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City Select V5 To V6

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If your Garmin folder has a "NACSV5" and a "NACSV6" folder, then I'd say you wouldn't need version 5. I've done MapSource title uninstalls before, and they work cleanly - never had any problems in the past.


WARNING! past-performance-does-not-guarantee-future-results :smile:

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I upgraded from 4.01 to 6. When I "installed" 4.01, it removed MapSource, too. Because I used the upgrade version of 6, my original full version must remain installed in order for it to run. I had to re-install everything.


I imagine that you can delete the "data folder that was mentioned in the log above. Just make sure that you are only deleting the maps and not the install and program running files.

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I had the full version of City Select North America v5 installed on my PC. I then installed the City Select North America v6 update and removed the older v5 via the Windows Control Panel's Add or Remove Programs applet after the v6 install had completed. v6 works just fine for me without v5 installed as I'm not having any problems with the maps in MapSource nor when uploading or using the maps on my GPSr.


Thus, there's no need to keep v5 installed once you've installed the v6 update.

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Thus, there's no need to keep v5 installed once you've installed the v6 update.

I know from v4 to v5, I couldn't delete (through Control Panel), v4 or v5 wouldn't work. Maybe they resolved that issue. I guess the big question is, will the v6 upgrade install now that v4 is gone?


I did the same thing once I got to v6. I manually removed 4 and 5 files and registry entries.

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The question is, are you sure you want to???


I did the upgrade and aside from one fix, it appears they have deleted lots of minor roads in my area.


The kicker for me. I work on a navy base in southern Indiana (Crane, IN) and all the roads used to be "routeable". I ride my bike here on base and this was great to have to know what roads were coming up and such. Well, version 6 demoted the base roads to unrouteable trails apperantly.


Can anyone verify this or maybe I'm doing something wrong. I'm very dissatisfied with the upgrade at this point. Am I the only one who is???

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Have you tried using it elsewhere? Does it work outside of the military installation?


Before sending the maps to the GPSr, is the "Include Route Calculation Data" box checked when viewing the "Maps" tab in MapSource?


I went to Garmin's Web site and did the Map Viewer thing. Looks like they've added the north-south road Cr-1400 E connecting Medina, Bloch and Leahy. It doesn't show in version 5. Looks like the roads SHOULD be there.

Edited by Neo_Geo
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I could be wrong, but I find it hard to believe they deleted any minor roads. Could it be that you just need to "zoom in" further. (unless it has to do with it being a military base)????

Yep, In my town of worthington indiana, in version 4.0 of city select the map shows the park in town (which has a circle road within the park). Version 6 deleted this road.


Also, in my town (worthington, IN) cherry avenue (northeast of town) connects to the gravel road (CR700) that goes out of town to the west. this is show corectly in 4.0 but version 6 has them disconnected.

Check out this view from mapquest...this compares with version 4 but not 6.


worthington mapquest


I had routing information "checked" on the upload (if I didn't then no routing would work). They have disabled functionality that was in version 4.0.


I just talked to a guy who lives in my area who said he was dissatisfied with his upgrade from v4 to version 5 as well.


Most everyone on here seems happy with their upgrade....is anyone dissatisfied like I am???

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