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*** This Just In***


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Posted (edited)


Puddin' Boots? Hmmmm...it does have a certain ring to it...



As I recall it was more of a slurp or even a slosh.

The mud was really slippery, nearly went down a

few times.


Looking back on things, that day on Harvey Moore

Trail put my memory of Conejos Trail in a different



The deep snow-pack on Conejos Trail hushed the

sound of running water flowing over my boot tops

beneath the snow.


Ah yes, what was I thinking? Those were the days

my friend.


Poor ol' Harmon


Note to Self: So glad that I didn't drop my camera.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

OMG! Facebook users "suffer"

two whole hours of interrupted



National Emergency!


Meanwhile Zuck' and his sweet bride are living

high in Italy where he doesn't tip waitresses.


Note to Self: I've got tears in my ears from lyin' on my back cryin' over Facebook.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

Heeee's Baaack :)! Hi Harmon, I missed you!



Yes, I'm back and almost recovered except for

my bruised left heel. Pounded it to pulp on the

cobbled streets of Ireland and Scotland. Slow

progress so not much chance I'll clear the

finds I need in time for the Cuyamaca HOF



Imagine me being missed by a ranking Cuyamaca

HOF recipient. It really pleased me when you

got that second wind to press on and complete

the HOF hides.


I've known a few blonds but no other that could

crawl over, under, and through fallen trees and

branches like you can.* Give some thought to

joining one of those disaster recovery teams we

often see on television digging people out of

storm and earthquake rubble. You and Buddy the

mule are perfectly suited for that assignment.


There's some mountains in the Scottish Highlands

that are crying out for a Geocaching campaign.

It seems to me that the Dirty Dozen gang and I

should fly over to Scotland and tidy up those

gorgeous but rugged peaks that are as yet

plastered with heavy snow.


Anxious to see my pals at the M*A*S*H event.


Sweet ol' Harmon


* Janie too.




Jaunting carts of Killarney National Park

Edited by SD Rowdies

This just in ...




Yes, it's Brig o' Doon but taken from the east side after

stepping through the private gate you see for the two shots

that make up this two-frame panorama. Nice, eh?


Also have shots of the west side that were more challenging

to shoot. Had to crash a very large wedding reception to gain

access to fenced property of a pub. Men of the wedding party

wore formal kilt-kit and the women wore stunning dresses and

very fashionable hats. The bride was beyond beautiful and

the groom ever-so dashing.




For my part I was attired in my CSRP hiking garb with my

faithful old Tilley hiking hat. I sensed that my outfit made

a good impression because the wedding party couldn't keep

their eyes off of me as I passed through them coming and

going for my shots of Brig o' Doon.




I noted an odd tendency of the men of the wedding party to

lace their fingers and crack their knuckles as I passed by.

Must be some sort of Scottish custom. I'll have to ask James

about that.


Sweet ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Going to really tick me off if The Lost Clan ignores this post.

Note Two Self: Imagine! ... no Geocache at this famous brig o'er river Doon.


Hey, Harmon, that's my neighborhood! Great pictures of the Brig! Did you go to Ayr to see the view you put on my Yrium card?

Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Yes, it's Brig o' Doon but taken from the east side after

stepping through the private gate you see for the two shots

that make up this two-frame panorama. Nice, eh?


Also have shots of the west side that were more challenging

to shoot. Had to crash a very large wedding reception to gain

access to fenced property of a pub. Men of the wedding party

wore formal kilt-kit and the women wore stunning dresses and

very fashionable hats. The bride was beyond beautiful and

the groom ever-so dashing.




For my part I was attired in my CSRP hiking garb with my

faithful old Tilley hiking hat. I sensed that my outfit made

a good impression because the wedding party couldn't keep

their eyes off of me as I passed through them coming and

going for my shots of Brig o' Doon.




I noted an odd tendency of the men of the wedding party to

lace their fingers and crack their knuckles as I passed by.

Must be some sort of Scottish custom. I'll have to ask James

about that.


Sweet ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Going to really tick me off if The Lost Clan ignores this post.

Note Two Self: Imagine! ... no Geocache at this famous brig o'er river Doon.

Hey, Harmon, that's my neighborhood! Great pictures of the Brig!

Did you go to Ayr to see the view you put on my Yrium card?

Yes indeed, we had a very good time looking Ayrshire over.

I asked around to find out which pub you might be found in.

Everybody answered the same way, "Ahney wahn ahf 'um," or

something like that.


Tried for a couple of hides, one near the Robert Burns Museum

and one at his cottage. Struck out both time due to limited

time because I was so anxious to get photos at Brig' o' Doon.


Having Scottish blood in my veins, so I've been told, made for

an especially rewarding experience.


I'm left with a mystery about Brig o' Doon, how th' heck could

shoed horses make it up and over that brig with those huge,

rounded, slippery cobble-stones?

Edited by SD Rowdies
This just in ...




Yes, it's Brig o' Doon but taken from the east side after

stepping through the private gate you see for the two shots

that make up this two-frame panorama. Nice, eh?


Also have shots of the west side that were more challenging

to shoot. Had to crash a very large wedding reception to gain

access to fenced property of a pub. Men of the wedding party

wore formal kilt-kit and the women wore stunning dresses and

very fashionable hats. The bride was beyond beautiful and

the groom ever-so dashing.




For my part I was attired in my CSRP hiking garb with my

faithful old Tilley hiking hat. I sensed that my outfit made

a good impression because the wedding party couldn't keep

their eyes off of me as I passed through them coming and

going for my shots of Brig o' Doon.




