hudson.

No change in accuracy though.


Glad to see Garmin is continously tweaking things.


Me to. I get sat 51 down in Mexico at N 19 W 096 and I am also getting WAAS corrections though before and after the update the EPE is still averaging about 12 feet when in an open area.

Posted (edited)

I updated my 60 CSx to 2.6 and I now see #48 and #51 from the Indianapolis area...primarily #51 and with d's showing. Also, the signals are very strong and I can receive WAAS indoors, as well.


On a side note, I also updated my Nuvi 350 and sure enough, I am now receiving #48 and #51...primarily #51 as in the 60CSx. However, the signal bar for the WAAS satellite remains hollow, no d's showing and the satellite blinks off and on. I wonder why this is the case? Any answers?

Edited by indygpser

I updated my 60 CSx to 2.6 and I now see #48 and #51 from the Indianapolis area...primarily #51 and with d's showing. Also, the signals are very strong and I can receive WAAS indoors, as well.


On a side note, I also updated my Nuvi 350 and sure enough, I am now receiving #48 and #51...primarily #51 as in the 60CSx. However, the signal bar for the WAAS satellite remains hollow and the satellite blinks off and on. I wonder why this is the case? Any answers?


There in test mode. They won't be up and running until the fall.


Me too, got mine all updated and working!!! This is probably the most WANTED and least needed feature of the SIRF chipset...LOL I think Garmin just pushed it through to get eveyone off their backs about it... :-)


I updated my 60 CSx to 2.6 and I now see #48 and #51 from the Indianapolis area...primarily #51 and with d's showing. Also, the signals are very strong and I can receive WAAS indoors, as well.


On a side note, I also updated my Nuvi 350 and sure enough, I am now receiving #48 and #51...primarily #51 as in the 60CSx. However, the signal bar for the WAAS satellite remains hollow and the satellite blinks off and on. I wonder why this is the case? Any answers?


There in test mode. They won't be up and running until the fall.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the info!! I just did the download. My unit has never even seen 48 or 51 before, but now it's recieving both of them. I assume 35 is still under constuction, I'm not locking on it, (35 is all I've ever seen here in Illinois) But I'm now locking onto 48 and 51, and getting "D's" across the board, with 15 ft. accuracy in my living room.


Thanks Garmin for finally fixing it, I'll have to admit, I wasn't real happy haveing a WAAS unit, and not being able to even recieve WAAS. But I'm extremely happy I choses this unit now. Love it!

Edited by ILBandit

I used WebUpdater to update both my 76CS and my 76CSx. My 76CS is picking up both 48 and 51. WAAS 51 is showing a solid bar with a D and the rest of the bars are also showing D’s except for 48, which is hollow and blinking. The 76CSx is picking up 51 but not 48. 51 is solid with no “D”, but the rest of the bars show a D. I’m curious as to why the 76CS is picking up 48 and the 76CSX doesn’t seem to see it. I did a hard reset on the 76CSX to allow it to reload the almanac. It made no difference. Any suggestions?


Great to finally have WAAS....but did anyone else lose all their settings (even custom icons) while doing this update? No big deal to reset and reenter info, but it did surprise me.


I don't know if somebody also recognized that:

I have the impression that the "wandering" (some people complained about that recently), if the unit is stationary under bad reception conditions, is also reduced.

Good work.


Thanks for the info!! I just did the download. My unit has never even seen 48 or 51 before, but now it's recieving both of them. I assume 35 is still under constuction, I'm not locking on it, (35 is all I've ever seen here in Illinois) But I'm now locking onto 48 and 51, and getting "D's" across the board, with 15 ft. accuracy in my living room.


Thanks Garmin for finally fixing it, I'll have to admit, I wasn't real happy haveing a WAAS unit, and not being able to even recieve WAAS. But I'm extremely happy I choses this unit now. Love it!

35 was coming in for me last night. 47 was in and out, kinda flaky. I had to be outside to get either of them.


I'm curious. Capt Caper stated that 51 and 48 are in test mode. Can anyone tell us what that means for us? Will the D's be on and off while testing occurs, or will our GPSr's show D's without actually being more accurate? Or will our GPSr's try to use "test" data and be less accurate? After the update, my 76CSx seems to wander less while stationary, but it tracks to the side of roads rather than on them (I only have US Topo at the moment). EPE does seem to have reduced, on average, from 18-20ft to 8-12ft.


Updated this morning. Picked up 48 in a couple of minutes, don't ever recall that seeing that one before. Never had waas so soon and indoors. It will be interesting to see what this does for accuracy out in the woods.


Thanks for the info!! I just did the download. My unit has never even seen 48 or 51 before, but now it's recieving both of them. I assume 35 is still under constuction, I'm not locking on it, (35 is all I've ever seen here in Illinois) But I'm now locking onto 48 and 51, and getting "D's" across the board, with 15 ft. accuracy in my living room.


Thanks Garmin for finally fixing it, I'll have to admit, I wasn't real happy haveing a WAAS unit, and not being able to even recieve WAAS. But I'm extremely happy I choses this unit now. Love it!

35 was coming in for me last night. 47 was in and out, kinda flaky. I had to be outside to get either of them.


