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Cache Locations


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There is a discussion on this topic in the forums here.


It all sounds like a cautionary tale with the moral: "ask for permission BEFORE placing your cache." However, we must remember that this is happening in the USA, where you might not be allowed to place a cache in a State Park - but you ARE allowed to take out a high-velocity rifle and shoot people...


...as long as it's an accident, of course... :huh:

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There is a discussion on this topic in the forums here.


It all sounds like a cautionary tale with the moral: "ask for permission BEFORE placing your cache." However, we must remember that this is happening in the USA, where you might not be allowed to place a cache in a State Park - but you ARE allowed to take out a high-velocity rifle and shoot people...


...as long as it's an accident, of course... :lol:

Yes, very ironic... :)

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What must also be realised is that our set up of public footpaths is so different to USA. My wife whi is a yankee doodle was surprised, as in lots of states in usa you drive along roads with posted signs on edge of woods etc warning private land.


Yes I know the thread is about National Parks, but it does illustrate a different attitude towards rights of access.



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My wife whi is a yankee doodle was surprised, as in lots of states in usa you drive along roads with posted signs on edge of woods etc warning private land


Ah, yes...


.. sort of like the Scottish Highlands, then... 


No. Not at all like the Scottish highlands where access is more than plentiful. Having lived in the USA for 14 years I can testify to the proliferation of these signs.


However, we must remember that this is happening in the USA, where you might not be allowed to place a cache in a State Park - but you ARE allowed to take out a high-velocity rifle and shoot people...


Yes and many of same signs have the adjunct "Survivors will be prosecuted"



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However, we must remember that this is happening in the USA, where you might not be allowed to place a cache in a State Park - but you ARE allowed to take out a high-velocity rifle and shoot people...


Yes and many of same signs have the adjunct "Survivors will be prosecuted"



:blink::):D ROFLMAO :DB)B) The sad thing is, I know you are being totally serious. I bet Tony Martin, wished he was in the USA. He would have been hailed a hero.

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