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25+ / 50+ / 100+ Cache Awards


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Our community is rather new to geocaching. We will be having our first geo-meet later this month. I would like to give out some prizes for 25+ and 50+ caches found. Does anyone know of something out there that is for sale for this purpose. I can always give out TB's or GC coins, but would like to have something specific to # of finds.


thanks much - dblrngr

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We live in a cache rich area. Our group doesn't generally give out awares until the cacher reaches the 1K milestone. Then we all have a big party and the new 1kers receave a Golden Ammo Can. The last group of 1ker get to put on the party for the new 1kers, and they get to create and stock the Golden Ammo Cans. We have a great time at the 1k parties.

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Nice ideas, I am working on some of them today. Jesh 1K... we would have to travel at least 250-300 miles (one way) to even get close to those sorts of numbers. We're all still working on getting to 100 :cool:

But dang it, we're gonna try for more. Last year around this time we had about 4 cachers, we are now up to about 30 families !


Thanks again for all the help.


dblrngr :anicute:

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Nice ideas, I am working on some of them today. Jesh 1K... we would have to travel at least 250-300 miles (one way) to even get close to those sorts of numbers. We're all still working on getting to 100 :anicute:

But dang it, we're gonna try for more. Last year around this time we had about 4 cachers, we are now up to about 30 families !


Thanks again for all the help.


dblrngr :cool:


Wow! 30 families caching up in Gillette now? We will have to make another trip up there when the ground thaws out. Hey -- send some of those people down here - our caches are getting lonely. We still have one we placed last summer (with a white jeep even while the contest was still going on) that hasn't been found yet. You know you are in a sparse cache area when you can get away with that.

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