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Does Size Matter??????

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Now i'm not talking about what the other sex may think. I'm talking about the size you say your lunchbox is. :P Oops I mean Cache. :rolleyes:


The sizes go from Micro straight to Regular. I have placed a couple of small caches that I would say do not fit the description of either. How should I describe a small cache such as a sports bottle size.


Or should I just stop worrying about the size of things and get on with it. :ph34r:


Haggis Hunter

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Like he said ^


I've used some very small containers for a few of my caches too, and have said as much in the description. As I read the rules, a micro is big enough for a log, a pencil nub and very little else. On that basis the 600cc boxes and tins I've used are regular caches...just very small ones :rolleyes:


When in doubt, just add a mention to your description. That way if people don't realise they're hunting for a tiddler, it's their own dadgum fault for not reading the page properly. Just like when I go out not knowing I'm looking for a micro. :ph34r:



Edited by Simply Paul
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What they said ^


If you can't get much in it other than the odd badge, coin or button, then it's Micro, otherwise a Small regular cache. I too just say when using small boxes, so it helps people when bringing swaps. If I know I'm going to a Micro cache, then my Swaps box stays in the car and my Micro box goes in my pocket. :rolleyes:

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A regular cache can be so varying in size, I appreciate when a hider mentions the container in the descr. Not only will it help to determine where t look, but also determine sizes of items for trade.


I am in no way criticizing 'simply paul' , but it makes me sad to see the original contents on a cache desription page. Unless it is a new cache, It is rare to find any of those items in it. Around my parts, I usually find Mctoys and the like. Again, not a criticizm, just my .02

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Fair comment from Stem. The content listing is a bit pointless after the cache has received a few visits, but it does say something about cache size, and it does initially reassure the cache-approver that there's no contraband (firearms, drugs, food, Asylum Seekers) in it. :rolleyes:



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What is a tiddler? :)

Tiddler n. Brit. colloq. 1 a small fish, esp. a stickleback or minnow. 2 an unusually small thing or person. [perh. rel. to TIDDLY and tittlebat, a childish form of stickleback]


Tiddly adj. (tiddlier, tiddliest) Brit. colloq. little.

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What is a tiddler? :blink:

Tiddler n. Brit. colloq. 1 a small fish, esp. a stickleback or minnow. 2 an unusually small thing or person. [perh. rel. to TIDDLY and tittlebat, a childish form of stickleback]


Tiddly adj. (tiddlier, tiddliest) Brit. colloq. little.

I figured it probably meant something small, but I wasn't sure, it might have been some sort of special container. Thanks :D

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