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Added a "found it" but my total number of cache finds did not go up?


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Recently I converted a log on a challenge cache from "Write note" to "Found it" after I met the requirements. But I noticed that my total number of finds remained the same. This has never happened to me before, I've converted tons of challenge cache logs and they always add to the total. I even did the math and added all my "found it," "Attended," "Webcam photo taken," and Adventure lab finds and got the right number. My Milestones updated as well, so I know that the find was recognized by the site but it was not added to my total finds for some reason. Anyone experienced this before? Any suggestions? 

2 minutes ago, geoawareUSA9 said:

Could just be a latency. Check back in a day and see if your stats catch up.


It also appears some of the stats don't get updated now until you post a new log, then it all catches up.

  • Helpful 3
21 hours ago, barefootjeff said:
21 hours ago, geoawareUSA9 said:

Could just be a latency. Check back in a day and see if your stats catch up.

It also appears some of the stats don't get updated now until you post a new log, then it all catches up.


That also makes sense, and may be the more accurate answer.

21 hours ago, barefootjeff said:

It also appears some of the stats don't get updated now until you post a new log, then it all catches up

That's a GOOD improvement, as before someone who didn't qualify for a find could make a note, wait a few months and then sneakily change their non-find to a find. The CO would get no email about this. Now it needs another log for a find, so the CO will get an email and be aware if person is a cheat.

20 minutes ago, Goldenwattle said:

That's a GOOD improvement, as before someone who didn't qualify for a find could make a note, wait a few months and then sneakily change their non-find to a find. The CO would get no email about this. Now it needs another log for a find, so the CO will get an email and be aware if person is a cheat.


It doesn't need to be another log on that cache, just any log at all (it probably doesn't even have to be a find) will flush and update the statistics. I think.


IIRC, the stats update at the next find log submitted, or after 24 hours, whichever comes first. I didn't think the find count was part of those stats, though, and should update immediately. Maybe it doesn't for existing logs changed to finds, but I didn't think that's how it worked. Waiting for 24 hours would answer this one way or the other.


Hi all,

(Posted elsewhere, but moderator did not like it being somewhat off-topic, so posting this as a new topic. :P)


My Find/Found count is not matching the true count which I or anyone can confirm in my Stats page of my Profile.

My Stats page say 2160 Finds which seem true, but my Find count by my geo-name is off by 5 Finds saying it's 2155, has not been updated for more than a few days now, stuck at 2155.

I have been changing a few old log-later 'Note' logs of mine into "Found' logs.

Adding up all my 'Finds by Type' stats shows that the Stats page is updated quickly and properly at 2160, every time I change a Note to a Find.
So my Stats page count is following these log changes nicely, yet my shown Find count number is not updated at all somehow.


  • Why is this not matching?
  • Changing Note logs to Found log is the cause of this delay?
  • Is there supposed to be a delay in Find count updating?
  • Is the Find count stored in more than one single parameter in a geocacher's profile? (<-- It does seem so, as I have two (2) differing Find counts at the same time.)


Ahhh, just noticed that in my Profile page's Found Geocaches list, my Total Found count at the bottom is also NOT updated, showing 2155 wrongly and not the true 2160.


Really weird...


I have not checked if My Found Pocket Query is properly updated or not, yet hope so.

Will check and post here later.


It this a bug?


Anyone having similar issues of Find count not matching?


Have been waiting much longer than 24 hours, possibly a close to week now, but still no Find out number update next to my Geo-name stuck at 2155, although my Stats page's Find count does properly and instantly updates at 2162 now.


So weird... <_<


Interestingly, Geocaching Stats websites, such as Project-GC, is up-to-date with all my Find counts, which is daily updated for my subscription.

All third parties should be using the same Geocaching API, so geocaching dataset source is the same.

However, Geocaching.com's own websites is showing two (2) different and contradicting Find counts at the same time.


Really weird... :(

41 minutes ago, Dr.MORO said:

Interestingly, Geocaching Stats websites, such as Project-GC, is up-to-date with all my Find counts, which is daily updated for my subscription.

