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I was thinking of plasing a cache in a sertan area when I looked to see if there were other nearby Caches I found theres one nearby the spot I want to place I havent looked for it yet the weather has been to nasty to do so.


what I want to know is how far is it polite to palce a cache, the area its in is pretty open exsept for a couple corpses of tees and some dence srub I won't place it in the same group of trees but a nearby one or amoung the srub is that ok?


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Usually a cache will not be approved if it is within 500 feet of another cache. So if it is further than that it would be ok as far as proximity to another cache.



Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you'll be a mile from them, and you'll have their shoes.


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Originally posted by LoneHowler:


what I want to know is how far is it polite to palce a cache, the area its in is pretty open exsept for a couple corpses of tees and some dence srub I won't place it in the same group of trees but a nearby one or amoung the srub is that ok?


I doubt if that would be approved. The exceptions to the tenth-of-a-mile rule are usually when there's some physical barrier between the two caches. (Or those that got grandfathered in before the rule was put in place.)


What you can do is to make it a multi-cache. Make the first leg a coordinates-only cache, and put it outside the .1 mile perimeter.



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thanks for the info I'll have to scout it out it's a long bike path I could find another local along it somewhere. I was hopping to put it near the swamp where theres lots of birds in the summer but from the map and driving by it, it seems that's where the other cache is.


thing is this will be my first cache and I want it to be somewhere where I can cheack on it easaly,the path is pretty close to work


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I say the first thing to do is log the other cache. See exactly where it is, and what the site has to offer.


Then find the exact spot you would like to put a cache of your own. If you think it has something exceptional and different to offer than the other cache, I would email the other cache owner and discuss it with them to see if they mind another close to theirs.







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Originally posted by MaxEntropy:

Why do you want to hide another cache in the same area? What does your cache offer that would make it different from the others?

Work on quality, not quantity.



Max Entropy

More than just a name, a lifestyle.


You speak as if those were two were mutually exlusive. What another cache adds, is another chance to have a little bit of fun. Another oportunity for me to head out my door and play with my gps thingy.


If the site has set a distance of .1 miles then that's fine. But if they are .1 miles apart then hide it. I would not assume it would be a non quality cache, just because it's near another.


What does 'quality' mean anyway? (I sound like Robert Persig here don't I?)



Zen and the Art of Cache Maintenance.



Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.

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So, what is a good cache?

First let us consider what I think a bad cache would be.

I'll just walk through town and throw film case micro caches into juniper bushes. As long as they were .1 miles apart, they would be allowed and a lot of fun to find huh? Not really unless you were interested only in numbers or have a particular fondness for tedium.


Now, let's expand on it. We'll walk down a trail in the woods and drop ammo cans into bushes every .1 miles. Wow, in a day, you could log a whole mess of caches but how many would you find before it got old.


What I consider quality is variety and some thought. New locations, themes, a mixture of virtual, puzzle, micro and regular caches, clever hides and a variety of terrains and difficulties.

Putting down another cache in a park only because it's .1 miles away from another cache is more of the same.


George, you have many hundreds of finds, so at this point what do you want to see? Are you looking for anything closer to home? Or are you tired of certain types of caches and skip them?



Max Entropy

More than just a name, a lifestyle.


[This message was edited by MaxEntropy on January 24, 2003 at 08:34 AM.]

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Thanks for the great replies,


I'm going to scout the area find the other cache and see if I can find a good location that would be hard to find from the other spot, not mearly a walk over to the next bunch of trees

Then I will consider what kind of cache it will be. I'm thinking of a micro cache of pins, the path is near enough to the airport that geocaching travlers who have a few hours to kill can trade pins and be back in time for their flight


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800 feet away from an existing cache. It was approved without question, but I was ready with a few photos to justify the placement. I am in good shape, but I cannot pass that 800 feet in under 30 minutes on my best day. On the trails, it is over 2 miles apart. The park rangers do not mind people taking the short-cut, if they can. Since my cache was placed, the other was stolen. It is currently archived.


Mike. Desert_Warrior (aka KD9KC).

El Paso, Texas.


Citizens of this land may own guns. Not to threaten their neighbors, but to ensure themselves of liberty and freedom.


They are not assault weapons anymore... they are HOMELAND DEFENSE WEAPONS!

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Originally posted by MaxEntropy:


George, you have many hundreds of finds, so at this point what do you want to see? Are you looking for anything closer to home? Or are you tired of certain types of caches and skip them?



Max Entropy

More than just a name, a lifestyle.


[This message was edited by MaxEntropy on January 24, 2003 at 08:34 AM.]


It's like sex, even bad sex is still pretty good. I don't skip any caches that I can figure out. The others aren't being skipped, I just haven't figured them out yet.





Pedal until your legs cramp up and then pedal some more.

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I finaly got around to the site dispite the exstreem cold found the other cache after two attemps and had a look around only one site looked promising and was far enough away I headed into the potential site up a hill and into some thick tall bush a few feet in I abandoned the idea quickly. There was old farm masheanery rusting away barbed wire and I was costantly steping on hidden opsticals under thick grass and snow. I will have to find somewhere elce to hide my first cache. so much fo a close and conveniant site


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Locally it seems pretty well accepted that we like new caches to take us to new areas. Once the area becomes saturated and many hunters have found the caches, then it would be good to add to a park or area, but in a different area. For example, a park has an old cache on the north side so place the new one well away from that one so someone returning will travel through new area.


Steve Bukosky N9BGH

Waukesha Wisconsin

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Mad_Hatter and I have been dragging our feet about placing some caches that are almost ready to go, because of just this point: Will the place be somewhere nice to be once found?


On a recent trip, we were thrilled that many of the caches we found were in places that we never would have encountered -- even in books -- because someone took the time to share a secret place with a spectacular view, or just a place that had some special feature.


I am convinced now, after reading these posts, that although it's always fun to chalk up some numbers of "finds," the best part about caching is the thoughtfulness of the placement.


I think it's better to wait and think carefully about if someone else would appreciate the place, too, rather than just to place one for the sake of placing one.


Off the soapbox,


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