I noted an odd tendency of the men of the wedding party to

lace their fingers and crack their knuckles as I passed by.

Must be some sort of Scottish custom. I'll have to ask James

about that.


Sweet ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Going to really tick me off if The Lost Clan ignores this post.

Note Two Self: Imagine! ... no Geocache at this famous brig o'er river Doon.


Hey, Harmon, that's my neighborhood! Great pictures of the Brig! Did you go to Ayr to see the view you put on my Yrium card?

If Harmon had stuck around the wedding long enough, they might have taught him to dance the Brigs of Ayr. It's actually pretty simple as you can see from the instructions below...


BRIGS OF AYR (S3x32) 3C set


1- 8 All set, turn 2H to face up, dance up and cast to 321

9-16 3s+1s dance double Fig of 8 round 2s

17-24 1s dance in and cast up to 2nd place, 1s circle 3H round to left (1L with 3s at top and 1M with 2s)

25-28 3s and 2s make arches and Adv+Ret while 1s dance under arch (to right) and cast to 2nd place own side

29-32 1s circle 3H round to right (1M with 3s at top and 1L with 2s). End 312

Posted (edited)
This just in ...




Yes, it's Brig o' Doon but taken from the east side after

stepping through the private gate you see for the two shots

that make up this two-frame panorama. Nice, eh?


Also have shots of the west side that were more challenging

to shoot. Had to crash a very large wedding reception to gain

access to fenced property of a pub. Men of the wedding party

wore formal kilt-kit and the women wore stunning dresses and

very fashionable hats. The bride was beyond beautiful and

the groom ever-so dashing.




For my part I was attired in my CSRP hiking garb with my

faithful old Tilley hiking hat. I sensed that my outfit made

a good impression because the wedding party couldn't keep

their eyes off of me as I passed through them coming and

going for my shots of Brig o' Doon.




I noted an odd tendency of the men of the wedding party to

lace their fingers and crack their knuckles as I passed by.

Must be some sort of Scottish custom. I'll have to ask James

about that.


Sweet ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Going to really tick me off if The Lost Clan ignores this post.

Note Two Self: Imagine! ... no Geocache at this famous brig o'er river Doon.


Hey, Harmon, that's my neighborhood! Great pictures of the Brig! Did you go to Ayr to see the view you put on my Yrium card?

If Harmon had stuck around the wedding long enough, they might have taught him to dance the Brigs of Ayr. It's actually pretty simple as you can see from the instructions below...


BRIGS OF AYR (S3x32) 3C set


1- 8 All set, turn 2H to face up, dance up and cast to 321

9-16 3s+1s dance double Fig of 8 round 2s

17-24 1s dance in and cast up to 2nd place, 1s circle 3H round to left (1L with 3s at top and 1M with 2s)

25-28 3s and 2s make arches and Adv+Ret while 1s dance under arch (to right) and cast to 2nd place own side

29-32 1s circle 3H round to right (1M with 3s at top and 1L with 2s). End 312

O.K., I've got the fundamental moves down pat but

I'm having a bit o' trouble when it comes to the big

finish of the Hornpipe dance. 'Splain this to me James,

"... giving the occasional rhythmic tug to their

breeches both fore and aft."


Hornpipe Dance


I'm hoping that you can demonstrate the Hornpipe

dance at the upcoming M*A*S*H Awards event on



I can help y' out 'cause I learned the entire songbook

of Scottish dance music during my visit to the Highlands.

Goes like this "Diddle-dee, diddle-dee, diddle-dee-dee!"




Looks painful but I'll just bet that it's not because his

boxers are bunched. Oddly enough that's the very same

facial expression I saw on my mom's face the moment

after I was born.


Same old story ... Asians have seen the fork and Scot's

have seen air compressors. Go figure.


As a boy I was surprised to learn that I had Scottish

blood in my veins. Trouble was that nobody would tell

me how t' safely drain it out. Apparently that's what

King James I, of England, had in mind during the

Jacobian Era.

Edited by SD Rowdies

This just in ...




Yes, it's Brig o' Doon but taken from the east side after

stepping through the private gate you see for the two shots

that make up this two-frame panorama. Nice, eh?


Also have shots of the west side that were more challenging

to shoot. Had to crash a very large wedding reception to gain

access to fenced property of a pub. Men of the wedding party

wore formal kilt-kit and the women wore stunning dresses and

very fashionable hats. The bride was beyond beautiful and

the groom ever-so dashing.




For my part I was attired in my CSRP hiking garb with my

faithful old Tilley hiking hat. I sensed that my outfit made

a good impression because the wedding party couldn't keep

their eyes off of me as I passed through them coming and

going for my shots of Brig o' Doon.




I noted an odd tendency of the men of the wedding party to

lace their fingers and crack their knuckles as I passed by.

Must be some sort of Scottish custom. I'll have to ask James

about that.


Sweet ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Going to really tick me off if The Lost Clan ignores this post.

Note Two Self: Imagine! ... no Geocache at this famous brig o'er river Doon.

Hey, Harmon, that's my neighborhood! Great pictures of the Brig!

Did you go to Ayr to see the view you put on my Yrium card?

Yes indeed, we had a very good time looking Ayrshire over.

I asked around to find out which pub you might be found in.

Everybody answered the same way, "Ahney wahn ahf 'um," or

something like that.


