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Mapsource Europe


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The Magellan Mapsend Europe Streets doesn't show anything on the Channel Islands, but the new Mapsend DirectRoute seems to have very detailed street maps for Guernsey and Jersey but not much on the other islands...


Of course, you can't use this with a Garmin, but I just thought I'd mention it!


Bob Aldridge

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On metroguide V6 the maps are very poor for the channel Islands. Just a few dots for towns and a few straight lines drawn between some of them for roads.

Your Metroguide V6 must be a superior edition to my impoverished native Metroguide V6. It just shows the words "Jersey" and "Gurnsey" in wee letters. T'other three islands don't even get a namecheck.


Not to worry, though - there's always Fugawi Europe Mapping. That must be better than Garmin's effort, mustn't it? Let's have a look at the Channel Islands, then. Oh, dear...


They appear to have sunk.

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On metroguide V6 the maps are very poor for the channel Islands. Just a few dots for towns and a few straight lines drawn between some of them for roads.

Your Metroguide V6 must be a superior edition to my impoverished native Metroguide V6. It just shows the words "Jersey" and "Gurnsey" in wee letters. T'other three islands don't even get a namecheck.


Not to worry, though - there's always Fugawi Europe Mapping. That must be better than Garmin's effort, mustn't it? Let's have a look at the Channel Islands, then. Oh, dear...


They appear to have sunk.

zoom right in on guernsey then click ctrl+G this turns the gps map detail on and off and then you get to see a little bit more detail, not much though

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