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Whats Up With The Pocket Query Generator?


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Same here. :D Got some queries set up that I move around. Had it set up for all 2D/3T around Atlanta and got that on Wednesday. Changed it to ALL caches around Marietta. Haven't got one since.


This is supposed to be a quick trip. Wanted some quickies to do. Now, I'm stuck with only 2D/3T and higher! :D


What I don't get is the fact I have two setup to give me the caches in my caching area--one set for Friday and one set for Saturday. I got both of those, but none the rest.


What gives?



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I moved my pre-weekend search from Friday to Thursday because of the current load on the server on Fridays. (I also turned off my Friday & Saturday searches.) It seems to me that Friday (being popular) is currently taking more than a day to get through all the searches. My Thursday weekly search ran quickly (but since it only runs once a week, it's high up in the queue). I suspect daily searches on Friday probably aren't worth it at this point and I questions about daily Thursday & Saturday runs as well.

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