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Cache Density Statistics...


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Very cool, although I had to open the dreaded IE to view it.  Firefox did not understand the formatting and it was askew.


It must be hard to get around california without trippin on an ammo box,

Eh, they are kind of sporadic out here. For instance, there are about 20 in the Fort Bragg area over on the Mendocino coast in Northern California, but where I am about an hour inland, there are hardly any, although its a bigger city.

Hopefully I will fix that. :unsure:

Edited by grimstuff
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I'm not sure where you got your stats, but I see some irregularities. For example, I don't think Iowa has close to the number of caches that your list claims.

:unsure:B) Wow! Who needs needs to go to Chicago for caches?? ;)


Iowa's got about 860+- not 2541, thats almost three times too high. It also drops density to .015 or ~38th densitiest.


Interesting page though, thanks for sharing Wilkens.

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Interesting. I ran these stats for Canada:


Province             Area (sq mi)       caches         density
New Brunswick         28479             1129           0.0396
PEI                   2210              35             0.0158
Nova Scotia           21595             337            0.0156
Ontario               420466            2429           0.00577
British Columbia      369037            1919           0.00520
Alberta               258354            811            0.00313
Newfoundland          158285            300            0.00189
Saskatchewan          254310            113            0.000444
Manitoba              253045            111            0.000439
Yukon                 188454            23             0.000122
Quebec                602365            449            0.0000745
NWT                   525822            15             0.0000285
Nunavut               817886            5              0.00000611


I found it fascinating how much of Canada still remains to have caches hidden :anibad:

Edited by geoSquid
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Here is a link to Buxley's stats.  The stats are a little out of date as he has not been getting new data since Aug 22.

I had Iowa and Illinois mixed up :)


I never knew about buxleys stats, I guess I wasted my time....it won't be the first time....won't be the last time :anibad:

Actually, Buxley's density stats were inaccurate even before Aug 22.

Buxley doesn't remove archived caches from his database unless someone specifically emails him and requests it. Hence, even though he hasn't updated in over 2 months, he still shows more caches then in fact exist. For example, GC.com shows 1301 caches in NJ, yet Buxley's 2 month old data shows 1514 caches. Now, navicache listings are also included in Buxley's stats, but since navicache only lists a handful of caches in NJ, and all but one or 2 are listed on GC.com anyway, that's a non-issue. Buxley is including hundreds of archived caches just in the NJ density stats. Archived caches have no bearing on current cache density.

Edited by Mopar
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Actually, Buxley's density stats were inaccurate even before Aug 22.

Buxley doesn't remove archived caches from his database unless someone specifically emails him and requests it. Hence, even though he hasn't updated in over 2 months, he still shows more caches then in fact exist. For example, GC.com shows 1301 caches in NJ, yet Buxley's 2 month old data shows 1514 caches. Now, navicache listings are also included in Buxley's stats, but since navicache only lists a handful of caches in NJ, and all but one or 2 are listed on GC.com anyway, that's a non-issue. Buxley is including hundreds of archived caches just in the NJ density stats. Archived caches have no bearing on current cache density.

Actually, I think thats only true for the gc.com dots (which of course are most of them).

Also, you would need to check with him, but I think the totals are from the number of placed dots. So if a cache would listed on more than one of the polled sites, it would get counted as many times and its plotted.

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Interesting. I ran these stats for Canada:




Province            Area (sq mi)      caches        density

New Brunswick        28479            1129          0.0396

PEI                  2210              35            0.0158

Nova Scotia          21595            337            0.0156

Ontario              420466            2429          0.00577

British Columbia      369037            1919          0.00520

Alberta              258354            811            0.00313

Newfoundland          158285            300            0.00189

Saskatchewan          254310            113            0.000444

Manitoba              253045            111            0.000439

Yukon                188454            23            0.000122

Quebec                602365            449            0.0000745

NWT                  525822            15            0.0000285

Nunavut              817886            5              0.00000611



I found it fascinating how much of Canada still remains to have caches hidden


Our population is about 1/10 of the U.S. with more land area and unused wilderness. We are working on expanding it one cache at a time. :lol: Interesting how the two coast lines (NB, BC) are popular caching areas.

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It is interesting, but there are wide variations in density within each state.

Right now, we are trying to find all of the caches within 10 miles of our home coordinates in downstate New York: there are 41 active caches as of this morning. (We've found 9 of them.)

On the other hand, there are but 3 caches within 10 miles of my mother-in-law's home in upstate New York, and only 17 within 25 miles of her home. (Seems to me a valid reason not to visit.)

Edited by The Old Bet Brigade
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Cool stats... just an aside note that the top 8 states all went for Kerry!

(this is not a political comment, just an observation)


So New Jersey is #2 huh? It seems to be getting denser by the day! Are there stats on the number of archived caches in a month verses new ones listed? :D

Edited by avroair
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