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What age are we?

Guest c_oflynn

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Guest gcoughran

32 yrs young. Former Army officer. Now Financial Advisor. Anything which combines exercise, outdoors, and gadgets has to be a cool thing. Garmin GPSMAP 76 user.

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Guest makaio

I'll be 41 on 7/2, my sometime caching partner, Delaney, is 14 months, and my dog is 9. The wife (30) has yet to accompany us, but she will, eventually.

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Guest bigkid







Pretty cool family activity I have to say, I'm camping next week near Astoria and primed to hit an unlogged cache!

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Guest Binder


Going to Vancouver Island soon and will hunt

out of state caches out of country caches,,,yea

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Guest Tissue

I usually go with may dad and sisters

I'm 16

my younger sister is 12

my older sister is 18

and my dad is......I don't know maybe i'll try to find out

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Guest Robereno


Ken - 47

Robin - 45

I look 55, she looks 28 so people think I'm with my daughter. (Both feel like we're 28.


[This message has been edited by kbraband ]


From the photo on your web page of Robin climbing "Foreplay" at Devil's Lake State Park, I'd say she may be closer to 18. icon_smile.gif

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Guest Robereno

Originally posted by kbraband:

Ken - 47

Robin - 45

I look 55, she looks 28 so people think I'm with my daughter. (Both feel like we're 28.


[This message has been edited by kbraband ]


From the photo on your web page of Robin climbing "Foreplay" at Devil's Lake State Park, I'd say she may be closer to 18. icon_smile.gif

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Guest Monz

I'm 35 and Mrs Monz is only just older than that icon_wink.gif


Mr and Mrs Monz


[This message has been edited by Monz (edited 09 July 2001).]

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Guest c_oflynn



Bigman and Tissue, how do you convince your friends to go with you? Mine all complain that "its too far, its too hot out. Lets go inside". icon_frown.gif I've only managed to get one to go with me to plant a cache, thats as far as i've gotten!



(So far i only see 3 people who are teens on this forum, is that all?)

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Guest Guppy
Originally posted by rusty:

I'm 45 so is wife Libby. Often accompanied by our 13yr old son and 18yr old daughter. Other 2 older girls won't go unless someone hides one at the mall icon_wink.gif

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Guest McIrish

Originally posted by Guppy:
Originally posted by rusty:

I'm 45 so is wife Libby. Often accompanied by our 13yr old son and 18yr old daughter. Other 2 older girls won't go unless someone hides one at the mall icon_wink.gif


When you start that fine jewelry and make-up cache, I will travel to Massachusetts to look for em! icon_biggrin.gif

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Guest c_oflynn

Hey Hard Slate,


I'm in the General Toronto Area (GTA), and its been pretty hot. 30+ (Celcius) days, and we had 4 or 5 smog days in a row, supposidly the most ever! Get sweaty real fast. Its pretty cool today, but looks like rain. Dang.



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Guest Sluggo

I swore I?d never do it again. (This is my first post to ANY discussion group in 6 years.) But, you guys have gotten me hooked on Geocaching.


Sluggo is 53, overweight, bald, a diabetic, a ?high tech redneck?, has been using GPS for 5 years (as a private pilot), been cache hunting for 1 month, and loves to go cache hunting.


Sugar is 56, overweight, beautiful, a ?world class rubber-necker?, could not care less about GPS or any other high-tech device, been cache hunting for 1 month, and loves to go cache hunting.


Joe is 3 (21 in dog years), in excellent physical condition, a black lab, doesn?t use any man-made devices, loves to swim, loves to chase things (especially tennis balls), and loves to GO (period).


Geocaching has gotten us ?off-the-couch? and ?into-the woods

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Guest Guppy

Guppy is 41, Mr Mike is WAY older at 45, cousin Christine is about 31, and son, Hillbred, is 15. Christine needs a secret geocaching identity I see. Hmmm.


[This message has been edited by Guppy (edited 12 July 2001).]

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Guest tictoctom

Okay, I know that this is sad, but I'm having a slow day at work, and I've found that the average age of the Geocacher (of those who responded) is: 29.4, the average age of the Geocacher's dog is: 4.8, and the average age of the Geocacher's invisible friend (this one was easy, as there was only one response)is: 10. Okay... that was a waste of 10 minutes... now what shall I do for the rest of the day?

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Guest Robereno

Originally posted by tictoctom:

Okay... that was a waste of 10 minutes... now what shall I do for the rest of the day?


Hell, that?s nothing. Things got so boring at work today that I was toying around with the idea of making a page called Georash. I was going to get everyone from the poison ivy thread to send in pictures of their blistered skin and have a contest.

Too bad things picked up at work. You all would have loved it. icon_wink.gif

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Guest poppyseed

I'm a 29 year-old single mom. The poppyseedlings are 2 and 3. And the friend I'm trying really hard to rope into going with me on hunts is a whippersnapper of not-quite-29.

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Guest Elwood

well our clan consists of 4, me 40, my wife 36 Shhhhh dont tell her i told you! my son 16 and daughter 9.and we even took grandpa,he's 95 years young on one hunt with us, he loved being in the mountains even if we couldnt get him close enough for the cache find!



[This message has been edited by Elwood (edited 13 July 2001).]

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Guest bigmancam2

Well Colin, my friends usually don't mind (Although it's probably even a little warmer here). They like the adventure and I can usually find someone who is willing. And if not, I might arrange things so we could conveniently stop by a cache on the way back from somewhere else. icon_wink.gif Sorry I took so long to respond; I haven't checked this thread in a while.

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Guest Byron

Looks like I'm a little older than most of you, although in many ways I just a young kid enjoying the heck outa life. As of July 2, I'm 59. Anne's a couple, three years younger.

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Guest T-storm

Originally posted by brokenwing:

Me: 37

Wife: 29 and holding.

Boss: 2




Scaredy cat! Wife is 34 and not concerned about her age or who knows it! tongue.gif


The wife,


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Guest McIrish

As of July 2, I'm 59. Anne's a couple, three years younger.


Good news Byron!!! My geocaching partner is my father....pops is 78, 79 in November... So now you are the youngster...LOL

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