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Christian Literature In Geocaches

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For some, homosexual material might not meet a decency requirement.


Here's the problem. One perceives Christians as finger pointing judgemental radicals. Guess what, them there types ain't Christians. If you actually read the bible you'll find that in the New testament in particular the command to correct others is generally directed at Christians correcting fellow Christians. Your perception of what a Christian is, is what really offends you. Things often get flip flopped.


This is just an observation but often people who are offended by Christians are reflecting back on a given situation or a series of situations that have brought them to this point. Normal for all of us. The problem is that what they found offensive most likely didn't have anything to do with the Christian faith but instead the actions of someone who claimed to be a Christian. Call it using the actions of a few to place judgement on the many or label how ever you want. The real offender was the individual and not the faith.


Just as a side note, I've been reminded of something. The Christian is also commanded to not do things that are offensive to non-Christians. Something to the effect if it offends your neighbor to eat meat then don't eat meat (not an exact quote mind you). This works but doesn't override other commandments.


There are some basic principles in the bible that some might find offensive. The whole ten commandments as an example. Kinda stings when someone mentions the Thou Shalt Not Lie to me around tax time. I must admit I find it offensive but in my case it's more about me than it is about the statement.


These types of debates tend to go on an on and on and on but seldom reach any conclusion. Non-Christians will often be offended by Christians just for being Christians.

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I put a "Tracts R Us" store in the mall just inside the only entrance. You have to go past my store to get to "Farbucks" coffeeshop. Am I pushing my religion on you? Or am I offering a service to all who want it?


You have the choice to walk in or walk by. Are you(not you AW, hypothetical You) going to complain to the mall management that you think the store in the front is pushing their beliefs on you? No, you are going to walk right on by to get what you want.


Not the same. With your hypothetical store, it's not *in* the farbucks, and your not passing me a tract along with my venti nowhipped extra cafe mocha latte.


Now here's a what if question that is obvious to ask, and has been asked, but is usually ignored as a rhetorical comment. But how about somebody actually takes it seriously and answers it... What if someone put literature promoting a homo-sexual lifestyle in a cache, and your kid found it before you did and started looking at the cute little cartoons? How would you feel?

Depends on teh nature of teh pictures. If they were sexually graphic, I'd be as upset as if I found regular 'porn'. Otherwise, I'd sit down with my hypothetical kid and talk through the matter, and answer any questions as best I could. I don't agree with teh homosexual lifestyle, but I am not teach my kid to gay bash because I found one in a cache.

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When I saw this thread yesterday...I swore I'd ignore it, but like a wreck on the side of the road I just could'nt help but watch the carnage. Heres my 2 cents.


First off, this thread was started by a sock puppet thats afraid to expose themselves. Pretty lame if you ask me. Their lack of conviction is shown by their cowardess.


Secondly, if you're so offended by the mere sight of anything religious perhaps the problem lies within.


Thirdly (is that a word?), regardless how you feel about cache contents, you should always trade up, even, or not at all.

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For some, homosexual material might not meet a decency requirement.


Here's the problem. One perceives Christians as finger pointing judgemental radicals. Guess what, them there types ain't Christians. If you actually read the bible you'll find that in the New testament in particular the command to correct others is generally directed at Christians correcting fellow Christians. Your perception of what a Christian is, is what really offends you. Things often get flip flopped.


This is just an observation but often people who are offended by Christians are reflecting back on a given situation or a series of situations that have brought them to this point. Normal for all of us. The problem is that what they found offensive most likely didn't have anything to do with the Christian faith but instead the actions of someone who claimed to be a Christian. Call it using the actions of a few to place judgement on the many or label how ever you want. The real offender was the individual and not the faith.


Just as a side note, I've been reminded of something. The Christian is also commanded to not do things that are offensive to non-Christians. Something to the effect if it offends your neighbor to eat meat then don't eat meat (not an exact quote mind you). This works but doesn't override other commandments.


There are some basic principles in the bible that some might find offensive. The whole ten commandments as an example. Kinda stings when someone mentions the Thou Shalt Not Lie to me around tax time. I must admit I find it offensive but in my case it's more about me than it is about the statement.


These types of debates tend to go on an on and on and on but seldom reach any conclusion. Non-Christians will often be offended by Christians just for being Christians.


To be clear, I'm not saying *all* christians act this way. But many do, and they do call *themselves* christians even if you don't. I fully understand that there are many christians who do not evangelize so aggressively.


Of course these debates won't reach a conclusion, but that doesn't mean it's not healthy to have the debate. To those who are uncomfortable with a spirited argument, just stop reading the thread. I think it is remarkable that we've gotten this far without blatant flames. Nobody wil "win" these arguments, but in the process of understanding each side better, we all win.

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I don't personally tell any homosexual they are wrong. I try to introduce them to Jesus. I let Him take care of that.


Ah, yes, the other cop-out evangelists use so often. "I won't tell you you are wrong. I let jesus do that for me."


Even if you let your god do the judging, you are still judging.


You've really exposed your true colors in this thread. You've basically admitted, even reveled in the idea that your tracts are offensive, claiming that it's a sign that they're working. You've openly said you don't care, and you've openly said you plan to keep pushing your views on others even if they don't want them.


What more needs to be said?


Bottom line for me, If I find your trash in a cache, I'll use it for toilet paper or fire tinder or something. No trade items necessary.


You call it a cop-out because I don't agree with you. I like how you apired comments that I did not say to me. But I gladly wear the badge of shame for my fellow Christians.. :smile:


I can also tell you have never been in the military. You have no idea what pushing someones ideas in your face is.


You think I have shown my true colors, here, let me open the bos and show you all of them.


1. I am a evil, wretched sinner

2. Jesus loves me in spite of that

3. because He loves me that frees me to love you.


I'm going to pray for you, I remember when I was that scared about the uncertainty of life.


God Bless you HeadyBrew

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Hey, anybody got any tracts they can send me?


I'm gonna start stuffing caches, and get this, without even believing what they say.



You oughta get two completely opposing (philosphically or whatever) tracts, put them as your sig item, attached to each other. Confused or offended... choices choices choices. :D


And BadAndy, I will answer the most important question in your post:


Thirdly is indeed a word: http://www.tfd.com/thirdly :)


In accordance with Cybrets wise observation, I will now depart from this thread, never to return. Someone read me my last rights, even though I am not, or ever will be, Catholic? Thanks. :D

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First off, this thread was started by a sock puppet thats afraid to expose themselves. Pretty lame if you ask me. Their lack of conviction is shown by their cowardess.


Darn it, I usually catch that. A One Post Wonder got me again.


I guess I was too focused on the west coast. :smile:



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Here's a fun test. Go through threads like this and look for words like "cache" or "geocache" or "geocaching." If they don't appear then chances are the thread isn't about geocaching.


Time to close this one down. See you in three months when we do it all over again.



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