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Finding a Geocaching.com user


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Is there an easy way to look up a username? For example, my name is Tradboy....I can't seem to find a link or page on geocaching.com that allows you to search for a user, to view their page. The only way I can do it is to search for caches found by that user, go to one of the caches, find their log, then go to their page.


[This message was edited by Tradboy on May 12, 2003 at 10:06 AM.]

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Originally posted by Tradboy:

Is there an easy way to look up a username? For example, my name is Tradboy....I can't seem to find a link or page on geocaching.com that allows you to search for a user, to view their page. The only way I can do it is to search for caches found by that user, go to one of the caches, find their log, then go to their page.


[This message was edited by Tradboy on May 12, 2003 at 10:06 AM.]


You got it figured out, that is the only way to find it right now.

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Originally posted by Tradboy:

Is there an easy way to look up a username? ...I can't seem to find a link or page on geocaching.com that allows you to search for a user, to view their page.


How about if you shift-click on the username that appears above the avatar, on any forum posting.


Maybe it's only for paid members, but it gives me a popup offering


- View Users's Public Profile

- Add User to my Contacts

- Invite User to a Private Topic

- View Recent Posts by User

- Notify me of New Posts by User


You really don't want to know about those "see next post" messages icon_rolleyes.gif



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I tried it, and it worked for everyone on this thread. BTW, I didn't need to shift-click; a left mouse click did it. But, it also looks like everyone on the thread is a paid member, so I don't know if it will work for regular members.



"You see, you spend a good deal of your life gripping a baseball and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time." Jim Bouton

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Originally posted by catcher24:

... I didn't need to shift-click; a left mouse click did it.


Ah, I was thinking like a Mac user. But of course you are right.


Shift-click will work for any machine or browser version. Right-click will work on any Windows machine but only some Macs.




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