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New PocketPC GPS software package: CacheDragon


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It's quite a relief to hear people reporting the same bugs over and over... I interpret that to mean that these are the few bugs left in the app, and once they're squashed, it will be essentially bug-free. icon_smile.gif


If anyone encounters any bug except for the three that bigdaveoh noted above, please let me know! Oh, also, if you notice any HTML or ISO symbols in the descriptions, let me know that, too, so I can filter them out.


I'm planning on spending some time on these (and a few other issues) this evening and for part of the weekend. As noted, I intend to have a new version released in a much shorter time frame than was needed for v1.1.


David Stein, Esq.


Just encountered a new problem...I was using memory-map navigator and tried to switch back to CacheDragon. It didn't want to open, so I did a soft reset on my iPaq 3150. After the reset I had to reenter the registration code, which works now, but all the information I had typed/downloaded in was lost. I don't know if anyone else has had this problem yet.




Yes, icon_smile.gif, the program works. The only problem I have is that I can't get a good GPS fix. The fix is very nervous. I can't get a steady position on the map. I use baudrate 4800 (the same as on the GPS.

I'm using a Garmin GPS 12.


Boy now the fun starts! On the "Options" menu, "Coordinates" tab, the "Sample" button...has anyone gotten anything to write/type/draw in the area execpt for the blinking curser? If so, how did you do it? This feature would be great to put in a number of coordinates from various starting points. I think that's what David intended. I don't remember if this feature worked in 1.09.




So I have a little time...some issues:

You must exit CacheDragon via the "Main Menu"!

If you exit via a navigation/task bar like WIS Bar, you're going to have to do a "soft" reset in order to start the program again, then reenter your registration code. But all the information that was in the program will be lost your name, location, that kind of stuff.


Another small one...even if you do exit via the "Main Menu", the program does not save your "Username" under the "Program" tab in the "Options" menu.


A good note...you can switch between tasks via a task/navigation bar without problems.


If someone else would like to try out some of these issues, it sure would nice to know that I might not be the only one. Dave will definitely get these small issues worked out.




Hi All:


Went caching today and got another one. I used CacheDragon and it seemed OK. ...but "the little bit nervous" seems appropriate. I never could get right on top of the cache.


I would walked towards the cache, then the compass and map would send far back in the other direction. Originally, I thought the forest canopy reduced the signals enough and I got a poor fix..... but I've noticed the same thing out in the clear.


..... David, i wonder if this has anything to do with the distance 2X problem??? unknown, but had a lot of fun anyway.


I will experiment with my own "enetered coords" and a known location from the GPX file and see if there is a difference. I'll let U all know.


Safe Caching,

Dave, Akron, Ohio


I noticed a small bug: if you import a .loc file downloaded directly from the cache page (i.e. containing only one waypoint) then CacheDragon is unable to interpret the data in the file and in the database it will show the cache as "unnamed cache" with some default coordinates in Ohio. This is probably related to the fact that these files contain all the data in a single line with no spaces.(.loc files created from a search result with the "download waypoints" option are formatted, the lines are wrapped and CacheDragon imports these correctly).


Still about LOC files: these files contain limited information about the cache, only name, creator and coordinates. CacheDragon replaces all the missing information with default values, e.g. the location will always be Ohio, the difficulty and the terrain will always be 1, etc. I guess it does the same if some information is missing from a GPX file. A missing data indicator like "unknown" would be more appropriate.


Invaluable advice, everyone. Keep it coming!


(I can't respond further. I'm on a girlfriend-imposed, mandatory vacation from CacheDragon from the weekend - sneaking away just for a minute to catch the updates! Development continues Monday.)


David Stein, Esq.


Originally posted by B. Ledeboer:


Another small one...even if you do exit via the "Main Menu", the program does not save your "Username" under the "Program" tab in the "Options" menu.




I found this also. At first I though it was me.


I just returned from caching. CacheDragon performed well. A suggestion for the next version: the sound indicating the loss of the fix should be different from the one for finding the fix. Currently, there is only one kind of sound and I never know what it means.