I don't know the exact details with WAAS. If you search Google you'll find some info. Lot's of it as it's affected everyone on the ground. But I do know the new one's will be much better as they'll be higher in the sky above us in the NE anyway. They're moving one out west and the new ones that went up are testing. I think they're suppose to give corrections during testing but I'm not sure. I'm just waiting til fall to make judgements.

Posted (edited)

I updated my 60 CSx to 2.6 and I now see #48 and #51 from the Indianapolis area...primarily #51 and with d's showing. Also, the signals are very strong and I can receive WAAS indoors, as well.


On a side note, I also updated my Nuvi 350 and sure enough, I am now receiving #48 and #51...primarily #51 as in the 60CSx. However, the signal bar for the WAAS satellite remains hollow and the satellite blinks off and on. I wonder why this is the case? Any answers?


There in test mode. They won't be up and running until the fall.


I understand the satellites are in test mode. However, this is my situation. I tested my 60 CSx and Nuvi 350 side-by-side this morning. Both units were receiving signals from #51; however, the 60 showed the #51 signal as a solid bar and with d's showing on the other birds, the 350 showed #51 as a hollow bar, blinking on and off and with no d's showing on the other birds. The 60 and 350 use the same Sirf III chipset. Therefore, I would think both units would behave the same. My question is why is the 350 showing a hollow signal bar for #51 and with no d's showing on the other birds?

Edited by indygpser

I updated my 60 CSx to 2.6 and I now see #48 and #51 from the Indianapolis area...primarily #51 and with d's showing. Also, the signals are very strong and I can receive WAAS indoors, as well.


On a side note, I also updated my Nuvi 350 and sure enough, I am now receiving #48 and #51...primarily #51 as in the 60CSx. However, the signal bar for the WAAS satellite remains hollow and the satellite blinks off and on. I wonder why this is the case? Any answers?


There in test mode. They won't be up and running until the fall.


I understand the satellites are in test mode. However, this is my situation. I tested my 60 CSx and Nuvi 350 side-by-side this morning. Both units were receiving signals from #51; however, the 60 showed the #51 signal as a solid bar and with d's showing on the other birds, the 350 showed #51 as a hollow bar, blinking on and off and with no d's showing on the other birds. The 60 and 350 use the same Sirf III chipset. Therefore, I would think both units would behave the same. My question is why is the 350 showing a hollow signal bar for #51 and with no d's showing on the other birds?


Possibly the 60Cx and the NUVi have different antennas, i.e. helix vs. patch ??

Posted (edited)

I updated my 76CSx after a couple hours it was released through the auto updater. I live in Southern CA, USA. I pdated about 7-8 pm DST.


Right away, I was getting full bars from 5 satellites including 51. The rest were at the third line or just below it. Shortly there after, I started seeing Ds on all bars except for 51. The weird part: The location was +- 42Ft. Once I turned off WAAS, it dropped to +-14ft within a minute. I don't remember the satellite orientation in the sky.


So, I went Geocaching. I looked a for three caches. Even though I had so many full bars and WAAS disabled, the accuracy from the compass was the same. I recalibrated the compass and yielded the same results. I am not sure about any enhanced accuracy. Before the update, the compass always got me within 6-10 ft before it goes haywire. I still have the same results. Maybe Garmin just gave us "full bars" to make us happy? :)

Edited by Seedillume
Posted (edited)

I updated my 76CSx after a couple hours it was released through the auto updater. I live in Southern CA, USA. I pdated about 7-8 pm DST.


Right away, I was getting full bars from 5 satellites including 51. The rest were at the third line or just below it. Shortly there after, I started seeing Ds on all bars except for 51. The weird part: The location was +- 42Ft. Once I turned off WAAS, it dropped to +-14ft within a minute. I don't remember the satellite orientation in the sky.


I noticed the same thing, though with waas I didn't notice the claimed accuracy extremes that you have. I might have 25ft accuracy indoors with waas, then I switch waas off and the claimed accuracy starts to drop almost instantly. differences I have seen is without waas indoors I can usually get down to +-14ft, with waas on its usually +-23ft.

outdoors in the open is another story, it seems with waas I can hold a much lower EPE. The way it acts indoors when switching off waas(position EPE dropping by +-10ft) makes me wonder if with waas off if it would be better in a heavy canopy?

Edited by hogrod

So, I went Geocaching. I looked a for three caches. Even though I had so many full bars and WAAS disabled, the accuracy from the compass was the same. I recalibrated the compass and yielded the same results. I am not sure about any enhanced accuracy. Before the update, the compass always got me within 6-10 ft before it goes haywire. I still have the same results. Maybe Garmin just gave us "full bars" to make us happy? :P

Re-calibrating the compass only re-calibrates the magnetic north sensor. It has nothing to do with GPS positioning.




So, I went Geocaching. I looked a for three caches. Even though I had so many full bars and WAAS disabled, the accuracy from the compass was the same. I recalibrated the compass and yielded the same results. I am not sure about any enhanced accuracy. Before the update, the compass always got me within 6-10 ft before it goes haywire. I still have the same results. Maybe Garmin just gave us "full bars" to make us happy? :ph34r:

Re-calibrating the compass only re-calibrates the magnetic north sensor. It has nothing to do with GPS positioning.



Ok, maybe I need to clarify what I meant. When using the compass while finding a geocache, there is an arrow that points towards the cache. Also included is how many feet until arrival. All of that is based on GPS coordinates and magnetic north.

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