Tried for a couple of hides, one near the Robert Burns Museum

and one at his cottage. Struck out both time due to limited

time because I was so anxious to get photos at Brig' o' Doon.


Having Scottish blood in my veins, so I've been told, made for

an especially rewarding experience.


I'm left with a mystery about Brig o' Doon, how th' heck could

shoed horses make it up and over that brig with those huge,

rounded, slippery cobble-stones?



I found the one at the cottage a year ago. You should have called me for a lifeline! :D


As for the pubs, back in my youth they were a bit rough (even the lounge bars which allowed ladies), so I did some of my drinking at The Burns Monument Hotel, which wasn't nearly as ritzy in those days. (Don't ask what age I was!)


As for the poem, that conjures up quite a picture, doesn't it? But I guess there was a supernatural aspect to it all, so that might explain it. My favorite part of the poem is (of course!) "Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses, For honest men and bonnie lasses".


Maybe we should have been The Thirsty Lasses! :laughing:

Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Yes, it's Brig o' Doon but taken from the east side after

stepping through the private gate you see for the two shots

that make up this two-frame panorama. Nice, eh?


Also have shots of the west side that were more challenging

to shoot. Had to crash a very large wedding reception to gain

access to fenced property of a pub. Men of the wedding party

wore formal kilt-kit and the women wore stunning dresses and

very fashionable hats. The bride was beyond beautiful and

the groom ever-so dashing.




For my part I was attired in my CSRP hiking garb with my

faithful old Tilley hiking hat. I sensed that my outfit made

a good impression because the wedding party couldn't keep

their eyes off of me as I passed through them coming and

going for my shots of Brig o' Doon.




I noted an odd tendency of the men of the wedding party to

lace their fingers and crack their knuckles as I passed by.

Must be some sort of Scottish custom. I'll have to ask James

about that.


Sweet ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Going to really tick me off if The Lost Clan ignores this post.

Note Two Self: Imagine! ... no Geocache at this famous brig o'er river Doon.

Hey, Harmon, that's my neighborhood! Great pictures of the Brig!

Did you go to Ayr to see the view you put on my Yrium card?

Yes indeed, we had a very good time looking Ayrshire over.

I asked around to find out which pub you might be found in.

Everybody answered the same way, "Ahney wahn ahf 'um," or

something like that.


Tried for a couple of hides, one near the Robert Burns Museum

and one at his cottage. Struck out both time due to limited

time because I was so anxious to get photos at Brig' o' Doon.


Having Scottish blood in my veins, so I've been told, made for

an especially rewarding experience.


I'm left with a mystery about Brig o' Doon, how th' heck could

shoed horses make it up and over that brig with those huge,

rounded, slippery cobble-stones?

I found the one at the cottage a year ago. You should have called me for a lifeline! :D


As for the pubs, back in my youth they were a bit rough (even the lounge bars which allowed ladies), so I did some of my drinking at The Burns Monument Hotel, which wasn't nearly as ritzy in those days. (Don't ask what age I was!)


As for the poem, that conjures up quite a picture, doesn't it? But I guess there was a supernatural aspect to it all, so that might explain it. My favorite part of the poem is (of course!) "Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses, For honest men and bonnie lasses".


Maybe we should have been The Thirsty Lasses! :laughing:

I realized too late that there was a hide at the cottage

and so was under pressure to head for the museum. Same

thing happened at the mouse statue, I looked as long as

I dared without causing me to miss out on shots of Brig

o' Doon that I was quite determined to have.


It surely surprised me to find that photographing Brig

o' Doon was so challenging. Private property and a huge

wedding reception stood in my way but so did Cuyamaca

Challenge. It seems that 2012 is going to be a banner

year for me.


Seemed unusual to visit Ayr after doing your Yrium Card.

Felt like I had been there before. I suppose that you

have this book.




Not sure about The Thirsty Lasses ... that's got

a pitfall or two with regard to rhyming.

Edited by SD Rowdies

This just in ...




Yes, it's Brig o' Doon but taken from the east side after

stepping through the private gate you see for the two shots

that make up this two-frame panorama. Nice, eh?


Also have shots of the west side that were more challenging

to shoot. Had to crash a very large wedding reception to gain

access to fenced property of a pub. Men of the wedding party

wore formal kilt-kit and the women wore stunning dresses and

very fashionable hats. The bride was beyond beautiful and

the groom ever-so dashing.




For my part I was attired in my CSRP hiking garb with my

faithful old Tilley hiking hat. I sensed that my outfit made

a good impression because the wedding party couldn't keep

their eyes off of me as I passed through them coming and

going for my shots of Brig o' Doon.




I noted an odd tendency of the men of the wedding party to

lace their fingers and crack their knuckles as I passed by.

Must be some sort of Scottish custom. I'll have to ask James

about that.


Sweet ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Going to really tick me off if The Lost Clan ignores this post.

Note Two Self: Imagine! ... no Geocache at this famous brig o'er river Doon.

Hey, Harmon, that's my neighborhood! Great pictures of the Brig!

Did you go to Ayr to see the view you put on my Yrium card?

Yes indeed, we had a very good time looking Ayrshire over.

I asked around to find out which pub you might be found in.

Everybody answered the same way, "Ahney wahn ahf 'um," or

something like that.


Tried for a couple of hides, one near the Robert Burns Museum

and one at his cottage. Struck out both time due to limited

time because I was so anxious to get photos at Brig' o' Doon.