Also, I would welcome a feature that would keep the GPS position at the center of the map. Or is that possible with the current version? Autozooming so that the destination is always on the map would also be nice (zooming out when the distance grows and zooming in as it decreases). Or does that work already? (I could not mark the destination because of the known bug, so I don't know.) Out in the field, one does not want to take the stylus out and move the map around because the destination went off screen or is too close.


[This message was edited by as77 on September 14, 2003 at 06:35 PM.]


And one more feature suggestion: when entering new coordinates (e.g. the next cache of a multicache series or the suggested parking spot), make it possible to change between the commonly used coordinate formats directly from the entry screen. Also, move the two coordinates on two separate entry fields (better yet, 2x2 fields for the MinDec format and 2x3 fields for the DMS format). In the current implementation, the last few digits of the longitude cannot be seen.


I noticed an oddity: when using the map, sometimes the GPS longitude became zero (00.0000000) but the latitude was OK. The map followed the change and showed some location thousands of miles from the actual location. But after a second or two, the latitude was restored and everything was OK again.


I have a Cassiopeia running windows CE ver 3.0.9348. I loaded the program into it, but get an error that this is not a windows CE application. Am I out of luck???


Thanks, Rick




Your GPS was actually correct, you just entered a "Geo-Phenom-Cache-Spacial-Warp", This happenes when caching reaches it's "spousal tolerance" max limit (lol). (your spouse actually sending your where she/he said they wanted you to go!)


Just a shot at levity....(sp)(humor)


Safe Caching,

Dave, Akron, Ohio


Originally posted by bigdaveoh:

(your spouse actually sending your where she/he said they wanted you to go!)

His spouse wants him to go to the, uh, Prime Meridian? Like, Greenwich? icon_smile.gif


- David Stein


Dear David,


A week ago I deleted all my Michigan vacation cache entries from my CacheDragon database by deleting the database and the .ini file and loaded my usual local database of 200 locations. I tried to use the new Pocket Query that came today for those same 200 locations and it caused CacheDragon to lock up. It does 6 updates and get 2% done before this happens.


I have the 2 files and will send them if you want but they are 1 meg each.


Great software, my GPS rig is complete. Ipaq 5455 Navman GPS ST Pro street software, memory map topo software and now Cachedragon. I've been looking for this type of software for some time. Thanks again.


Originally posted by Geek-Qualizer:

Is there a way to project a waypoint with cachedragon? Is there any ppc application that project waypoints?

If you can define "projecting" waypoints, it may be a feature already on my to-do list for the next version (to be released soon - say, two weeks.) I'm already working (tonight, no less!) on something that may fit the bill, or may be easily modified to do so.


David Stein, Esq.


So I'm standing at waypoint1 and I need to get to waypoint2 and the only information I have is distance and bearing. So I would need to project waypoint2 from waypoint1 at a distance of 5 miles with a bearing of 335 degrees. This is something you can do with an eTrex. Does that explain it?


I have been keeping my eye on this thread for a while. Cachedragon has features of interest to me, but it still sounds like it is a little too buggy for me and I will wait for some more positive feedback on future releases. I too use waypoint projecting with my eTrex Legend and have to wonder why you'd be concerned about not having it on Cachedragon if you already have it on your eTrex. I'm really just looking for something that better organizes my cache pages on my iPaq than the poor job that Mobipocket does. I have no interest in carrying my eTrex and iPaq tethered together with a cable while hiking to caches. Unless the mapping capabitlities dramatically improve on Cachedragon, I don't see it as an improvement over Mapsource in my eTrex either. So I likely won't drive around with the two tethered together either. I'm simply looking for improved database management and retrieval and Cachedragon appears to hold promise in this area.




David and others,


Regarding DrSearch's comment on a lock up when deleting and loading an updated or new GPX file....same here. Fortunately, I didn't delete the original GPX file, so I can still cache.


The newest download from Pocket Querie uses the same file number, but I did modify it on GeoCaching.com to add additional types of caches. Perhaps the difference in the files is causing the problem.


