Reddfrogg Posted April 11, 2002 Posted April 11, 2002 Hi, I am planning on hiding a few caches, and I was wondering how everyone felt about putting a request that certian items not be placed in the cache. I wanted to request that no "happy meal" toys be placed in the cache, because I have seen some caches that seemed to be nothing but those toys. Also I wanted to request that no candy or food items be left, as they attract insects and other animals, not to mention leaving the cache sticky. When I go geocaching, I try to bring along some item of nominal value, but has some personal significance to leave at the site. The items my wife and I placed in our planned cache are not expensive, but they were carefully chosen, and I don't want it filled up with toys that people didn't want. I don't want to sound like I am asking for only valuable items, or want to exclude children. Do you, the reader feel it's approprate to ask that such items please not be left in that particular cache? Thanks for your time. Reddfrogg Do you feel it's acceptable to request that certian items not Quote
+gnbrotz Posted April 11, 2002 Posted April 11, 2002 Your requests are certainly reasonable. However, most geocachers should already know not to leave food or other scented items that would attract animals and for those who can't seem to grasp what a reasonable item to trade is, I'm not sure just saying "No Happy Meal toys" would do it. I'm sure they could find some another poor choice for a trade item. By all means, state your requests. Just don't be surprised if they are ignored by some. As a father of a 5 year old, it's not that HM toys upset me. My son enjoys them. He trades similar items for other cachers that would fit his "profile". I just wish the adults could grasp the concept that: As another adult, I AM NOT interested in them. It sounds as though your "trade ethics" are right where they should be. As you are right in my area, I look forward to finding one of your caches and doing my part to help keep it a quality cache when I make my trade! I hope when you locate my caches (I see you've already found one of them), you find they aren't too full of junk. I try to maintain them well and will be doing a "spring cleaning" maintenance run soon. Greg N 39° 54.705' W 77° 33.137' Quote
+gnbrotz Posted April 11, 2002 Posted April 11, 2002 Your requests are certainly reasonable. However, most geocachers should already know not to leave food or other scented items that would attract animals and for those who can't seem to grasp what a reasonable item to trade is, I'm not sure just saying "No Happy Meal toys" would do it. I'm sure they could find some another poor choice for a trade item. By all means, state your requests. Just don't be surprised if they are ignored by some. As a father of a 5 year old, it's not that HM toys upset me. My son enjoys them. He trades similar items for other cachers that would fit his "profile". I just wish the adults could grasp the concept that: As another adult, I AM NOT interested in them. It sounds as though your "trade ethics" are right where they should be. As you are right in my area, I look forward to finding one of your caches and doing my part to help keep it a quality cache when I make my trade! I hope when you locate my caches (I see you've already found one of them), you find they aren't too full of junk. I try to maintain them well and will be doing a "spring cleaning" maintenance run soon. Greg N 39° 54.705' W 77° 33.137' Quote
+infosponge Posted April 11, 2002 Posted April 11, 2002 Food is officially a no-no anyway, since that attracts critters. Anyone who notes that they left food in a cache should be politely reminded of this fact. In terms of no McToys, etc., you don't have a lot of control over what people do. You can make a theme cache (either objects of a certain type or objects with a common subject), but there's always going to be the random person to come along and leave a torn golf ball and a broken McDisney toy of some kind. Anything you say is only going to be a suggestion...there are those who will play along and those who won't. Quote
+BrownMule & Jackrabbit Posted April 11, 2002 Posted April 11, 2002 I would suggest making your cache a theme cache. Set the theme and hopefully most folks will follow the theme when placing items. The truth is eventually someone is going to place a happy meal toy in it and there is not much you can do. If you state no cheap toys then many will not search for your cache. I agree that happy meal toys are getting old. Although I still say the fun is in the find not the contents of the cache. Quote
imzadi Posted April 11, 2002 Posted April 11, 2002 Possibly a theme cache. But if you've already made it up and don't want to change it, I'm sure if you asked people to try to add more meaningful items they would. "With great power, there must also come great responsibility." Quote
+MissJenn Posted April 12, 2002 Posted April 12, 2002 That's what i wrote in my cache description. As others have said and experienced, it matters little what you write as people will do what they want to do when they have your cache open right before them. * sigh * I have not been at this long enough to experience cache degradation personally - but I have heard a lot of stories of that sort. Perhaps I will be happily surprised! By the way, Reddfrogg, you might want to click on my profile. (i.e. the index card icon) ----- Quote
+MissJenn Posted April 12, 2002 Posted April 12, 2002 That's what i wrote in my cache description. As others have said and experienced, it matters little what you write as people will do what they want to do when they have your cache open right before them. * sigh * I have not been at this long enough to experience cache degradation personally - but I have heard a lot of stories of that sort. Perhaps I will be happily surprised! By the way, Reddfrogg, you might want to click on my profile. (i.e. the index card icon) ----- Quote
+RangerRick Posted April 12, 2002 Posted April 12, 2002 When I listed one of my caches about a month ago, I politely asked geocachers to refrain from putting "McToys" and items like them in the cache. So far, so good. Quote
