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Skype And Geocaching


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Just curious if anyone out there uses skype to communicate with fellow geocachers? I just installed it today and I'm learning the ropes. I was thinking, if it hasn't already been done, about a "virtual event cache"

I know victuals are not being approved, but I was thinking more of just a get together over the 'net.

My skype name is icenrye. Anyone interested? This would make for an interesting segment in my Geovideozine!




I use skype, but it never crossed my mind to combine it with geocaching. Always fun to meet other cachers though. My id is TanuWoW (I use it for World of Warcraft); maybe I'll add a "BeachBuddies" account too...

Posted (edited)

I suppose a search on the GC forums would have helped! :lol:. This thread looks interesting. I signed up at the recommended webpage. Looks interesting.


FYI: Skype is a VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) program that allows you to talk to anyone who also has the program. Like IM, but with voice. Check out their website. There are other uses as well. It's quite a popular program.


I'm goinig to do a quick video with skype. Stay tuned and you'll be able to see it in action. I'll post the link here.

Edited by Icenrye
Posted (edited)

I use Skype; I'll add you to my list. My Skype name is Tidalflame. I don't know where my microphone is right now, but I guess I'll find it if anyone gives me a call.


There's actually a list called "Geoskypers" for Geocachers using Skype... you can check that out here


Edit: Woops, wasn't paying attention - guess you already know about that. Well, I added you to my list, anyway.

Edited by Tidalflame
Just curious if anyone out there uses skype to communicate with fellow geocachers?

Yes I use Skype to train Tournament Directors for my Yahoo Pinochle League. It works very well. I have not used it with geocachers. Should you decide to do something later, please contact me. I don't use Stashseeker for the skype ID so email me please, tyvm.

Posted (edited)

I've heard so many war stories about VOIP's being hacked and thieves making long distance international phone calls to regular phones with it.


Icenrye, how secure do you feel Skype is? How long have you had it, and have you seen any discrepancies on your bill?


Thanks for the info,



Oh, I forgot to ask, I know that Skype can make calls to regular phones, but can a regular phone make a call to Skype?

Edited by OldTimeRadioAddict
I've heard so many war stories about VOIP's being hacked and thieves making long distance international phone calls to regular phones with it.


Icenrye, how secure do you feel Skype is? How long have you had it, and have you seen any discrepancies on your bill?


Thanks for the info,



Oh, I forgot to ask, I know that Skype can make calls to regular phones, but can a regular phone make a call to Skype?

You don't have to pay to use Skype. It's totally free to call other Skype users. You just can't call regular phones without a payed account.


Regular phones can call Skype accounts with SkypeIn (paid service.)

Posted (edited)

Skype seems to be pretty secure. Since everything with a fee is pre-paid, there's a limit to your risk.


Trippy and I used it daily to do GeoBash planning in June and July. We even conferenced DeltaDawg in to do a GeoRadio bit. The problem with trying to do any kind of conference call is that whoever is hosting the CC has their computer doing all of the processing for the conference. You can't do anything else. Also, the participant limit is five. That doesn't make for really big meetings. It works well for me, though. Girlgeek and I use it pretty often.



[EDIT: To clarify the money thing]

Edited by Bjorn74

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