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Non omnes vagi perditi sunt-??????????

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This is driving me crazy. Been a long time since the nuns tried to hammer all this stuff into my noggin. The translation has to do with being lost, i believe.


Any scholars out there?;_)


I feel bad because im a 4th year latin student


but i do believe it says "not every person who wanders is lost"...i think that the last word should be in the ablitive case but im not entirly sure ill ask my teacher




Originally posted by JMaxamillion:

I feel bad because im a 4th year latin student




Had 2 years of Latin myself. Never really concentrated on it tho. Thought :'who is there to talk to?' They all dead. dirtus napus




Yep - "Not all those who wander are lost" in Latin.


I do NOT claim to be a Latin expert. I got the translation from someone in a Latin forum somewhere on the web.


I'm also not sure I like the connotation of "perditi" as well. That leans toward being a lost soul - going to "perdition" instead of heaven. I'd rather have the connotation of "not knowing where you are."


Anyway, I decided to stay with it just for the fun of it.


Please - don't over analyze this. It's just for fun!




Non omnes vagi perditi sunt

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