Having Scottish blood in my veins, so I've been told, made for

an especially rewarding experience.


I'm left with a mystery about Brig o' Doon, how th' heck could

shoed horses make it up and over that brig with those huge,

rounded, slippery cobble-stones?

I found the one at the cottage a year ago. You should have called me for a lifeline! :D


As for the pubs, back in my youth they were a bit rough (even the lounge bars which allowed ladies), so I did some of my drinking at The Burns Monument Hotel, which wasn't nearly as ritzy in those days. (Don't ask what age I was!)


As for the poem, that conjures up quite a picture, doesn't it? But I guess there was a supernatural aspect to it all, so that might explain it. My favorite part of the poem is (of course!) "Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses, For honest men and bonnie lasses".


Maybe we should have been The Thirsty Lasses! :laughing:

I realized too late that there was a hide at the cottage

and so was under pressure to head for the museum. Same

thing happened at the mouse statue, I looked as long as

I dared without causing me to miss out on shots of Brig

o' Doon that I was quite determined to have.


It surely surprised me to find that photographing Brig

o' Doon was so challenging. Private property and a huge

wedding reception stood in my way but so did Cuyamaca

Challenge. It seems that 2012 is going to be a banner

year for me.


Seemed unusual to visit Ayr after doing your Yrium Card.

Felt like I had been there before. I suppose that you

have this book.




Not sure about The Thirsty Lasses ... that's got

a pitfall or two with regard to rhyming.


I don't have that book, but I do have a couple of others, as well as one my history teacher wrote about my old school, Ayr Academy, on its 750th anniversary back in 1983!


Not sure I can find much that rhymes with Ladies.....which may be a good thing!

Posted (edited)

Not sure about The Thirsty Lasses ... that's got

a pitfall or two with regard to rhyming.

Cam an, Harmon! Gie it laldy. Failing means yer playin!


Ye ne'er been feert ta' step in whaur angels fear to tread.

When it comes t' The Thirsty Ladies ...

there's too many of 'em and, besides,

I'm no Angel.

Edited by SD Rowdies


You'd think those guys would be smart enough not to stand in the middle of the road.

Question: When Jodi says "Stand in the middle of the road," what should you do?

Answer: Stand in the middle of the road.

Posted (edited)

The Clodhopper Saga


It seems that people one holds dearest are more often than not

the hardest to please. Not mentioning any names but when I try

to get on base with Splashette and Jahoadi I'm more often than

not called out at the plate. Woe is me.


Take Splashette for instance, that ol' gal has it in for me from

head to toe. Long ago she started in on my hiking boots by

frequently and publically refering to them as a pair of ugly ol'

clodhoppers. Woe is me.


Knowing that Splashette would attend the M*A*S*H III event

I decided to stage a comeback in my footwear department by

dressing up my old clodhoppers with the hope of having a rare

word of approval slip through her sweet, tender, rose-bud lips.

Woe is me.


I hereby submit Exhibit A for consideration, a photo of my old

clodhoppers dressed up in a cutting-edge, manly-man footware

style befitting an L. L. Bean summer-sale catalog. Woe is me.




Splashette took one look at my stylish clodhoppers and screamed

for Jahoadi ... the two of them joined in a fit of laughter and

knee-slappin' derision.


Woe is me,

Poor ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: What's so wrong about being a fashion-trend outlier?

Edited by SD Rowdies

Hi Everyone,

I am Portolahiker and I live north of Lake Tahoe. Found this ongoing topic list last fall. I want to thank you all for the wonderful laughs. Have been to sick to do much caching so I was online finding things to occupy myself. When I saw Harmon's 'updated' boots I had to once again chuckle with you all in Southern Cal. and finally post a comment. Would love to join up with you all at an event or caching if I ever get down your way. Happy Caching everyone! Portolahiker

Posted (edited)

Hi Everyone,

I am Portolahiker and I live north of Lake Tahoe. Found this ongoing topic list last fall. I want to thank you all for the wonderful laughs. Have been to sick to do much caching so I was online finding things to occupy myself. When I saw Harmon's 'updated' boots I had to once again chuckle with you all in Southern Cal. and finally post a comment. Would love to join up with you all at an event or caching if I ever get down your way. Happy Caching everyone! Portolahiker



Please will you send me a note saying that you think my cammo'

boots are terrific and that Janie and Jodi were being mean to

me when they laughed at my stylish footwear ... please, please?


If you drill all the way back through this Forum thread you'll

see how naughty those two ol' gals have been to me over the

years. Even so I think the world of them. (Please don't tell

them that I've said so.)


Delighted that you have found enjoyment within this crazy Forum

Thread. My guess is that you would fit right in with our gang

of crazed Geocachers.


I checked your profile page and so am aware of your difficulty.

The sure antidote is (1) something to do, (2) someone to love,

and (3) something to look forward to.


Best wishes from San Diego County,


SD Rowdies

Edited by SD Rowdies



Jut a word of warning about Ole' Harmon. Do not send any pictures........ :rolleyes: His boots were funny and lots of people got a kick out of them!! We have cached in the Lake Tahoe area including lots of hiking and really like the area (Both the California side and Nevada side).


Posted (edited)

Just a word of warning about Ole' Harmon. Do not send any pictures........ :rolleyes: His boots were funny and lots of people got a kick out of them!!

See what I'm sayin' 'bout Jodi? Janie too,

just wait and see. (Tick, tick, tick ....)


