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Garmin 60cs Durability For Atv


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Just took my 60CS on an ATV trip last weekend; it's quite secure on a handlebar RAM mount, but the bars take a pounding as you "fly" across rough terrain, take jumps, etc. which is transmitted to the mount as visible vibration. Also wondered about the effect of a LOT of dust on this GPSr. Should I coddle it and use a eTrex Legend instead for this sort of thing?


I mountain bike with a 60CS in pretty brutal terrain, and it seems to handle it fine. Of course, I'm also willing to live with a 2-3 year life-span and the cost of repairs if necessary. So far, so good though. I've had mine for over a year.


Rich Owings




"We were desert mystics, my friends and I, poring over our maps as others do their holy books." - Edward Abbey


While it is not as rough as a ATV off road, I have had my 60cs RAM mounted on the handlebar of my HD VROD motorcycle in all kinds of weather for about 5,000 miles over a year without any adverse effects.


I also RAM mount it on my hardtail mountain bike.


It gets pretty grimy after 8 hours on the road in the rain, but it always cleans up nicely.


I bet you will get excellent service from your 60cs on your ATV.


We've put about 500 miles on this summer with the 60C in a Ram mount on my wifes Traiblazer. Granted she doesn't ride as hard as I do, but bumpy enough. For the record, probably well over 1200 miles on my Sporttrak mounted on my Predator. LOTS of bumps, jumps and hifh speed shenanigans. Works fine, though the casing has pretty deep gouges from the mount. Would've had more, but the first one didn't take to well to being rolled over on. Ram mount survived fine though!

Would've had more, but the first one didn't take to well to being rolled over on. Ram mount survived fine though!


Well I've already flipped my quad some time ago so hopefully, that's the last of those maneuvers! Didn't have the GPS on board at the time or would have snapped my RAM mount right off as it was rolling down the hill. It occurred to me that I may need to modify my admittedly aggressive riding style somewhat in order to ensure maximum GPSr life. Thanks for the input. :mad:


I place my Ram mounted Meri/Plat in a clear plastic sandwich bag that is on the handle bars of my Suzuki 500 and with over 5000 miles riding in the Arizona desert there have been no problems and the sandwich bag HELPS keep the dust off the GPS.

But one of the benefits of having the GPS is that you are leeding the way and the others are in the dust. :mad:


Only problems i have had where due to the vibrations from my quad and motorcycles, If the units were under battery power they would shut down, both my Etrex and my 60CS


I solved the problem by hardwiring them to the battery on the bike. they work fantastic now.


Others have reported loss of power while riding over rough terrain. The usual suggestion is to put a little styrofoam under the battery contacts to make sure that they stay pressed tight to the batteries.


I haven't heard any reports of damage due to dust or vibration, but I like the ziplock bag idea.


I've been using my Garmin 60C while riding my ATV for over a year now. No problems except when I rolled the quad and it smashed the 60C into several pieces. The RAM mount didn't survive the rollover either. Other than that, it has been great! I have had no shutdowns due to vibration since I started using di-electric grease on the terminals. My wife uses a Legend while riding her quad. No problems there either. She doesn't roll the quad like I do. :unsure:

Posted (edited)

I don't have a 60 but quad alot with both the Sportrak and the Plat. Rolled the quad one day last year, with the plat mounted on the handerbar, the mount didn't survive and both units are still running fine to this day. :P

Just want to add though, just like any electronic equipment, sometimes things can go wrong with them.

Edited by ZoomZoom
No problems except when I rolled the quad and it smashed the 60C into several pieces. The RAM mount didn't survive the rollover either. Other than that, it has been great! I have had no shutdowns due to vibration since I started using di-electric grease on the terminals. My wife uses a Legend while riding her quad. No problems there either. She doesn't roll the quad like I do. :P

Yeah, that would do it.

My wife rides pretty conservatively also (although she did go wide on a corner last weekend and went off the fireroad) and I've contemplated mounting the GPSr on her quad, but don't want the hassle of having to wait for her every time I want to mark a waypoint. Anyone know how "fully featured" the GPSr units are that come with some of Honda's (and I presume others) newer quads?

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