All third parties should be using the same Geocaching API, so geocaching dataset source is the same.

However, Geocaching.com's own websites is showing two (2) different and contradicting Find counts at the same time.


Really weird... :(


There have been other instances where some geocaching.com stats only update after another find has been logged. I see your last actual find, other than changing earlier WNs to finds, was on the 2nd of February, so I guess just wait and see what happens after your next find.

1 hour ago, barefootjeff said:


There have been other instances where some geocaching.com stats only update after another find has been logged. I see your last actual find, other than changing earlier WNs to finds, was on the 2nd of February, so I guess just wait and see what happens after your next find.

 Thanks barefootjeff!


Interesting that only after a new find is logged that the ALL Find counts get updated throughout the profile.


Within geocacher's dataset, there should be only one parameter/variable which counts and hold the user's geocache Find count, correct?

Or, is there at least two different methods the geocacher's Find count been calculated and stored? If so, why multiple methods is needed, when one parameter/variable should be sufficient, and redundancy would cause conflicts in stats calculations?

Puzzling. But I am NOT a database specialist.


Another weird observation I noticed just now that within the Profile's Geocaches Found panel list, the individual geocache type Found numbers do update immediately after changing Note log to Found log, and adding up all these numbers result in the correct updated Find count. However, in this list, only the bottom Total Found number is stuck and not updated.


As of now, my real Find count is updated to 2164, while the Find count by my geo-name is still stuck at 2155, 9 Finds off.


I will go out and find a geocache, log a find, and see if everything is updated at once.


2024/02/18 Update!


Just found and logged two (2) geocaches online, and whattayaknow?

My Find count displayed everywhere has been updated immediately to the correct 2167!

Very interesting...


This does show one way to correct the mismatch/discrepancy in the displayed Find count: Log a new Find of a geocache.


I wonder if this is true or not when logging an Adventure lab location.

For this, I should find out soon, as I will again 'create' a Find count mismatch/discrepancy within my Profile, by changing old 'Note' logs to 'Found', which I still think is a bug in the system.


We'll see.


Posted (edited)

2024/02/22 update.


Ever since, edited a few more old 'Note' logs to a 'Found', and deliberately created a Find Count discrepancy/mismatch between Geocaching.com website Stats and Find count by Geo-name.


Interestingly, Project-GC website stats will properly update my Found counts whenever a data update is implemented, usually daily for my subscription.

Project-GC must be using the Geocaching API, so I wonder how/what Project-GC is using as the Find count parameter, or if it is calculating the total Finds independently from Geocaching API's Find count parameter.


Also interesting, is that newly generated My Find Pocket Query does properly contain all the Found geocaches, including the new Note-to-Found converted geocaches.

Edited by Dr.MORO

2024/02/26 update.


Something interesting just happened.

I have deliberately created a Find Count discrepancy/mismatch between Geocaching.com website Stats and Find count by Geo-name, by editing a few more old 'Note' logs to a 'Found' up until yesterday, about 10 geocache count in difference.


Then, I just now edited one more old 'Note' logs to a 'Found', and suddenly all visible Find counts changed to the same and proper number, which I think should normally be.




Did something change under the hood at GCHQ recently? Did the Hampsters suddenly become a bit more intelligent somehow???


I will continue monitoring this situation, editing a few more old 'Note' logs to a 'Found', creating a Find Count discrepancy/mismatch between Geocaching.com website Stats and Find count by Geo-name, and see what happens.


2024/02/26 update, #2.


Hmmm, maybe something DID recently change at GCHQ, in a great way.


Once again just now, I edited one more old 'Note' logs to a 'Found', and all visible Find counts changed to the same and proper number, just as it should be.





More testing to continue.

10 hours ago, SnowstormMK said:

We released a fix to make find count consistent across the page.


Oh YES! Thank you!!! :antenna:


So, there WAS a Bug, which needed a fix.

Happy to help squash it! :P


I do confirm that every time I convert a Note log to a Found/Attended Smilie log now, the Find count is updated instantly across all Geocaching.

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