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Submit Cache and Photos not Uploading

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Hi, I have published many geocaches online attaching photos in the reviewer note each time without issue.  In the past month I am having an issue with the photos not attaching to the reviewer note.  On my computer I have tried to drag and drop and also using the select photos option and selecting the photo, but the pho does not appear below the log with the usual uploading bar.  I have also tried opening the new cache page on other tablets and my laptop and photos still not attaching to the reviewer note.  I have tried different photos and different devices.  The other unusual thing is some of the other new caches I am publishing, have allowed me to select the photos and send to the reviewer without issue.  I have have checked file size and files are jpg, which I have uploaded many times before.  Any suggestions? Is there a current known issue with publishing caches to the reviewer note?

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5 hours ago, threenow24 said:

I can't edit a reviewer note on a submitted cache here in the U.S.A., only add another note. At least I couldn't a few minutes ago.

Yes, it's no longer possible to edit one of your pre-publication reviewer notes. Which is quite annoying, IMHO.

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I had that problem so some of my remarks now don't make sense cause I referred to a picture that didn't load. It turns out that the picture has to be less than 10 megabytes. Unfortunately, my phone shows it has uploaded; it's not until I check later at home on my computer that I can confirm it has or hasn't uploaded.   I have been successful by changing the photo (sometimes days later) when I move it from my phone where the picture is kept, to my computer...I cut some of the picture down until it is less than 10mb then edit my comment on Geocache and upload it. 

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