By the way, the advantage of cammo' boots

is that they don't leave boot-prints and so

a Mountain Lion can't track you down and

eat you. That's a good thang.


On th' downside it's really hard t' tie th'

boot laces 'cause y' can't see th' invisible

boots. That's a bad thang.


So it goes,

Poor ol' Harmon




Note to Self: Got t' figure out which side Portolahiker is on.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

The Clodhopper Saga


THOSE boots were made for walkin'???? Really?


Another part of the event that I must have missed...sigh...

Uh-huh, walkin' is what made those boots what they are today.


Say, James, aren't you supposed t' be sleepin' in? I'm still

painting my house so if you would like to have a set of cammo'

boots like mine then just drop 'em by my place for a do.


I can always buy another gallon of paint ... I've seen th' size

of your feet.


By th' way, nice job of being th' audio guy for the M*A*S*H III

event, you know, eventually.

Edited by SD Rowdies

Hi Everyone,

I am Portolahiker and I live north of Lake Tahoe. Found this ongoing topic list last fall. I want to thank you all for the wonderful laughs. Have been to sick to do much caching so I was online finding things to occupy myself. When I saw Harmon's 'updated' boots I had to once again chuckle with you all in Southern Cal. and finally post a comment. Would love to join up with you all at an event or caching if I ever get down your way. Happy Caching everyone! Portolahiker



Please will you send me a note saying that you think my cammo'

boots are terrific and that Janie and Jodi were being mean to

me when they laughed at my stylish footwear ... please, please?


If you drill all the way back through this Forum thread you'll

see how naughty those two ol' gals have been to me over the

years. Even so I think the world of them. (Please don't tell

them that I've said so.)


Delighted that you have found enjoyment within this crazy Forum

Thread. My guess is that you would fit right in with our gang

of crazed Geocachers.


I checked your profile page and so am aware of your difficulty.

The sure antidote is (1) something to do, (2) someone to love,

and (3) something to look forward to.


Best wishes from San Diego County,


SD Rowdies


Sorry Harmon, I am laughing along with Janie and Jodi. I think the boots are hilarious :)




Jut a word of warning about Ole' Harmon. Do not send any pictures........ :rolleyes: His boots were funny and lots of people got a kick out of them!! We have cached in the Lake Tahoe area including lots of hiking and really like the area (Both the California side and Nevada side).



I see what your saying about giving Harmon any pics lol.


Just a word of warning about Ole' Harmon. Do not send any pictures........ :rolleyes: His boots were funny and lots of people got a kick out of them!!

See what I'm sayin' 'bout Jodi? Janie too,

just wait and see. (Tick, tick, tick ....)


By the way, the advantage of cammo' boots

is that they don't leave boot-prints and so

a Mountain Lion can't track you down and

eat you. That's a good thang.


On th' downside it's really hard t' tie th'

boot laces 'cause y' can't see th' invisible

boots. That's a bad thang.


So it goes,

Poor ol' Harmon




Note to Self: Got t' figure out which side Portolahiker is on.


Hey wait a min..... My socks are all the way down and 'bunched' as much as they can be. I am not going to cut my foot off so they can go down more :)


If you can make some boots that can do all that...... you would be a rich man haha


The last comment :) If you cant fiqure out which side portolahiker is on then ya need some new glasses haha

Posted (edited)

Just a word of warning about Ole' Harmon. Do not send any pictures........ :rolleyes: His boots were funny and lots of people got a kick out of them!!

See what I'm sayin' 'bout Jodi? Janie too,

just wait and see. (Tick, tick, tick ....)


By the way, the advantage of cammo' boots

is that they don't leave boot-prints and so

a Mountain Lion can't track you down and

eat you. That's a good thang.


On th' downside it's really hard t' tie th'

boot laces 'cause y' can't see th' invisible

boots. That's a bad thang.


So it goes,

Poor ol' Harmon




Note to Self: Got t' figure out which side Portolahiker is on.


Hey wait a min..... My socks are all the way down and 'bunched' as much as they can be. I am not going to cut my foot off so they can go down more :)


If you can make some boots that can do all that...... you would be a rich man haha


The last comment :) If you cant fiqure out which side portolahiker is on then ya need some new glasses haha

Sgt. Seymour Argyle of the San Diego County Unbunched Sock

Police had this to say, "Socks that aren't bunched and socks that

can't be seen are one and the same as far as law is concerned ...

not unbunched in either case t' put it plain."


Besides, falling in with rebels like Janie and Jodi does nothing

for your case. Willfully choosing to wander from the arrow-straight

road to bunched-sock righteousness is a common first step toward

the DTMMBLB-offenders identity parade.


As to the wisecrack about my stylish cammo' boots, keep in mind

that you only had one leg to stand on in the original version of

that posted image. Be careful what you wish for.


So it goes,

Sweet ol' Harmon


Note to Self: Love it, she can dish it out!

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)



Jut a word of warning about Ole' Harmon. Do not send any pictures........ :rolleyes: His boots were funny and lots of people got a kick out of them!! We have cached in the Lake Tahoe area including lots of hiking and really like the area (Both the California side and Nevada side).


I see what your saying about giving Harmon any pics lol.

O geez, now you've truly fallen in with that rascal. What

am I to do with you?

Edited by SD Rowdies

The Clodhopper Saga


It seems that people one holds dearest are more often than not

the hardest to please. Not mentioning any names but when I try

to get on base with Splashette and Jahoadi I'm more often than

not called out at the plate. Woe is me.