Looking forward to the next "Dragon" release!


Safe Caching,

Dave, Akron, Ohio


Originally posted by as77:

When do you need waypoint projecting when geocaching? For some multi-caches or what?

Yes. There are several caches that require you to project waypoints.



I know a few people that use a cf gps and their pda. They don't own a stand alone gps. So in order for CacheDragon to be a complete solution for the PDA this a must have feature. David seems like a nice guy and I'm just trying to do my civil duty and give him useful feedback. That's all..


Everyone: I'm hip-deep in writing developing new features (in addition to school and patent law work, as usual), but I hope to address your comments in the next few days.


Regarding GPX lockups: Standing request - if your GPX file locks up the current version of CacheDragon, please email it to me (djs10@po.cwru.edu). I'll run it through the emulated version of CacheDragon that's running on top of my debugger to investigate. Really, I need your GPX files - all of the ones at my disposal (those that geocaching.com generates for me, and those that people sent to me previously) work fine.


David Stein, Esq.


To David and all:


PS: Forgot to add, the clock does not update by GPS now...hasn't since the 1st version, which did update. (I have the field checked)


...And I will try to find the files and email them to you, David. I hope I didn't delete them (&^#$%^), but I have an excuse, i'm computer illiterate (lol)


All for now, Safe Caching,

dave, Akron, Ohio


One thing I would like to see is the ability to cut waypoint coordinates from Cachedragon and paste them elsewhere. I use memory map as well for topo maps and I have to flip back and forth from one to the other to enter the waypoint.




I'm working with the commercial version of 1.1 and have a couple of problems I didn't noticed mentioned eariler. The color scheme list on the map appearance tab is showing jibberish like memory has been corrupted and you've got pointer to binary data at who knows where. Also, sometimes when trying to exit the app it gets the database saved and then locks up hard, forcing a soft reset. Other times, it acts like it saved the database but then when you go back in, the database is empty. Arghhhh! There's still something fundamentally wrong with how the app is registering itself with the OS because it doesn't show in the Omega One task switcher (although it does show in other utilities) and I doubt very, very seriously if it's a bug in the Omega One program.


David, as a registered user with a modest investment, I feel I have a legitimate voice here. So please, please, please please work on the overall stability and basic functionality of this app before investing even a single minute in loading in new features.


Timing is everything.


Finally got it working like it was before. I also have the unfortunate incident of not being able to click on a close cache and see the info for it. But it works and I think Dave'll get it working like before. I'm patient.


Originally posted by H-4:

David, as a registered user with a modest investment, I feel I have a legitimate voice here. So please, please, please please work on the overall stability and basic functionality of this app before investing even a single minute in loading in new features.

Acknowledged - that is my primary goal in v1.2. I may add a few small enhancements to the interface, but they're really just afterthoughts.


David Stein, Esq.


Hi David and all,


Have not heard anything lately..... I am getting ready to cache out of state and wondered if anyone knew when the updated CacheDragon would be available. I'll re-check this tonight before I send David and email.


Thanks all and Safe Caching,

Dave, Akron, Ohio


I have just installed Cachedragon on my brand new ipaq 2210 with WM 2003 (Couldn't even wait for the BTGPS which will arrive tomorrow :-)

I have created a GPX file with pocketQuery, and loaded it onto the ipaq. But following the instructions from the author, * I can not see any Import button * after pressing Location Database. The only buttons are

New Edit Delete

Info Mainmenu View on Map


Where did I go wrong??




Fellow CacheDragon-iers....


I heard from David by email. He was called out of town for several days un-expectedly and is putting the finishing touches on 1.2


..So...David, hope you don't mind the update to the group... looking forward to 1.2


Thanks & safe caching,

Dave, Akron, Ohio


I just noticed a bug.

I was able to close CacheDragon with the red X in Icbar. But it did not close properly because it remained in Icbar's task list. However, I could not switch back to it. Luckily, Icbar has an option to close programs in the task list, and that worked.


continuing my previous bug report: after I closed CD from Icbar's menu, I was unable to restart it. It did not restart until after soft resetting the PPC.


