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Ireland - Where are you all?

Lance Ambu

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There must be a goodly number of folks there.


What about a role call?

I'm in the north between Belfast and Larne.


Are there enough of us to get Ireland listed separately and keep the forum active?


Is anyone good enough at the websites to put up a national page etc?


Should we have a little gathering in the spring/summer?


The maps all show little clusters of dots - let's join them up!!!



It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.


Hi Lance


I'm in the southeast. One thing you said that has me intrigued. You mentioned all the dots on the map. For the life of me I cannot find how to get a map with all the caches in Ireland marked on it. I remember seeing one sometime last year, but, I'm damned if I can find it again. If you can help, I'd be very grateful.






Hi Lance,


I'm based in Dublin. Your post is similar to one I made sometime last year. I got a few replies and the number does seem to be growing. Good luck.




Originally posted by bogtrotter_ie:

I remember seeing one sometime last year, but, I'm damned if I can find it again. If you can help, I'd be very grateful.






Nice to hear from you.

There are two options I know of.


1 in GC.com on the opening page select UK for the country search, then click on visualise caches, then select Ireland. You should get here


2 in another way altogether try this


Good luck



It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.


Originally posted by Richard-A:

Hi Lance,


I'm based in Dublin. Your post is similar to one I made sometime last year. I got a few replies and the number does seem to be growing. Good luck.




Hey, a little closer!


Yep I did see your thread and tried to raise the interest again. I'm sure there are lots out there but perhaps they don't use the forums. And if there aren't many on the forums then they don't get used.


I have been in the UK forums and they are good for picking up tips etc but not very helpful for the local scene.


I'm convinced we only need a little excuse to get together and have some serious fun. icon_smile.gif





It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.


Now, if I'd only had a GPSr when I was in Ireland Nov. of 2001, life would have been much easier driving around Co Donegal.



...If life was fair, a banana split would cure cancer.


Originally posted by bogtrotter_ie:

For the life of me I cannot find how to get a map with all the caches in Ireland marked on it. Bogtrotter

If standard maps are not helping, create your own one using CacheMaps. It shows you a selectable map of any area in the world with the caches you imported on it.

In the coming version you can generate your own clickable map.

Unfortunally I don't know of good online maps to use in Ireland.

You can try http://getamap.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/. This one only coveres Northern Ireland.


http://www.multimap.com coveres the whole country (the whole world). I am still looking for routines to convert coords to be able to use this map automatically.


I was in Belfast last week. Had no time for Geocaching but did visit the Crown pub and had some Guiness icon_smile.gif


Happy Hunting




-- there is no spoon --


Originally posted by Court:

Hi I am in Dublin and just starting out so any suggestions on good ones to start with.




There are acouple of virtuals that are relatively easy to bag. eg here and here.


I haven't done any others near Dublin yet


042502_2217_1578_prv.gif It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.


I am one of your American Cousins, a bit lost however.. My wife is from McGuiresbridge in the north. She's a McGuire.


Cheers to all of you!





This Space Intentionally Left Blank


Well I am here and the opportunuity of a gathering sometime does sound like a good idea, I am located on the west coast (Galway to be exact) and I will be more active on the forums when I have a permanent home with a decent web connection.




I will be traveling around Ireland this summer for 4 weeks. I hope to do some 'caching and meet some people who are interested in it.


I'll be in Galway from Aug 4-11. Other than that I have no definite plans for the other 3 weeks.


Hope to hear from someone.


I currently have a travel bug who wants to go to your great isle. Any ideas for me? Is anyone coming this way soon and I can hand it off to you? I hesitate to mail this travel bug, though. I think it wouldn't prefer that ...


-- I recognize fun when I see it.


[This message was edited by MissJenn on June 11, 2003 at 08:17 AM.]


I'm in America but my wife is from Ireland. I set up a cache in Offaly which unfortunately now has been taken by a non-geocacher.


I'll reset it up in August when i return.


Hi folks,

I'm currently around Bray, County Wicklow, after having been introduced to geocaching by my American fiancee. Not had the time to go out looking for any caches in Ireland just now, but I do intend to get out over the next few weekends.


BTW anyone have any experiences with the Mapsend:Europe product? It doesn't seem to have very much information on Ireland at all.


Originally posted by grimknight21:

Hi folks,

BTW anyone have any experiences with the Mapsend:Europe product? It doesn't seem to have very much information on Ireland at all.


No direct experience, I'm afraid. But if it's any consolation there is very little good digital mapping for the sceptred Isle.


I'm a little further North, but the new motorway is open so that makes it a lot closer in travel time.


Happy hunting


042502_2217_1578_prv.gif It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.


Route66 (www.66.com) offers pretty good data on ireland.

During our holiday in ireland i used and loved the TomTom route planner on my palm, which even had the smallest roads ( or whatever you irish call roads icon_wink.gif on it packed in about 1,2 MByte...




Dear Geocacher,


My name is Klaus Gottsche (klaus23) and together with my friend Craig Harrison (craigsbar) we have set up a Geocaching e-group. We are both living and working in Galway.


We wish to promote geocaching within Ireland and hope that this step is a move towards perhaps a dedicated .ie website, geocaching get-togethers and more.


Should you not wish to take part, please ignore this post. If you have further questions, please respond to the post or contact me through my profile and I will get back to you as soon as possible. And if you are interested in joining the group, take a trip to the link below.


As you will be able to see the group is moderated and will be initially open to all interested. Hopefully the group will develop into an interesting resource both for geocachers resident in Ireland and for geocachers who are visiting here.


I have already been in touch with Lance Ambu and he has joined the group. :-)


Yours in hunting small Tupperware boxes,


Klaus and Craig



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