Take Splashette for instance, that ol' gal has it in for me from

head to toe. Long ago she started in on my hiking boots by

frequently and publically refering to them as a pair of ugly ol'

clodhoppers. Woe is me.


Knowing that Splashette would attend the M*A*S*H III event

I decided to stage a comeback in my footwear department by

dressing up my old clodhoppers with the hope of having a rare

word of approval slip through her sweet, tender, rose-bud lips.

Woe is me.


I hereby submit Exhibit A for consideration, a photo of my old

clodhoppers dressed up in a cutting-edge, manly-man footware

style befitting an L. L. Bean summer-sale catalog. Woe is me.




Splashette took one look at my stylish clodhoppers and screamed

for Jahoadi ... the two of them joined in a fit of laughter and

knee-slappin' derision.


Woe is me,

Poor ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: What's so wrong about being a fashion-trend outlier?


I want a pair for turkey hunting, love them there camo.

Posted (edited)

The Clodhopper Saga


It seems that people one holds dearest are more often than not

the hardest to please. Not mentioning any names but when I try

to get on base with Splashette and Jahoadi I'm more often than

not called out at the plate. Woe is me.


Take Splashette for instance, that ol' gal has it in for me from

head to toe. Long ago she started in on my hiking boots by

frequently and publically refering to them as a pair of ugly ol'

clodhoppers. Woe is me.


Knowing that Splashette would attend the M*A*S*H III event

I decided to stage a comeback in my footwear department by

dressing up my old clodhoppers with the hope of having a rare

word of approval slip through her sweet, tender, rose-bud lips.

Woe is me.


I hereby submit Exhibit A for consideration, a photo of my old

clodhoppers dressed up in a cutting-edge, manly-man footware

style befitting an L. L. Bean summer-sale catalog. Woe is me.




Splashette took one look at my stylish clodhoppers and screamed

for Jahoadi ... the two of them joined in a fit of laughter and

knee-slappin' derision.


Woe is me,

Poor ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: What's so wrong about being a fashion-trend outlier?


I want a pair for turkey hunting, love them there camo.

Exterior house paint and a marker pen, nothin' to it. Glidden

exterior single-coat is the trick.


My boots seem to be attracting attention in my neighborhood.

I've noticed several people walking past my house glaring at

my boots while I paint.


Later a county case-worker dropped by to ask a few questions

of me; you know, about my age and stuff and she wanted the

name and telephone number of the person that looks after me.

Nice lookin' gal, hope she drops by again. I think she likes me.


To be honest about my cammo' boots, I'm a bit worried about

them 'cause there's a tiny defect showing up on the right boot.

Might have t' look into some caulking and then repaint.




On the other hand I've noticed that the sock on my right foot

dries out quicker after I wade streams and rivers.


So it goes,

Sweet ol' Harmon


Note to Self: You can't get good stuff like this on Facebook.

Edited by SD Rowdies

The Clodhopper Saga


It seems that people one holds dearest are more often than not

the hardest to please. Not mentioning any names but when I try

to get on base with Splashette and Jahoadi I'm more often than

not called out at the plate. Woe is me.


Take Splashette for instance, that ol' gal has it in for me from

head to toe. Long ago she started in on my hiking boots by

frequently and publically refering to them as a pair of ugly ol'

clodhoppers. Woe is me.


Knowing that Splashette would attend the M*A*S*H III event

I decided to stage a comeback in my footwear department by

dressing up my old clodhoppers with the hope of having a rare

word of approval slip through her sweet, tender, rose-bud lips.

Woe is me.


I hereby submit Exhibit A for consideration, a photo of my old

clodhoppers dressed up in a cutting-edge, manly-man footware

style befitting an L. L. Bean summer-sale catalog. Woe is me.




Splashette took one look at my stylish clodhoppers and screamed

for Jahoadi ... the two of them joined in a fit of laughter and

knee-slappin' derision.


Woe is me,

Poor ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: What's so wrong about being a fashion-trend outlier?


I want a pair for turkey hunting, love them there camo.

Exterior house paint and a marker pen, nothin' to it. Glidden

exterior single-coat is the trick.


My boots seem to be attracting attention in my neighborhood.

I've noticed several people walking past my house glaring at

my boots while I paint.


Later a county case-worker dropped by to ask a few questions

of me; you know, about my age and stuff and she wanted the

name and telephone number of the person that looks after me.

Nice lookin' gal, hope she drops by again. I think she likes me.


To be honest about my cammo' boots, I'm a bit worried about

them 'cause there's a tiny defect showing up on the right boot.

Might have t' look into some caulking and then repaint.




On the other hand I've noticed that the sock on my right foot

dries out quicker after I wade streams and rivers.


So it goes,

Sweet ol' Harmon


Note to Self: You can't get good stuff like this on Facebook.



Of coarse, you all realize that Harmon is painting his house with the same paint, so now his house is really hard to find!

Jodi & I were not laughing (well, not too much) at Harmon's boots, we really liked them........it's his house!!! The military would be proud, maybe he can get a job painting ships.

Your Pal.


Janie :anicute:

Posted (edited)

The Clodhopper Saga


It seems that people one holds dearest are more often than not

the hardest to please. Not mentioning any names but when I try

to get on base with Splashette and Jahoadi I'm more often than

not called out at the plate. Woe is me.