Shame on me for violating my own rule, that is, never buy version 1.0 of anything. Even the stabilized version had something wrong with it. I have given up on CacheDragon and now use GpxSonar along with Gpxtomaplet ( already had Mapopolis) for my caching needs. On the bright side, I could have pissed away more than the $20 cost of the program.


It did not restart until after soft resetting the PPC.
OOh, you found that one too!! It is very important for CD to be closed correctly for it to save everything to it's database right.


I am using GPXSonar also more and more too. *glenn


GPXSonar may be wonderful for managing the cache data pages but I need an application that, together with a CF GPS unit, can replace a standalone GPSr. I'm afraid Mapopolis is not really suited for that purpose.

Hopefully David can iron out these bugs. I could use GPXSonar for the cache pages and another software, e.g. Vito Navigator (which has a new version, by the way) for positioning and tracking but an integrated solution like CacheDragon seems more attractive to me.


I have this problem also, I told David about it a while back when I first loaded the program. Do not exit out of CacheDragon via a menu bar. You must exit out via the program's menu. If you don't you have to do the soft reset, then enter your registration again, and all the information that you typed in has to be put in again. When you exit out via a menu bar it seems to wipe all information saved in the database out. So, until David comes up with a fix in the next version, just remember to exit out via the menu. On a good note, you can move from CacheDragon and other applications and back without any problems.


Yes, I know that I am not supposed to exit CD via a menu bar. But since I use the menu bar exit function for most other programs, it's easy to forget. So I hope this can be fixed somehow.




I'm just using the trial version of Cache Dragon before purchasing it. I have a Ipaq 5450 and a Fortuna Bluetooth GPSmart GPSR.

For some reason CacheDragon stops communicating with my GPSR after approx. 5 mins or around 420 - 430 data packets. I've tried all different baud rates and checking or unchecking the SIRF overdrive box but no difference. icon_frown.gif


My GPSR works OK with TomTomNav2 and VitoNavigator and OziExplorer.

Anybody any ideas.






Originally posted by as77:

Still about LOC files: these files contain limited information about the cache, only name, creator and coordinates. CacheDragon replaces all the missing information with default values, e.g. the location will always be Ohio, the difficulty and the terrain will always be 1, etc. I guess it does the same if some information is missing from a GPX file. A missing data indicator like "unknown" would be more appropriate.


This is good info. I was just about to purchase CacheDragon, but hesitated because it seems that it doesnt work with .loc files. I've downloaded a couple different .loc files, but myCacheDragon (Trial version) doesnt seem to pick up the coordinates, name, nor the creator.


Is the only way this will work is if I pay for registration on geocaching.com so I can get .gpx files?


Look forward to a reply, so I can decide to purchase this program or not.



Originally posted by TyMan:


This is good info. I was just about to purchase CacheDragon, but hesitated because it seems that it doesnt work with .loc files. I've downloaded a couple different .loc files, but myCacheDragon (Trial version) doesnt seem to pick up the coordinates, name, nor the creator.


Is the only way this will work is if I pay for registration on geocaching.com so I can get .gpx files?


I also have the trial version and it works perfectly with .loc files. There is only one glitch: if the .loc file only contains one cache then CacheDragon cannot interpret it and shows the cache as unnamed, with bogus coordinates. The reason for this is that the format of .loc files containing only one cache is different from those containing several caches: the whole file is a single line, without blank spaces between the tags. CacheDragon cannot interpret it for some reason. However, if you introduce some line breaks in the file using a text editor, everything will be OK. But it is easier to download a .loc file that contains several caches; CacheDragon does not have a problem with those.


I have not yet purchased CacheDragon because it still has a major bug: you cannot select a cache on the map page. (With version 1.0, the selection worked fine, the bug was introduced with version 1.1). As soon as this bug will be fixed, I plan to buy the software. There are other small bugs but they are not that important. I think (and hope) v1.2 will be out soon.


In the list of caches, you check the checkboxes for the caches you want to download, then go to the bottom of the page and press the "download waypoints" button.

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