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"Another" newbie question...


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...is it possible to view MAPS on a Garmin eTrex Venture?

I can find nothing in the manual regarding this.

How does one acquire the "maps"? WHat software is used to load these maps into the GPS?


I trust that these questions will be answered as quickly and accurately as my last few...


Thanks in advance...

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I am new to this as well and I am also considering getting a Garmin eTrex Venture. It will be my very first unit and I don't really feel like spending more money on extra features I don't really know if I will use. Since I also happen to have a handheld computer (PalmOS device) I will most likely connect my gps unit to it and then I can diplay a live map location on my handheld with the help of mapping software like Mapopolis. At least that is my plan. icon_smile.gif I am hoping to pick up a gps receiver sometime during this week and go on my first cache hunt this weekend!

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Originally posted by Faye Williamson:

I thought i read that it had "worldwide city database." i am not sure what that is. I thought it was maps.


All the city database does is put a dot on your map screen for larger cities. If you zoom way out to a wide view, it will show you where your waypoint is in relation to major cities. Not a really useful feature, for me.


Don't get me wrong, I love my Etrex Venture. It has a better display than the basic yellow Etrex, and comes with the PC serial cable. I have used mine hiking and canoeing, in addition to geocaching, and it works just fine for me. I sometimes bring a (paper) topo map, but usually for geocaching the Venture works fine.


Hope this helps,



(Still a newbie myself!) icon_rolleyes.gif


My two cents worth, refunds available on request. (US funds only)

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We have the Venture too. We don't use maps, so we don't really need it. We generally click on the map on the cache page to get whatever information we need to get us to that general area.......after that is when the fun begins!! Some of our best hunts have been without knowing what road we need to turn on. icon_biggrin.gif


Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every effort to teach them good manners.

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Originally posted by dustyjacket:

Magellan males GPS "companions" that clip onto your Palm and make it into a mapping GPS.


I considered this solution. Even Mapopolis sell a bundle with the software and a gps unit. But I don't think I would want to be walking around with my pda out in the woods, I would be more comfortable with a gps unit that is meant to be used outdoors (being waterproof, or resistant rather) like that. And when it comes to geocaching, is a map function really at all necessary? I can see myself using a mapping function on car trips though, and that's why I am even considering connecting the gps to my pda.

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I have MS Streets & Trips, also. I noticed that Woodsman mentioned that he uses it for mapping.


Is it true that I can load map data from there to my Legend? I thought that I had to use the MapSource software...


Also, if this is the case, would the MapSource maps be more detailed?

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