Take Splashette for instance, that ol' gal has it in for me from

head to toe. Long ago she started in on my hiking boots by

frequently and publically refering to them as a pair of ugly ol'

clodhoppers. Woe is me.


Knowing that Splashette would attend the M*A*S*H III event

I decided to stage a comeback in my footwear department by

dressing up my old clodhoppers with the hope of having a rare

word of approval slip through her sweet, tender, rose-bud lips.

Woe is me.


I hereby submit Exhibit A for consideration, a photo of my old

clodhoppers dressed up in a cutting-edge, manly-man footware

style befitting an L. L. Bean summer-sale catalog. Woe is me.




Splashette took one look at my stylish clodhoppers and screamed

for Jahoadi ... the two of them joined in a fit of laughter and

knee-slappin' derision.


Woe is me,

Poor ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


Note to Self: What's so wrong about being a fashion-trend outlier?


I want a pair for turkey hunting, love them there camo.

Exterior house paint and a marker pen, nothin' to it. Glidden

exterior single-coat is the trick.


My boots seem to be attracting attention in my neighborhood.

I've noticed several people walking past my house glaring at

my boots while I paint.


Later a county case-worker dropped by to ask a few questions

of me; you know, about my age and stuff and she wanted the

name and telephone number of the person that looks after me.

Nice lookin' gal, hope she drops by again. I think she likes me.


To be honest about my cammo' boots, I'm a bit worried about

them 'cause there's a tiny defect showing up on the right boot.

Might have t' look into some caulking and then repaint.




On the other hand I've noticed that the sock on my right foot

dries out quicker after I wade streams and rivers.


So it goes,

Sweet ol' Harmon


Note to Self: You can't get good stuff like this on Facebook.

Of coarse, you all realize that Harmon is painting his house with the

same paint, so now his house is really hard to find!


Jodi & I were not laughing (well, not too much) at Harmon's boots, we

really liked them........it's his house!!! The military would be proud,

maybe he can get a job painting ships.


Your Pal,

Janie :anicute:

Yeah, well, just you try it ... painting all those darned pixel

patches and then outlining them with a marker pen can get really

tiring when it's the whole house you're doin'.


I keep yelling for Sandy to open th' back door so's I can find

it t' get back into th' house ... but she won't do it. She keeps

yelling "Go away, we don't want any!"


Here's a photo showing my progress with the house paint.




You also see Goldilocks after arriving for her periodic Photoshop

lesson but couldn't find the doorbell, the door, nor even the house.

As you see she wrote a note but didn't know where to stick it.


Be nice,

Sweet ol' Harmon


Note to Self: Will Goldilocks ever give up on that umbrella & pink outfit?

Edited by SD Rowdies

Just a word of warning about Ole' Harmon. Do not send any pictures........ :rolleyes: His boots were funny and lots of people got a kick out of them!!

See what I'm sayin' 'bout Jodi? Janie too,

just wait and see. (Tick, tick, tick ....)


By the way, the advantage of cammo' boots

is that they don't leave boot-prints and so

a Mountain Lion can't track you down and

eat you. That's a good thang.


On th' downside it's really hard t' tie th'

boot laces 'cause y' can't see th' invisible

boots. That's a bad thang.


So it goes,

Poor ol' Harmon




Note to Self: Got t' figure out which side Portolahiker is on.


Hey wait a min..... My socks are all the way down and 'bunched' as much as they can be. I am not going to cut my foot off so they can go down more :)


If you can make some boots that can do all that...... you would be a rich man haha


The last comment :) If you cant fiqure out which side portolahiker is on then ya need some new glasses haha

Sgt. Seymour Argyle of the San Diego County Unbunched Sock

Police had this to say, "Socks that aren't bunched and socks that

can't be seen are one and the same as far as law is concerned ...

not unbunched in either case t' put it plain."


Besides, falling in with rebels like Janie and Jodi does nothing

for your case. Willfully choosing to wander from the arrow-straight

road to bunched-sock righteousness is a common first step toward

the DTMMBLB-offenders identity parade.


As to the wisecrack about my stylish cammo' boots, keep in mind

that you only had one leg to stand on in the original version of

that posted image. Be careful what you wish for.


So it goes,

Sweet ol' Harmon


Note to Self: Love it, she can dish it out!


I am a rebel now? Ohh....I think I like the sound of that :)




Jut a word of warning about Ole' Harmon. Do not send any pictures........ :rolleyes: His boots were funny and lots of people got a kick out of them!! We have cached in the Lake Tahoe area including lots of hiking and really like the area (Both the California side and Nevada side).


I see what your saying about giving Harmon any pics lol.

O geez, now you've truly fallen in with that rascal. What

am I to do with you?


Actually I havent fallen in with anyone. When I first saw your boots I sat here and laughed.... a lot :)

I was then given a warning about giving you pics due the fact that you like to um... alter them lol. And since I have seen several pics in the archives I agree with the warning. If I knew how to alter pics like you do I would love to fix up a few of yours haha.


On another note, I actually had the chance to get out and work on a power trail up near Truckee last weekend with my daughter. It was a great time. Getting closer to my 1000 milestone :) Truckee's 1st power trail! by Dizfiz is what we worked on.

Happy caching everyone!


If I knew how to alter pics like you do I would love to fix up a few of yours haha.

The cool thing (OK, one of the cool things) about Ol' Harmon is that he is more than willing to teach people to fight back. There are a number of PhotoShop lessons contained in this thread (though it can be a pain to search them out...)


