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Congratulations Team Nia

Team Tate

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Just wanted to say Congratulations to Steve, Sue & family on the arrival of the UK's youngest Geocacher.

Best wishes from Bob, Sarah , Beckie & George.

Team Tate


Team Tate


Remember - if it's moving, it's not dead...


Is it still small enough to fit inside a medium-sized cache?


All sorts of ideas spring to mind...*evil grin*.


Many congrats Nia and team...I do hope the new arrival's godparents buy it a GPS receiver!



**Mother is the name of God on the lips of all children**


I'd just like to add my congratulations to those already expressed.


Hope mother and micro-cache are doing well icon_smile.gif






Where did all the sunshine go?


Thanks for the 'Congratulations'


He just about fits in an ammo box, but not in a tupperware!!


He has allready been geocaching (maintenance).


his name is Xavier (Zav-Yay)


If someone can tell me how to add a picture to this. I will as I know all the female geocachers will just love to see a picture.


Tech-no notice


Sorry this is so late Team Nia, Finally caught up will all we had to do.


Congratulations and the very best of wishes to you all, what a terrific early Christmas pressie ! icon_cool.gif


This forum has been a little boring lately so I think it's time for a little silliness. Never did like that traditional lullaby, especially the bit that says the bough will break and the baby will fall ! I mean, that would scare the c**p out of me if I were a baby cacher! icon_biggrin.gif


So, I re-wrote it in order that Steve and Sue can sing Xavier to sleep without frightening the poor chap and at the same time, pre-condition him to a life of Geocaching. icon_biggrin.gif


To the tune of "Rock-a-bye Baby"


Cache-a-bye baby, under the tree.

Covered with moss, some rocks, sticks and leaves.

When you have found it, fill in a log.

Then go find your next one, it's near a bog.


Go past the river, climb up that hill.

Follow the waypoint, on your Etrex.

It's over there, 'bout thirty-five feet.

Oh no there's a geezer, sat on that seat.


Admire the view now, do not act suss.

Wait till he's gone, and then take a good look

Take something out, then put something back

Come on now hurry, there's no time to slack


Congrat's are due now, to Mum & Dad

And to the rest, of the fam-il-y

There's a new cacher, he's called Xavier (Zav-Yay)

It's time to welcome him, what do you say


Ok, now I know it's not good, and past experience has shown us that there are others who can do better. So what are you waiting for ? icon_wink.gif


Tim & June (Winchester)


See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! icon_smile.gif


Congratulations and so to the sleepless nights/early mornings. No better excuse for early morning caching (the baby needs fresh air).


David, Jan, Abigail and Lucy


aka DJH


Love the new lullaby. icon_biggrin.gif


We are going to print it out, and all learn it.


No more sleepless nights once we can all sing it icon_smile.gif


thanks page 28 and djh, what does the "h" stand for icon_confused.gif


Tech-no notice


Originally posted by Nia:

what does the "h" stand for icon_confused.gif


Tech-no notice


I dunno, i think he told me once.


By da way i fink itz done on his name: david J holt?


Michael aka 1/2 of Team Blitz


Wqablz-xqxw tdqml kwfwm twjowcl di klelqklqok ejw hepw gt dm lbw ktdl!


26 27.75 34.2(recuring) 41.09275 480.048 55.027777777(carrys on!) 62.01749271

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