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How long does a cache take to do?

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One thing I find really useful when choosing a cache to do is to know the approximate length of time it will take. I frequently cache whilst the kids are at school and like to do the more challenging ones then. With Tomb Raider at Brookwood Cemetry there were lots of logs that said how long people have taken and that really helped me. People also frequently say if its just a quick in and out so can I make a plea to say how long it took you, especially if a reasonable length walk is involved. I'll try to do the same with the caches I visit. Thank you!!! icon_smile.gif

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On my own cache pages I recommend a parking place, and state how far the cache is from there (with one exception, as it's in the middle of a city and there are many parking places to choose from).


But many cache pages don't give that sort of information, and your suggestion does seem a good idea. I'll try to remember too!



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Originally posted by Wood Smoke:

I also only give the GPS of the cache and let finders work the rest out for themselves.




In general I agree with this. Part of the fun is working out how to get to the cache. However, there are circumstances where you might want to give a little more info which usually come down to "will the cacher get into trouble if he doesn't know this". e.g. "The Stutton Stour Stationery Stash" has recommended parking coordinates to avoid cachers having their cars towed away or wrecked by the locals taking issue with careless and illegal parking. My own "Thames Valley Trigpoint Trail" has a time associated with it because it is not a five minute job and does require some planning.




The second ten million caches were the worst too.


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