And he isn't too careful to keep from leaving incriminating photos (or photos that can be made to be incriminating) of himself from falling into the hands of others...



Posted (edited)
If I knew how to alter pics like you do I would love to fix up a few of yours haha.

The cool thing (OK, one of the cool things) about Ol' Harmon is that he is more than willing to teach people to fight back. There are a number of PhotoShop lessons contained in this thread (though it can be a pain to search them out...)


And he isn't too careful to keep from leaving incriminating photos (or photos that can be made to be incriminating) of himself from falling into the hands of others...





Good gosh, the old Cameloupe image! I recall praying

that your hard-drive would crash and take those

incriminating images of me with it.


Just my luck, dealing with a guy wise enough to do



Leianne, if you start right now you could be here by

tomorrow morning when Goldilocks arrives for her

semi-periodic Photoshop refresher course.


She's taken on another assignment as the official

photographer for the upcoming 2012 AAUW Tech Trek

week at UCSD. Secretly she just intends to sweet-

talk me into being available to back her up when her

deadline looms.


So it goes,

Sweet ol' Harmon

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

On another note, I actually had the chance to get out and work on

a power trail up near Truckee last weekend with my daughter.


It was a great time. Getting closer to my 1,000 milestone :)


Happy caching everyone!


"Worked on ..." I'll say, something like fifty finds.




What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? And

how come you didn't log numbers one through three?


So let's see some action, press on for your One-K

milestone ... don't be sittin' 'round girl!


Sweet ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies

Edited by SD Rowdies

On another note, I actually had the chance to get out and work on

a power trail up near Truckee last weekend with my daughter.


It was a great time. Getting closer to my 1,000 milestone :)


Happy caching everyone!


"Worked on ..." I'll say, something like fifty finds.




What's a girl like you doing in a place like this? And

how come you didn't log numbers one through three?


So let's see some action, press on for your One-K

milestone ... don't be sittin' 'round girl!


Sweet ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies


A girl like me lives up in the mountains like that background shows (portola and graeagle, cal if you want to look up the area and pics). Wonderful summers up here. Winters well we shovel and use snowblowers to park in our driveways lol.


As for the finds on the power trail, it was a 50 cache trail. We found the first 3 last fall. Out of the 47 we looked for we found 43. This sick complaining body didnt like it but I sure did :)

Will be getting out and searching for more caches as soon as I can. We are in the middle of moving to Graeagle from Portola and we have our annual Yosemite youth group trip July 1-8. Then the 2 oldest of our grandkids are coming for a visit for the rest of July. They are 12 and 10. The three of us started working on the blackwood canyon power trail at Lake Tahoe on Jan 3 this year. Very little snow at the time though the road was closed to car traffic. So we walked about a 1 mile each way grabbing the first 8 caches. I promised when they came to visit this summer we would go down and work on the trail again. So that will be in the plans after our trip. Enclosed are a couple pics of Kristian and Neveah caching the blackwood canyon trail. I couldnt fiqure out how to copy and paste them so they are at caches GC2HM5T and GC2HMQH. The kids dont look like me lol but I have taught them to be silly and goofy like me.

As you say Harmon.......so it goes :)




A girl like me lives up in the mountains like that background shows (portola and graeagle, cal if you want to look up the area and pics). Wonderful summers up here. Winters well we shovel and use snowblowers to park in our driveways lol.


snip%< We are in the middle of moving to Graeagle from Portola and we have our annual Yosemite youth group trip July 1-8. Then the 2 oldest of our grandkids are coming for a visit for the rest of July. They are 12 and 10. The three of us started working on the blackwood canyon power trail at Lake Tahoe on Jan 3 this year. snip%< Enclosed are a couple pics of Kristian and Neveah caching the blackwood canyon trail. I couldnt fiqure out how to copy and paste them so they are at caches GC2HM5T and GC2HMQH. The kids dont look like me lol but I have taught them to be silly and goofy like me.




Hi there! They let me hang out here a little bit too! CA for Canada or California helps I guess. I'm guessing we all qualify on the slightly silly/goofy specification. Don't mind them too much, they just miss out on too much snow and cold. Ours JUST left about two weeks ago and there was some new higher up just two days back. Those look like fun kids, don't you let them get all serious too quickly now. As for the pictures, I didn't think it was right for me to link them here for you, but...


Since they exist on the site already, all you have to do is go to them and display the larger version, right click and copy the URL via that option. IF I'm doing more than one image I paste them URLs into something like Note or Word Pad for keeping as a group.

Then re copy if needed and when writing a post like this, right next to the smiley up top there is a graphic icon of a chain link.

click that and you can link ONE image at a time. Just paste each URL you gathered there. It should appear on the note. Use preview to check it. That just LINKS to the image without displaying it. To display it, go one more Icon to the right (like a picture of a tree) Same method one at a time, but it will actually show the image in the post.


There is a way to do a bunch at once, but you still have to collect them on a text editor NP or WP of some sort then process.


The catch is that any posted image has to exist somewhere ON the internet. In this case a Geocache LOG gallery, some of us use offline photo storage sites. But it has to be something that can be linked or polled to show. Lots of stuff you can do if you check out the little ? in a blue circle at the upper right of the entry screen. It takes time to figure out, so you can ask away.


By the Way, I like the 'antlers' one, goes far to prove that retouching isn't the only way to have some fun with images, have you tried the 'little person on hand' illusion? I used to do that with film camera all the time.


Doug 7rxc Elkford BC CA

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