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Magellan Meridian Firmware v4.02 Now Online


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Originally posted by Jamie Z:

I'm not aware of any rough spots... which do you mean?


I think the new features are nice, but I don't think this firmware version has been perfected. Some of the minor things like scattered breadcrumbs around turns and track lines sometimes being dotted, solid, both, flashing and not flashing leads me to believe that there is trouble with the way track lines are being displayed. A couple of issues I have which I consider more serious is the unit switches between 2D and 3D way more often than with the older version 3.12, and while I never lost sattelite lock ever with 3.12, I find it happening on occasion with 4.02. One other thing I noticed, I did a GOTO from one known spot to another known spot, and the pointer on the compass screen would be off at a distance of about 10 miles, but would improve at about 5 to 6 miles distance, when driving under normal conditions. I need to test this one a bit more to see if it's consistant, I just noticed this a day or so ago. In summary, I think the firmware is on the right track, but needs to be polished a bit. Once they tweak it a bit more, I'm going to use it, but 3.12 was solid as far as locking onto the sattelites, I'm not as confident about 4.02. I'm seeing similar comments by some in the Yahoo group as well.


I have a complaint about updates in general:


I lose my custom screens and have to recreate them each time I upgrade.


The instructions say to delete the software and then update. Am I doing something wrong?


Never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups.


Even though I do like some of the features of 4.02 I think I’ll roll back to 3.12. I could deal with the breadcrumbs, not impressed but can deal with it. I’ve never lost satellite lock before and it has happened several times already in 4.02 and that is not acceptable. It seems to have a much greater lag factor, not sure if it’s because it keeps losing signal or what. I’ve never gotten the 2D warning message before and now it’s a regular thing. I think I’m going back and wait for the dust to settle.


Does anyone know how I can go back to 3.12?



I think the fact the unit is reporting 2D, and lost signal on occasion may be a good thing. Owning a couple of sportraks, and having played with the Meridian a fair bit, my biggest complaint to date is that the units don't always let you know there is a reception problem when the unit is in fact having problems. On just about every hike I notice afterwards that there were many areas that the receiver wasn't recording elevation changes even though it always indicated a 3D lock. I've also had the unit get lost while claiming good reception. I've loaded one of my sportraks with the new software, and will keep the old software in the other. I'm hoping this latest update to meridians and sportraks will help to restore my faith in the units. Personally I'd much rather the unit let me know when there is a problem than make things up which is what they seem to do right now.


For what it's worth






Originally posted by Rusty O Junk:

Does anyone know how I can go back to 3.12?



The file (for the gold & plat) is available at the Yahoo Meridian discussion group:




You may have to join to get in there. FWIW, some people there are encountering no problems, others are electing to go back to 3.12 for now because of problems holding lock, inaccuracies, or compass flakiness. I think I'm doing ok with 4.02, and my advice would be to give it a try but go back if you don't feel confident about the newer level.


Don't get even - get odd


I was all gung ho on 4.02 until I was on a 14-hour cache trip yesterday. At one stop, for 20 minutes my Meridian was going totally bonkers. My track log looks like I was abducted by aliens and flown all over Florida...position errors of 20-30 miles, inability to hold a lock, etc...

It was perfect the rest of the day, even under heavy tree cover and when I went back to the same location that gave me trouble later.

I may hang in there on 4.02 just to see if the problem comes up again...maybe I can provide information that will help fix the software bug. icon_smile.gif

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