+300mag Posted April 12, 2002 Posted April 12, 2002 I agree Reddfrog I also like to find caches that have more than (McToys). I don't mind if there is a few since my son participates sometimes. Not everything in the cache should be toy's unless stated. I also like to find and leave something interesting in them. It is good to mention the intent of the cache. Also placement I don't think people would bring their kid on a very hard cache ie:long walk/climb. This can also help in the cacher selection. I use to leave candies in my first caches it wasn't long before bears and racoons found it. They hate everything the log book and all. They also liked the scented candles wich is also a bad idea. Funny thing after the bears and racoons found my caches they never log in their find lol. Another subject are cachers that take most of the goodies in the cache and replace them with "junk".I usually take 1 item and leave 1 item this way everyone gets a interesting choice. Quote
+urbo Posted April 13, 2002 Posted April 13, 2002 i guess mctoys are an issue elsewhere. i havent seen too much of that down here in south florida. i collect hotwheels and matchbox cars so i would be overjoyed to find some of the special mchotwheels that they issued. i dont see the issue folks. used golfballs?? now that stinks.. if your griping about the mctoys then are you hunting for the booty or are you hunting for the hunt?? i think the mctoys are great for the kids. it keeps them going when they cant possibly understand what is so thrilling about rummaging in the woods for a box some stranger left behind. if you want a mctoy free cache then i suggest the same them cache idea someone else brought up. i have several theme caches out there and in a way it forces people to follow the theme. you cant stuff a golf ball into a cd wallet! you sure as heck cant get a golfball into an altoids tin unless you squish it with a press! urbo Quote
+MattandLaura Posted April 13, 2002 Posted April 13, 2002 I wish I made a request for no Canadians in my foreign coin cache trade. It started with some pretty nice coins and now it is full of canadians and a couple of Chucky Cheese play coins. I feel it certainly is fine to request whatever in your cache. One thing you could do is to make it a difficulty 3 or higher thusfore having mainly adults do it Quote
+mookie Posted April 13, 2002 Posted April 13, 2002 I see nothing wrong with requesting no "Kids Meal" toys. Will people comply? Probably not. I've read too many logs that read something like "took mini mag lite, left pack of matches and spare change". I try to bring a varied assortment of things to trade including cheap toys. Often times I leave without trading because I only trade if it's something I think is unique. I don't trade for the sake of trading. I think MattandLaura are correct in suggesting making the cache a little more difficult. The only two "hard" caches that I have found, both contained a pretty decent selection of treasure. In contrast, the easier "drive to the city park, walk a tenth of a mile" caches tended to contain a lot of crap. Even the one's that started with some nice stuff. mookie Quote
+300mag Posted April 13, 2002 Posted April 13, 2002 quote:Originally posted by MattandLaura: I wish I made a request for no Canadians in my foreign coin cache trade. It started with some pretty nice coins and now it is full of canadians and a couple of Chucky Cheese play coins. I feel it certainly is fine to request whatever in your cache. One thing you could do is to make it a difficulty 3 or higher thusfore having mainly adults do it Don't worry I WONT do your cache. And we DONT have any chucky cheese here in CANADA.Hopefully you'll get other foreigners at your cache Quote
+300mag Posted April 13, 2002 Posted April 13, 2002 quote:Originally posted by MattandLaura: I wish I made a request for no Canadians in my foreign coin cache trade. It started with some pretty nice coins and now it is full of canadians and a couple of Chucky Cheese play coins. I feel it certainly is fine to request whatever in your cache. One thing you could do is to make it a difficulty 3 or higher thusfore having mainly adults do it Don't worry I WONT do your cache. And we DONT have any chucky cheese here in CANADA.Hopefully you'll get other foreigners at your cache Quote
Foxfire and Snoopy Posted April 13, 2002 Posted April 13, 2002 It sounds like I'm not alone. It appears that alot of the caches get junk. I have placed two, and have a third ready. I tried to put desirable items in them. Nothing very expensive. A couple of three dollar things, then some smaller stuff, something to make it interesting. It would be good to keep geocaching from becoming an expensive hobby like a lot of the things I would enjoy doing if I could afford them. But you don't have to clean out the kitchen drawer before you go. Oh, I enjoy the hunt also and the time I get to spend with my wife. Quote
Reddfrogg Posted April 13, 2002 Author Posted April 13, 2002 Hello all. Well I got two caches hidden, and they seem well recieved. I don't mind toys themselves, just was tired of seeing the "happy meal" toys take over. The one cache is standard size, and can hold a lot of different items, the other is a small cache, and I asked that it be coins and cards only. Will see how things develop. I see I already have a few hits on my caches. Thanks for your comments. Reddfrogg Quote
+KD7MXI Posted April 13, 2002 Posted April 13, 2002 cigerettes and advertisements Quote
+KD7MXI Posted April 13, 2002 Posted April 13, 2002 cigerettes and advertisements Quote
Seeker BP Posted April 13, 2002 Posted April 13, 2002 Come on, dont forget the reason for this hobby, to get out of the rat race of the world to search for a secret treasure hidden in probably one of the nicest areas that you never knew about. And your worrying about whats in them. I think you need to take a deep breath and smell the forest. Enjoy your hunt. Leave nothing but Fingerprints!! Ever get to Ohio, Look in on my Caches. Seeker BP Ashland, OH Quote
+gnbrotz Posted April 14, 2002 Posted April 14, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Reddfrogg: Well I got two caches hidden, and they seem well recieved. I see I already have a few hits on my caches. Reddfrogg I "hit" them both and grade them as an A+++. GREAT JOB ReddFrogg & Mrs. ReddFrogg! Greg N 39° 54.705' W 77° 33.137' Quote
+Smokehouse Posted April 14, 2002 Posted April 14, 2002 I find no reason to reply to this thread. Thank you very much. The KGB Quote
+gnbrotz Posted April 14, 2002 Posted April 14, 2002 quote:Originally posted by The KGB: I find no reason to reply to this thread. Thank you very much. ??? Greg N 39° 54.705' W 77° 33.137' Quote
+urbo Posted April 15, 2002 Posted April 15, 2002 but you did?? duh.. i love that sign with the guy falling off the cliff! thats FUNNY! urbo Quote
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